Saturday, September 14, 2024


While I'm away for the weekend, in this post, I'll share a guest with you all each week, and you tell me in only three words what come to mind. This week one I grew up listening too at my grandmother's house, and one who would have been 102 yesterday.

In Three Words...

Yma Sumac

Why not?

Friday, September 13, 2024


My last trip to the Woods this weekend. I plan to dance my ass off Saturday night after judging the Miss Woods Show. I love having my church And I cut loose kids. I just hope the dj keeps the good stuff coming. I have steam to blow. Sophie Ellis Bextor comes to mind.

It's murder on the dancefloor,
But you better not kill the groove,
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down.

Here's to the weekend dear readers......

Monday, September 9, 2024



A weekend home was good...another crazy week at work this week, before heading to the Woods next weekend, one last booking and jolly for the season till next year. I always get melancholy at the end of the season at the Woods. Time to say goodbyes for another year till next summer. I'll be one of the judges for the Miss Woods Show. So, I took advantage of relaxing this weekend. We had my uncle over for the weekend, as he at 92, has decided it is time to sell house he and my late aunt lived in , and is moving to South Carolina, where ultimately his oldest son and daughter-in-law are also building a new home. Once completed, they are retiring early and selling their home in Mass and the exiting summer home in Ashville SC to live permanently in their new Ashville home and will live within 7 miles of my uncle. Our family friend was his realtor, a bidding war went on this weekend over the house, and it sold within a day of going up on the market Saturday. Someone will be getting a lovely home with all the gardens my late aunt planted. It seems another end of an era has arrived. We have one last gathering planned with family in the house in two weeks. It will seem strangle not seeing the place after that anymore. But change in life is inevitable. Here's to just getting through this week...with a bucket of coffee. My mind in mood currently.....Happy Monday!!!!!!!

After my coffee!

Sunday, September 8, 2024



All the years I've been going up to Ptown, this was the first time I can recall taking time to take in some art walks. Ptown has always attracted and nurtured all forms of art and artist. The light and natural, coastal beauty, on the tip of Cape Cod has inspired artist for over a century. The place is a contrast: a rugged, rural site with a vibrant town center, it simultaneously provides artist with opportunities for both solitude and socializing, with its free and open atmosphere. I loved much of the art I saw in the art associations and galleries. I feel the town's bohemian legacy continue today even, especially through its extremely vibrant queer community and from what I hear has a generous artist residency program.

The sights one sees.

Artist Liz Carney, doing some night painting.
I fell in love with this collection. The colors spoke to me more than anything.

Of course I loved these wigs also made by a local artist. Made from Paper mache and rhinestones
This reminded me of someone...but who???
Of course...more art. Dina Martina is always artsy.
More art! In a glass! 

And who doesn't love tee shirt art? This was seen at the Boatslip one night. And done right, I agree. And an art form in itself.

Saturday, September 7, 2024



Something of a bit of a different variety this week in the Candy Shop. As we all know AI is going off the charts, and just what it is doing with men and images of men is very, huh, stirring! Yes, to put it politely- stirring. I came across an artist on Instagram who features his works. Brawny Ai. When I saw a couple of post featuring a Star Trek theme, why I couldn't but not think of our own tall, handsome glass of water Mr DeVice. Who is a huge fan and does his own Star Trek art. So I leave this here for him and any other Star Trek fans. Had they really looked like this I may have watch the show. Just what exactly would be going on in the Enterprise.???