Sunday, September 8, 2024



All the years I've been going up to Ptown, this was the first time I can recall taking time to take in some art walks. Ptown has always attracted and nurtured all forms of art and artist. The light and natural, coastal beauty, on the tip of Cape Cod has inspired artist for over a century. The place is a contrast: a rugged, rural site with a vibrant town center, it simultaneously provides artist with opportunities for both solitude and socializing, with its free and open atmosphere. I loved much of the art I saw in the art associations and galleries. I feel the town's bohemian legacy continue today even, especially through its extremely vibrant queer community and from what I hear has a generous artist residency program.

The sights one sees.

Artist Liz Carney, doing some night painting.
I fell in love with this collection. The colors spoke to me more than anything.

Of course I loved these wigs also made by a local artist. Made from Paper mache and rhinestones
This reminded me of someone...but who???
Of course...more art. Dina Martina is always artsy.
More art! In a glass! 

And who doesn't love tee shirt art? This was seen at the Boatslip one night. And done right, I agree. And an art form in itself.


  1. Who knows? Maybe t-shirt man's name is Art! I love the wigs.

    1. Oh good!!!! Because I got you the red one!

  2. This was great! I want one of those blue pontillist paintings behind the droopy penguin.

  3. That boy at the end's got it right!

    The UK has similar "Bohemian artists' havens", almost inevitably on, or close to, the seaside - such as St Ives, Shoreham by Sea, Totnes or Rye [the latter being the town upon which "Tilling" is based in Mapp & Lucia] - but none (apart from Brighton) has, to my knowledge, a gay scene. Nor diamanté papier mâché wigs! Jx

    1. Ptown is probably one of the last very heavily gay owned and visited destination left here in the states. I can recall when Rehoboth Beach in Delaware was far more gay then straight. Though it appears to be getting gayier again. I adore seaside towns

  4. I love vibrantly colored paintings and I lovelovelove the wigs. I'd wear one to work just to shock the wingnuts!!!

    1. I'm picturing you wearing the pink one into work, dancing and singing Macho Man! You go, Bobulah!

    2. We would need video footage of that Bob. Just the reactions alone would be worth the price of the wig!!!

  5. What a great stroll (vicariously) through Ptown, sweetpea! The guy with the kermit backpack is too cute! LOL xoxo

  6. yes yes yes I like buying art in places for which I am fond. Vancouver, Palm Springs and Santa Fe grace my walls and counter tops.

    1. Local art is always a nice memento to keep a trip remembered.

    2. I loved Vancouver having visited twice, once as a teenager when my baby sister was enthralled by the "toting" poles in Stanley Park. She also snuffled a fur coat in one of the malls, when she had a cold. Luckily the shop assistants didn't notice.

  7. So much outstanding art and sculpture! Those sequinned wigs -- gorgeous!

  8. Those wigs look heavy. Love the creativity.

    1. One the contrary...very light weight were they. OMG I sound like Yoda.

  9. Anonymous9/08/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Those wigs are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS and I could see you wearing any or all of them, Maddie, LOL!

  10. If money weren't an object, I saw at least 6 pieces of art I wouldn't mind having, including the guy with the Kermit backpack. And the tee shirt cracked me up. I need that.

  11. I definitely need to get out of dodge more and see some of these gay places. A lot of this art made me happy and put me in a good mood.

  12. You had a nice trip ...between the whales and the art! I too love that collection of works you like. How nice would have be hanging on a wall. The color attracted me too. And Dina Martina is over the top crazy!!! Love her.

  13. You saw some great art. And the tee shirt is true. You give a really good, talented blowjob and it is very enjoyable, exhausting work. 😁

  14. I cannot even draw a stick man, even less paint one. I respect and admire artists. There are some terrific examples here in your post. I love the three guys jumping in the air!
    I love the tshirt. I'm tempted to look for one for my gay son, Riordan. He would roll his eyes and say, "oh mother." In a disapproving voice. 😂😂
    i still might do it! X

    1. I always thought Riodan sounds like a hoot!!!! I'd probably hit it off with him.

  15. The T-shirt is genius. SG had one (in the 70s) that read QUEERS SUCK. I would love to have some of that art. Those wigs are wonderful. I agree with you about that series of 6 seascapes. Are you sure the guy with the beanie and Kermit wasn’t a Duane Hanson sculpture? And that penguin looks like it needs to travel south just a little. Maybe as far as the DC Area.

    1. When I saw that penguin sculpture I emailed a picture of it to travel penguin.

  16. Kermit needs a little stuffing - Another reason I need to make it there someday. The Penguin is getting a little pudgy, no one wonder he reminds you of someone.

  17. I love the guy with the Kermit backpack!!!! Now, that would be me. LOL.

  18. Some of that artwork makes me wish I had suitable walls to hang them on. They're quite lovely.

  19. The Art and those Wigs, which are Art as well, are stunning. I'm trying to sort thru my Art, hang up some of it and decide how much of it I'll Sell Off.

  20. You know I love art! And I recall Provincetown having very eclectic and amazing selections of art for all. Thank you sharing the art with us too.


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