Tuesday, September 17, 2024


....Or better known as the Dick Dock!!!!

It may shock some of you to know your Mistress can be racy and enjoys a nice no frills, no strings attitude for the taste of cock...or to get serviced... and I pride myself on my years and years and years of research, while others of you are probably thinking you're not shocked at all by this slut. Provincetown's famed "Dick Dock". Perhaps you've heard of it, or perhaps you haven't.  For those of you who may not know, Dick Dock is a not-so-secret, secret spot, in Ptown, much like the Meat Racks in Fire Island, where, for decades, men have congregated to do many, manly things under the cloak of darkness. In other words; it's a cruising spot. A very popular cruising spot. I dare say a global well know spot. I have always been one to take a slice of life and experience what I can... and can say I do fancy myself at least one or two visits under the dock on my visits while in Ptown. I have always found this side of me exhilarating and can't help it.  The famous outdoor spot is right under the Boatslip's boardwalk, which by day is packed at its fun poolside, and it's even more famous tea dances. But come late night, when the bars and pubs let out, it's a place most queens have been or deny they have been...a place for anonymous thrills in the dark under the dock of the Boatslip. Cops can show up every now and few, to shoo queens away, but they regroup almost immediately like a school of fish. A matter of fact, and not mentioning the clan member, but one year, years ago, one of the clan even "serviced" one of the policemen! I highly recommend a stop to the Dick Dock should you make it to Ptown, if for nothing more to just be a voyeur and say you saw it and heard the sounds of ecstasy. And if you choose to join in, it picks up and is busy from 1:30am-3am, once bars close. So.... you have your choice of pizza or penis. You can do Spiritus Pizza after if you're an efficient cock sucker, but just remember where your hands and mouth have been...and remember protection! And yes, your Mistress has been in some of those gridders!!!

And this from one of my walk of shames. 

Almost scootered over by the town's Bea Arthur impersonator,

Beatrix Eglantine Aurthurson


  1. The title grabbed me because I had an aunt who lived on 122 Commercial Street - - but that was in New Jersey and it wasn't a dick dock.
    I've trekked the Walk of Shames more miles than I'd ever care to remember.

    1. That could be a new series for your blog....The Walks of Shame!!!! I hope you been well Jon!

  2. Huh...Never in my life. Can you imagine? I've lived such a sheltered life.

    1. Gives the song, Under the Boardwalk all new meaning.

  3. Oh, yes.
    It's FAMOUS (or maybe notorious?). Friends have come back from PTown with STORIES, hunny!
    I think I would like to be more adventurous. I've lost that slutty feeling that carried me through my twenties and I don't cruise anymore. Maybe I should go with you to PTown next year...


    1. Come with me....Ill take you be the hand........

    2. Oh, babes.
      And you KNOW I'd go...


  4. As long as all involved are consenting adults what does it matter? You don't want to be involved? Don't go there.

  5. I have never been to the Dick Dock nor to any cruising spot (except by accident and then I walked quickly away). I was thinking I’d missed out on a lot, but then I saw the third photo and ... well... I’ve never been into the Ken doll type.

    1. Would you believe years ago...I actually fell into a cruising area at Old Main in State College once!!!!!! I was visiting a friend going to college there...and was walking back to his dorm after some drinks....and ended up in the bushes with some young bloke!!!! Talk about getting an education the "hard" way.

  6. If I said I was shocked, I'd be lying and now I'm questioning the true meaning of that rhyme “Hickory, dickory, dock”.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂

  7. You can find anything
    That you're looking for
    Absolutely guaranteed
    It won't be a bore, no, no
    (Cruisin') They're everywhere, I'm telling you

    You can find a hot stud
    Anywhere you wanna go
    All you need is just a little time
    So you can make up your mind
    And when you see him standing there
    Just walk up like you don't care
    Move on in and you will find
    You will make out every time

    - Boystown Gang - Cruisin' the Streets

    Been there, done that. In fact, I spent decades of my life at it!

    Ah, happy memories. Jx

    1. oh nice....now we have some shanties to suck cock along too.

    2. If you can sing at the same time as sucking, you are a contender for America's Got Talent! Jx

    3. Jon....some of the places I ended up cruising in and having sex sometimes even astounds me.

    4. Me, too, dear. Me, too! Jx

  8. It may shock me to know my Mistress can be racy? Hahahahahahaha! And Hahahahahaha again, followed by a chortle.


  9. You had me at Pizza and Penis.
    Just sayin'.

  10. Must be convenient to get Italian sausage in two different areas in the same place.

  11. You? Racy? I thought that was your middle name!

  12. So nice to hear someone talk so frankly about sex.

    1. Why lie? I like sucking dick....getting sucked...fucking..threesomes.hell why hide it!!!

  13. don't you have your own space reserved for when your there on your knees?

  14. "Under the Boardwalk" sweetpea, I started humming that tune as soon as I saw the first pic! xoxox

  15. And here i thought this was a place of fiction!!!! I can just sense your presence there. If I get to Ptown again, I will need the personal tour, the very personal tour. What's with the doll?

    1. If you two go in together....Ill need some coconut oil...a hand towel and front row seat!!!!!!!

    2. I don't know what's up with the doll...someone left it there and it cracked me up!!!! I assume you've seen Jacobys request?!?

  16. I am shocked....SHOCKED I tell ya! Just look at all those footprints under there!!

  17. Well, that’s one place I won’t be walking barefoot.

  18. From what I have seen, I bet your assets were quite popular there!!!! I was there once. I drove out there once when I was in Boston for some training. It was the end of the road. I think there is a seafood place at the end where I ate, but don't remember much else. Well, except for the dick dock! Like shooting fish in a barrel.

    1. It is rather amazing all the hands wandering about....whether one is free or already engaged in activities......I fell into many a threesome like that. It started with a guy and I....and ended up spit roasted back at the one guys house.

  19. Looking forward to what’s coming 😉

  20. I have led such a quiet life, You could write a book.

  21. I've been to Ptown....but was too shy and chicken shit to go to the Dick Dock. When I saw some of the guy coming out ....I wished I'd gone in. I envy your uninhibited side. From your pictures you took who'd think it filled in after hours with sucking and fucking!!!

  22. they are lovely sandy photos

  23. Who would think these things went on under a boardwalk is a charming little seaside town? Do you wear a tee shirt that reads free samples?


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!