Friday, April 12, 2024


Its the weekend bitches!!!! 

Just in time too! We owe this, one of the oldest of the classic cocktails, to John Collins, barman at Limmer's Hotel in London. In the early 1800's, Collins invented a drink composed of dry gin, sugar, lemon and soda water. Experimenters soon expanded on his idea, replacing the Dutch dry gin with a sweeter variety known as Old Tom. To distinguish between the two versions, the newcomer was dubbed Tom Collins. It quickly proved more popular than the original John Collins, and it's fame spread throughout the Empire. The drink gained a foothold in the US when World War I veterans brought it back here from over there and has been extremely popular ever since. It's the original John Collins that we are enjoying tonight, I like a dry drink, composed of gin, sugar, lemon juice and soda. It's an irresistible recipe to experiment with and its ingredients go with a variety of liquors. You know me- Give me a bromide. And put gin in it!

1 tsp sugar
Juice of 1 lemon, strained of seeds
2 1/2 oz gin
Club soda

Place three or more cubes of ice in a tall glass, Add sugar and lemon juice. Pour in gin, then fill to the top with club soda. You can also add the now ubiquitous cherry garnish if you fancy. Why not, from my point of view...gratuitous. Cheers!

Gloria Lynne is here to set the mood, with what else...


  1. I think my very first cocktail was a Tom Collins. Maybe that's everyone's first cocktail, lol.

  2. What a lovely song and such an enchanting version. An inspired choice.

  3. Thanks for the recipe, I always wondered how they were made.

  4. I make a version I call a RepoCollins ... Reposado Tequila with the sugar, lemon juice and soda. Que delicioso!

    1. Thanks for that Bob!!! I must try it!!!

  5. Anonymous4/12/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    I see you're channelling the Countess de Lave again, Maddie.... have you ever tried gin over ice with fresh lime juice? Without sugar though, it would likely pucker more than your mouth, LOL!

    1. "OHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, the publicity! La publicity!
      But whither... Whither shall I fly?"

  6. Booze, the song, even the old-fahioned neon sign. Starting the weekend off right.

    1. I firmly believe I should have been living back in the age of the speak easy Kirk.

  7. Anonymous4/13/2024

    Winston Churchill said that; “Gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen's lives, and minds, than all the doctors in the Empire.”

    1. Ooops - sorry I am not Anonymous, It's me Madam Arcati.

    2. I am a strong believer of that Madam Arcati.

  8. I’m not big on either Collins but Gloria Lynne does set a good mood.

  9. Gin, a tiny bit of vermouth, shaken not stirred, strained into a cold glass. Why water down the gin?

    1. “A perfect martini should be made by filling a glass with gin, then waving it in the general direction of Italy.” - Noel Coward.


  10. I like gin but it doesn't like me so I dumped its ass! This song got me missing my father this morning. He always played music like this on our stereo. Ella was queen though. Mother's choice was hands down Johnny Mathis. I kind of teared up a bit, Mads.

    1. Maybe your dear father channeled me to play that for you!!!!! To say HI! I love Gloria Lynne. She never got the recognition she deserved I feel what with Ella, Sarah, and Billie taking most of the spotlight.

  11. I don't think I've ever tried a Tom Collins.

  12. It's a lovely cock-a-tail. Mind you, gin is faboo in most drinks! Jx

  13. One of Mr. DeWoofs favorites, John, Tom or otherwise! Cheers! And Gloria Lynne? Now that is a divine evening. Not enough is heard of the talented Mrs Lynne.

  14. Cap Chasen4/13/2024

    Just beautiful and divine to hear Gloria Lynne's exquisite voice accompany your nighttime.

  15. Marvelous! Thanks for posting that gem! I also enjoy Doris Day's version from the movie "April In Paris". Different artists, but both wonderful! And a Tom Collins, one of my favorites!

  16. I immediately recognized that quote!


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