Tuesday, September 10, 2024



WOW! Go Madame!


  1. I'm afraid to watch. Wake me when it's over, tell me how it went.

  2. She was calm and he was rattled; she spoke eloquently and he rambled nonsensically.
    She was presidential and he was a buffoon.

    1. All of a sudden...he doesn't want a second debate. Coincidence? He thought he won the debate. While most sources say otherwise.

  3. Wow is right. I wished she would have talked and explained some of her answers more, but overall, she did a swell job. Its oblivious trump was rematched with another intelligent woman like Hillary all over again, whom he himself said intimidated him. I will admit he didn't behave, but I've seen him act much worst. I fell she took the debate and spoke directly to people.

  4. Let it be noted who made the first move to shake hands. That speaks volumes in my book. She gets my vote. She was on point. Trump...as usual couldn't stay on topic .......

  5. Anonymous9/10/2024

    I'd rather gargle battery acid than to watch this train wreck with these two.

  6. She radiated confidence.

  7. Trump looked uncomfortable, sounded like he was complaining the whole night. Basically, he was a flop. Very poor performance. Bet he never debates her again. Like her or not, Harris walked all over him. Be honest. I’m usually Green Party but may vote for her but she triggered and baited him so effortlessly. No one is voting for this guy but his cult. It's the same of circus with him.

    1. I love Green Party and wished they could gain more....but sadly....they'll never be given the chance with the two big corporate parties. I love Jill Stein.

  8. I've been watching. It ended about 30 minutes ago. Kamala is like my shepherd, Princess. She's loving and loyal, but she has very big teeth. I'm so proud of our candidate and very happy. She was well prepared. trump played the fool, as usual. His non-stop lies gave me a headache.


    1. I still cant get over the eating of the dogs and cats in Springfield comment. I wonder if the Simpson's are keeping their pets safe?

  9. From what I've been reading, his weave wasn't working.

  10. Watched it all, even though for us it meant getting up for 2 a.m. Favourite part (one of several) - when V.P. told the 'stable genius' that American voters had FIRED him. Boy, that must have hurt - and it sure looked like it did.

    1. Good day Raybeard!!!! From the start she showed more class and manners when first she entered in front of the podium...and 2, bold and directly addressed him buy title , shook his own and introduced herself. Now THAT is how a President conducts themselves...not like a baby with no decorum. He definitely was getting more rattled by her and her command by the end. Not a good night for him. I agree with Chris Christie's take on the clown.

    2. Hi, M.M.
      Their very first joint appearance showed their difference. He clearly would have preferred not to have even shaken hands with her, with K.H. walking nearly all the way to meet him, he barely, and reluctantly, moving more than a few inches. And during the debate his dislike of ANY criticism showed. He just can't leave it alone, even when it would have been to his advantage to say nothing. More fool him!

  11. I will watch the highlights replay reel.

  12. Let the dogs 'n cats cuisine memes begin, LOL!

  13. That was a good ass kicking last night.

  14. Masterful. She set the bait, he bit, and she reeled him in.

  15. I laughed and laughed at Dump's rambling nonsense. I popped some popcorn and thoroughly enjoyed the show!

  16. I can't understand the undecided when the end results of King Donald becoming president are so clearly obvious; the end of democracy in the US, along with the overturning of the constitution. Not to mention the end of democracy in the world. Then there'd be the loss of Ukraine and an Israeli takeover of Gaza, giving all the land to obstreperous far right settlers and a rise of the far right across the world, enlivened by lies emanating from the White House encouraged by Muskrat.

    1. Some people are just not playing with a full deck, or don't do their homework, or just don't care or plain dumb as a box of rocks. To not vote is not a option.

  17. I'm glad that lying pile of orange shit didn't clean up his act. It made it easier for Kamala to put him in the trash where he belongs.

    1. It's beyond me why anyone would want to work for him. He ends up backstabbing and firing everyone eventually.

  18. I read somewhere that it was like baiting a four-year-old with a cookie.

  19. She won, he lost! The only folks who, at this point, will vote for him are his base. Harris knew she wouldn't win them (those idiots) over, but, to my mind, opened the door to those in the GOP who are wavering/unsure. I have to keep telling myself that there are more of us who believe in Democracy than those in TFG's cult, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. I agree. But it's those undecided that scare the shit out of me...and will fucked this up. I was so sure Hillary had it in the bag... and went to bed gleefully....only to awaken to find the Dump won. I ain't falling for that again.

    2. Amen, Brother! xoxo

  20. Anonymous9/11/2024

    My trumpite relations are besides themselves, according to them Trump is so moderate while Kamala is too radical.
    They agree with Trump, that he was set up by the network and baited by that vicious Kamala. They blame Trump’s madness on the stress put upon him by those crazy liberals as the campaign continues. I told them he was insane from the beginning, and all his problems he brought on himself, the room went silent. Kamala k’od Trump in the debate and the magat Trumpsters know it !

    1. That's just it Rj....nothing is ever his fault or he blames someone else all the time. His elevator certainly is getting to the top. Kamala played him the idiot.

  21. I watched the whole thing.
    Goddess, do I hate the sound of his voice. But she was fantastic. Secure, professional but warm, stern when telling him that he was born with $450 million and that Vlad would eat him up. I could not control myself looking at his face when he started the immigrants/dogs/cats/pets/transgender/aliens diatribe. Whoa, Nelly.
    Could she have gotten deeper into her policies? Probably but sweeping the floor with Cheeto was much, much more satisfactory.
    Madam President is right. There is NO other choice.


  22. Anonymous9/12/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    El Crapitain got his ass kicked so hard last night by Kamala Harris, it'll take a crowbar to dislodge her pointy-toed stillettos! How anyone could could listen to that pathetic, lying sack of shit and still think "he's the president for me!" is obviously brain dead. In other traumatizing news, Crocs have teamed up with McD's and released Hamburglar and Grimace-themed footwear...

    1. And you know the sad part Tundra? The next day he and Harris were dead locked at 45-45!!!!! The first time since entering the race she was not ahead. Brain dead must sum it up. I do not get it.

      WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Grimace themed CROCS!!!!!!!! This company is getting as bad as the Dump....it just won't go way!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! Where are my smelling salts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I was quite pleased. I want to work with Kamala on her vocal quality... it's much too pleading. It grates. She needs to come from a stronger place. I get that things are ridiculous and there is much at stake, but in order to reach those who need to hear what she has to say, she needs to come from a more secure place. She also needs to eliminate unnecessary words. The more plainspoken she is, the more relatable and the more people will listen. Her words need to cut through the (literal) white noise. That said, ABC gave Trump enough rope (20 more minutes than Kamala) to hang himself and he did... like a 14 year-old boy experimenting with auto erotic asphyxiation. Kizzes.

    1. I have never noticed that she does that Upton, but you'd would pick up on that more that myself with your knowledge of music and vocals. But I like the auto erotic asphyxiation thing...maybe the Dump should try that next!!!


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