Wednesday, September 4, 2024



While coming back from my time in Provincetown, I did a two-day stint in NYC to visit with some of the Clan, MM#1 Fan and Preston and to take in the fashion exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one I'd been wanting to see, but hadn't time to get that direction to see it. Talk about cutting it close to the end of the exhibit. I mean, Dame Wintour might have been right cross had I not made it!!!! And what a great job she and the team did with it and the space. While my favorite fashion exhibit there is still the McQueen collection, which is hard to top, Sleeping Beauties was pretty phenomenal, although some say it was a snooze fest. I found it utterly fascinating. The show, ostensibly about displaying pieces that are too fragile to show in conventional ways, is really more about the ephemeral body, the relationship between humans and technology and our tenuous relationship with life/death/and afterlife- a fashion show that was much more philosophical than I was expecting. The exhibition features some 220 garments and accessories by dozens of designers and pieces spanning four centuries. In addition, to the garments, a major part of the exhibit is being able to smell the clothes, or rather the bodies that once inhabited the clothes, with walls when rubbed released famous perfumes, or corked bottles that contained scents to compliment the garment. An unusual touch to a stunning showing. Alas... I didn't run into Anna. I would have looked forward to a personal tour, of course. I'll forgive her.

The last one here, on the right was among one of my favorites. Alas, the long exhibit's final day was September 2nd. 


  1. The exhibit looks exceptional. Better than the fashion exhibit I saw there last year.

    1. It really was a wonderful exhibit....not quite as good as the McQueen showing or the vintage creations of Balenciaga.

  2. The wig, did you find where you can order a copy of that?

    1. What makes you think I don't already have it?

  3. What a fabulous show; one better and more interesting than the last. I love drag though I have rarely done drag [Halloween's don't count] but I would love to wear any of the se frocks.

    1. Oh got the shoulders for those.

  4. I can see why you enjoyed that MOMA exhibit!

  5. Am I the only one who thinks you could wear that bare shouldered flower dress and be a glam version of Poison Ivy?

  6. Wow.... The centuries-old stuff is always the most fascinating.

    1. Many of those...and some of the real delicate items were laid flat in a glass case.

  7. I've become a true curmatron. Everything looks scratchy, itchy and sweaty to me. Maybe my upcoming cat scan will tell me something.. I must say, however, that I agree with Robzilla. You would look wickedly adorable wearing that scratchy, itchy thing, Mads.

    1. As long as I don't have to sit down. The bottom of that dress lit up and had rose flowers all through out the bottom half. It would be a killer dress for a drag routine.

    2. Is that a scan from a feline or one of those tunnel jobbies, like wot I had in horsepistol?

  8. Looks stunning!! Jx

    1. I should have brought a bigger theft bag...err....I meant shopping bag.

  9. WHOA.
    That is absolutely stunning! STUNNING. Love the idea of fashion bringing up all those emotions and mental states. Fashion CAN (and should) be philosophical, especially Haute Couture. Now, this is something I would love, love, love to see.
    Thanks for the pics!!


  10. Wow. Stunning stuff. I adore the one that looks like a mermaid should wear it. And the rose. Awesome fun. Amazing, huh? Kizzes.

  11. They are beautiful indeed.

  12. Wrap up that green number and send it my way.

    1. And matching heels! We can get a drag troupe together.

  13. It was a spectacular showing!!!! My daughter and I did a day trip around the first month it opened, and I should have waited as it was mobbed. I'm sure I missed seeing a lot. But the frocks were stunning, and the details were incredible. The Met does do a excellent show.

  14. Oh my stars! The green dress. Yes please. If i lost half my body weight and had my leg bones lengthend, it would be perfect!

  15. Wow! Crikey, I'd love to play dress-up with that lot. I love the scent idea as well. I'd love to have a sniff of some of my favourite discontinued perfumes - I bet they were there.

  16. This looks like a fascinating exhibition - I could spend hours inspecting everything! And I can see why that last one is your favourite.

  17. Excellent post and I love your take on it. A fashion exhibit at the Met rarely ever disappoints, and this looked like one of the more in-depth ones. I so wanted to see this, but I see from your closing line, it's ended already.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!