Wednesday, September 4, 2024


People often come to Provincetown and Cape Cod for its delicious seafood, and its beaches, the quaint small towns and their historic appeal, but don't be fooled, there is also plenty to enjoy out on the water. Like whale watching. It has been years ago now that I did my first whale watch and was hooked by seeing these majestic creatures up so close. It was and still continues to be one of the coolest experiences for me in the summer. It should be on your bucket list to see at least once. If one sees these creatures up close and see their social behavior and connection to each other, I bet you'd never eat one if it's on a menu, to which in my opinion there is already enough other foods offering on menus...we don't need to hunt these magnificent and intelligent mammals.  There are many boat watching tours to take you out, but if you choose to keep your feet filmy on land, I'd say watch from Race Point Beach, which sits on the very tip of the peninsula, with binoculars, you can spot some whales, dolphins and sealions. But for me nothing beats the up close and personal experience on a boat. Amazing how curious they are of us too. I t was another good watch season, and the memories carry me all through the year.

It never gets old. Nope.


  1. Wow, awesome video and photos! I've only ever been whale watching once, off the coast of Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. We saw a couple of whales in the distance, spouting. Nothing so close as this!

    1. I think this may be the closet we ever been to the whales on this tour. And there were three different whales too the guide said.

  2. Very, very nice!!

  3. Wow Maddie! Did you take the photos? They are spectacular.
    I don't think i shall ever see them in reality but these photographs are the next best thing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Christina. Yes....i had many on my Instagram live when i did the trip. Many of my pictures post on my Instagram . this is probably the closest they have gotten compared to pass years.

  4. To see a whale up close has been on my bucket list forever... Jx

    1. And you'll never forget the first time dear. It is so exhilarating.

  5. Incredible photos and video! I’ve been on several whale watches. Nothing has compared. I keep planning to do on here, but it hasn’t happened yet.

    1. I think your's the ultimate nature moment isn't it???

  6. Wonderful! Lucky you!! I would never eat a whale.

  7. Great photos, you were very-very close. I have done whale watching tours twice, great adventures.

  8. Wow!! Fantastic photos and what an experience it must have been. 'Course, as soon as I saw the title my mind went to the film with Bette Davis and Lillian Gish and Vincent Price. That's just how my brain works.

    1. That was the very reason I titled the post that. A good movie too.

  9. What Provincetown doesn't have is Steven the Seagull, the crisp (aka chips) thief.....31 bags and counting. He waddles into the shop like he owns the place, takes his favourite flavour and waddled out, before opening the bag on the pavement (aka sidewalk) and scoffing the lot.

    1. Don't worry Helen, that seagull in the first photo was ready to take any scrap you threw his way. I had some vinegar and slat fries before we boarded the boat, and he practically attacked me to get some!!!!

  10. This is fantastic!
    Such power!! I think that whales are fantastic animals. We know very little about them (same with dolphins).
    This would totally be a bucket list thing.


  11. You would love it out here in my neck of the woods if you love whale watching. Not Sea World. The real deal not far from that place.

    1. Sea World should have their asses kicked for having such big whales in the shows. They're not show poodles.

  12. Oh, Maddie, what an amazing experience - and fab photos! I'd love to see - and swim with - humpback whales up close like this, but around here there are only a few dolphins, porpoises and seals.

    1. Swim with them?!?! Ao long as you're not near their mouth when they intake...otherwise we may never see you again.

  13. The very close-up one is a little too close for my comfort.

    1. Ricko...I have done many watches, but this is the closest they have ever gotten. I was too worried...the whales know what they're doing and move so precise and orchestrated. It's amazing for their size.

  14. Gorgeous photos, sweetpea! Tours run off the coast here, too and it is incredible to see these huge creatures in the distance and (sort of) close up! xoxo

  15. Anonymous9/05/2024

    Oui, des belles photos.
    Les baleines sont majestuesuses. :)
    J’ai vu des baleines dans la mer de Cortés en Basse-Californie lors d’une croisière.
    -Beau Mec

  16. lovely photos, and vid. thanks for sharing. Ah, the things you see, the places you go! Kizzes

  17. Such graceful creatures; I have been on several whale-watching excursions and am always amazed at their size and their grace.

    1. It truly is downright amazing at their grace, isn't it??? They move like a hot knife through smooth and all in time with each other.

  18. Oh what beauty!!!!! That video is incredible!!! They don't look big here, but I can imagine they are gigantic up close?!?

  19. I always like seeing these things through your eyes, because being here, I start to take things I see all the time for granted. That was a great watch this summer.

  20. Very neat pictures, great shots! You have to be quick on these tours. Robzilla is right...when you come out here, we got some great spots to whale watch here. I'd love to do one in Ptown one year.

  21. Never been yet. But these pictures are making me want to go do a whale watch. Such cool creatures.

  22. William and I did some whale watches years ago when we had friends of ours living in Ptown. They were such good memories, seems a lifetime ago. And yes, no way could I eat such an incredible, majestic creature.

  23. Magnificent creatures, I'd be in Awe.

  24. Love this!!!! I want to do one , one day!


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