Thursday, September 26, 2024


Not to beat a dead horse, and jokes aside, as we know, and most of my readers are aware, we know we have to vote. But to the passers-by and all the people in the dark out there who may read daily and undecided, it is most important you do your homework now and decide who you will vote for.  And it doesn't matter your party. I know many Republicans who will be voting for the Democrat ticket. And there is nothing wrong with leaving your own party to vote for the best and well-intentioned candidate who will do the work and work for all. To me, there is no contest between the two this time. One must really think, if your mind is not made up by now, how your life and those you love and care for may be affected and change when one of these candidates gets in. The US could stay the same and improve and continue to produce goods things, or life in the US will change for the very worst. Voting is one of our privileged rights and shouldn't be an option to squander, or to not vote. If one sits out, who knows, made one day your right will be stripped from you. And if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about anything. I will proudly await my ballot and I feel we have a great ticket here, for me anyhow. I have been busy with volunteer efforts for the ticket.

The Harris Walz- President/Vice President. Very happy my swag for Harris showed up today too!

Bob Casey Jr- US Senator

Mark Temons- State Senator

Janelle Stelson for US House Representative. I have really been helping with this race as I despise Scott Perry deeply. I'm happy to say Stelson is ahead.... barely with a 0.08% sliver. Which is sort of scary considering how popular a news anchor she is.

Sara Agerton- State Representative. Adore Sara. I worry she make not make it as she is going up against a longtime incumbent. 

The words of Liz Cheney's book still stick with me, if you still need a reason to vote. In the era of Trump, certain members of Congress and other Trump enablers- many of whom carry the Constitution in their pocket, but seem never to have read it-have attempted to hijack this phrase, to claim it gives them authority to subvert the rule of law or overturn the results of elections. They have preyed on the patriotism of millions of Americans. They are working to return to office the man responsible for January 6th. We the people must STOP THEM. We are the only thing that can stop them. US. This is more important than partisan politics. Every one of us- Republican, Democrat, Independant-must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled and collaborated with him are DEFEATED.

This is the cause of our time."

And for Pete's sake if you're not registered, get registered. And if you already are, there have been many antics and shenanigans going on, so go check and make sure you are indeed registered to vote. In PA go here to check. Or you can go to Feel Good Action and make sure. It only takes 30 seconds. Just make sure your registered and get out and vote.  In my opinion the great Ann Richards reason to vote always stuck with me.

This has been a Casa du Borghese PSA.


  1. I can't wait to vote.

  2. Your opening meme -- hahahahaha!

  3. Ann Richards' quote is all the reason I need to vote!

  4. Very nice! Ann rocks. And I think Janelle might just be wiping that Perry stain off of her boots when she's done stomping.

    1. I hope!!!!!! She has actually gone off on both sides on issues....which I think is kinda great and ballsy. We need more like her in my opinion.

  5. I love that first image! I also look forward to voting. I'm lucky I have Sara Jacobs to re-elect.

  6. 100,000% correct, Mads.
    We got our swag given to us by the gay couple next door. Proud to have it and wear it.
    Ann Richards truly rocked it. And wasn't she a Republican?

    1. No she was a Democratic. A conservative dem and would also work with many republicans...back when they had morals and did good things. She was a pistol. She had no issue working with both sides and gave and took.

    2. Aha! Thanks for that. I always thought she was a Republican, probably because she was right of center.

  7. That meme at the top sums it up!

  8. Thank you!
    Babes, you have no idea how many people are still 'undecided' (it boggles the mind!) and a good reminder is always appreciated.


  9. I love the quotation from Ann Richards. I hope voters who are still undecided, especially young people, will do their due dilgence and realize what's at stake here.


  10. Here! Here! Yes go and check! I did and here I found it said I wasn't registered!!!!!! I have never missed a vote. so yes....go check and make sure something funny didn't happen. Great post. We do have a great slate. I sure hope Janelle Stelton wins. Hoe could she not??? She is wildly popular, and extremely well liked.... she was in all our living rooms for years. If she can't beat Perry, then we are stuck with that bastard till he steps down.

  11. Excellent post Mistress!!! I know no less than five people who "somehow" were not registered anymore, yet, voted in every election. So good and check now, we may need every vote. I adored Ann Richards. I also think Liz Cheney and that closed quote in her books is excellent...she nailed it and well said.

  12. Kamala leads a great ticket here and in your neck of the woods by the looks of it. I think we all in PA are hoping Perry goes down. And Liz preached what needs to be done.

  13. I can't way to get my hands on that ballot.

  14. Mistress Borghese for Lady Governor!

  15. I have no idea how there can be any undecided in this race. Most of Europe is backing the Dems and Kamala. Anyone voting for the other side has LOTS of worms in their heads.


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