Monday, September 9, 2024



A weekend home was good...another crazy week at work this week, before heading to the Woods next weekend, one last booking and jolly for the season till next year. I always get melancholy at the end of the season at the Woods. Time to say goodbyes for another year till next summer. I'll be one of the judges for the Miss Woods Show. So, I took advantage of relaxing this weekend. We had my uncle over for the weekend, as he at 92, has decided it is time to sell house he and my late aunt lived in , and is moving to South Carolina, where ultimately his oldest son and daughter-in-law are also building a new home. Once completed, they are retiring early and selling their home in Mass and the exiting summer home in Ashville SC to live permanently in their new Ashville home and will live within 7 miles of my uncle. Our family friend was his realtor, a bidding war went on this weekend over the house, and it sold within a day of going up on the market Saturday. Someone will be getting a lovely home with all the gardens my late aunt planted. It seems another end of an era has arrived. We have one last gathering planned with family in the house in two weeks. It will seem strangle not seeing the place after that anymore. But change in life is inevitable. Here's to just getting through this week...with a bucket of coffee. My mind in mood currently.....Happy Monday!!!!!!!

After my coffee!


  1. Oh, the houseboys do love the Great Outdoors, don't they?

    Hope your uncle's move goes OK. Jx

    1. There won't be much reason to stick around these parts soon. Might be time to head back to the Philly area or Bucks County again.

  2. Enjoy that farewell family gathering at your uncle's house. Life does change constantly, doesn't it. I hope he made a bundle on his house!

  3. Another excellent mood board. So, the dancing is after your coffee, is the photo in the water after your gin? (Or maybe it’s well after the gin and before the fruit tart.)

    1. Shit, I'd be the fruit tart in the water, and dancing like that after the sex. On a side note. One time, I forgot my glasses at a casino. I somehow ended up in the restroom, and was pulling a man's penis back much like that water scene...I must have thought it was a slot machine.

    2. I thought you were pulling it back looking for your glasses! You are wicked [good].

  4. Love the color schemes.

  5. Are they moving to Asheville, NORTH Carolina??? I mean, I am envious as that is one of my favorite spots in these parts!!!

    Also, that hottie in the pink sweater with the hot gams is making feel all tingly!

    1. YES!!!! I keep thinking it is in South Carolina! But yes North Carolina. Once he is settled, I plan to make a trip down, and my cousins promise to show me Ashville. They say it is charming.

  6. Orange is my fav color!
    And so many changes with your uncle! It happens, right? Retiring is a thing, right? Bet the house is awesome
    And this summer is getting to an end. Going to the woods sounds fun! As much fun as those houseboys seem to be having!


    1. Not a huge orange fan, but that sofa is simply delicious!!!!!!!!!!! I already know I'll be melancholy next week after my last Woods trip. I best get some tricks lined up.

  7. Great photos, sweetpea! I hope your Uncle's move goes smoothly and he settles in well in his new abode. Those flower arrangements are inspiring as are the facades and interior designs! The boys are intriguing, i must say! xoxox

  8. Anonymous9/09/2024

    When the Mistress is away the house boys will play ! :)
    The tarts look delicious, and who can’t forget Candy Johnson of the Beach Party movies, the song ‘I Want Candy’ by the Strangeloves was inspired by her.

    1. And by the looks...shes had plenty. I adore her!

  9. I love how the houseboys wake each other up in the morning.

  10. I see The Houseboys are practicing for your absence. Well, they have to keep in shape if they're to keep up with you!

  11. Your Uncle being able to live independently at 92 and then making a drastic change to Sell his Beloved Home is huge tho', good on him. Yes, the end of Eras is hard tho'. The House Boys, well, the Pool Toys were impressive that were being played with. Your Mood Board Imagery was on Point, that first one captivated me... the Muchness of it was Perfect.

    1. I admit , that one and some of the other interiors reminded me of you! I loved that one too.

  12. I couldn't take my eyes off the lady dancing!!! What a crack up!!! The room interiors are stunning, and as usual the boys make me blush. What else is new?

  13. The first photo with that lovely shade of blue made me happy immediately. Some of the other photos of handsome gentlemen made me even happier.


    1. I love that one too!!! Im glad they made you happy. Hope you been well dear.

  14. Am I the only one who was hypnotized by the boy pulling the bouncing penis?

    1. Now me too!!! I want to pull the stick all day and watch it too.

  15. Will the person with the blue painted window be having a Go fund me page to buy the paint to redo the woodwork?

  16. Anonymous9/12/2024

    J’adore les décors intérieurs, et les portes de la première maison et la maison verte ma rappellent les maisons de village peintes en Hongrie.
    Les tartes ont l’air délicieuses et les garçons sont sauvages.
    Ça fait plaisir de voir la joie de vivre de la fille des Folies Bergère.
    Maintenant Mâitresse, tout ce dont vous avez besoin c’est d’un bon champagne millésimé. :)
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

    1. J'espère que tu vas bien, bel homme ! Les extérieurs de ces maisons me rendent tellement heureux avec leur couleur. Maintenant, j'adorerais prendre un champagne avec toi, ma chérie.

  17. Who is that groovy chick doing the hop? And I'm with you, dear... to get through this election year, hook me up to an IV of Boodles and let it drip! Kizzes

    1. Apparently Rj cleared that up. The lady bopping is the beach movie queen, Candy Johnson.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!