Friday, August 23, 2024


It's been a very fun visit here with my friend Peter and the Lad from that little spigot of land known as Ptown, with its charming town, award winning fudge shops and famous tea dances. Pearly was kind enough to let me use her laptop to drop a line. Two more days here before a stop in NYC and then on to the Pocono Mountains.

Me and my shadow will see ya all in about another week!


  1. It would appear you're having a grand time. At least your shadow thinks so. Sure wish I could've been joining you on that beach. And, of course, up at The Woods for some nude frolic. Enjoy. And remember I live vicariously through you!

  2. Oh that's fantastic!
    Never been to Ptown. Will go some day. It seems you're having a blast. At least that's what your shadow is telling me...


  3. I'm glad you're having a great time. So what time of the day was it when you took that last picture based on your "sundial"?

    1. HA HA HA HA HA! This post almost put this old lady in cardiac arrest.

  4. Creative photography, LOL! Your legions of male fans are swooning right now.

  5. It brings back great memories. That shadow photo is a stunner!

  6. Looks like a good time!

  7. It's 5 o'clock somewhere... Jx

  8. Anonymous8/23/2024

    We have no beach resort like P-town in California, as Laguna Beach has been castrated of gay life through the years. The lady in drag with the dark bouffant and psychedelic swirl dress reminds me of my fun loving aunt Diane circa 1967/68 ! :)
    Luv those sweet cheeks and honey buns on the sand, are you recruiting more house boys ? :)
    And finally, your shadow reminds one of Vaslav Nijinsky on the strand at the Lido of Venice.
    Have a great time and try to behave, NOT !

    1. Man, you got that right. Laguna Beach is but a former shell of it's gay self. And recruiting more houseboys? I think you found out how he lures them in now.

  9. Keep those post cards coming!

  10. Looks gorgeous! Continue having fun!

  11. Not knocking the fudge shops in your neck of the woods, but try home-made peanut butter fudge - to die for - if anyone keeps eating it they will die, the size of an elephant.

  12. Wish we were there.

  13. You've given a whole new meaning to the term "Me and my shadow".

  14. Oh, I see girl...your one of those queens. Pretty as a queen, hot as a boy! Bitch. I can't imagine a summer without Ptown....every gay should experience the magic of Ptown at least once.

  15. Excellent postcards Mistress!!!! Shit, even your shadow looks good. I and the boy are heading there next summer, already booked it. Hurry back....we miss you.

  16. So nice to hear from you Mistress!!!!! Another week!!?? Glorious pictures. Amazing how Ptown never seems to change much. You are a bad influence too How "cheeky" to show us what time it is!!! The boys there must have dry mouth? Nothing like the beach. I don't regret moving to a shore point I can tell you.

  17. Someday I want to visit this dreamy and enchanted place.

  18. Great pictures! At this point I'd wouldn't even mind be invaded by your shadow!!! I need to meet up with you sometimes here. I have only ever heard about it.

  19. SINFUL! Plain SINFUL!!!! And we need to know who the man in the denim cutoffs is?!?!?! Sex-ay!!!!! And those beach cakes!!

  20. I hope, no , I know you're having a good time. Keep sending us the juicy pictures! My mind in wondering from that shadow picture......

    Great shot of the Pilgrim Monument and what a charming house with the blue shutters.

  21. I have never been so far up that North, but I hear it is either very cosmopolitan or very charming. Sure, looks like my kind of town, and I love my gays. And not sure which ass is yours, but kid, you got some nice ass and legs!

  22. I would love to tap into that. The town that is, yes, that's it, the town I meant. Hope you having a great time Mistress.

  23. Spiritus!
    My aunt's wife died last year, all she talked about was getting pizza at Spiritus.

    1. Can't lie, it tis rather a delicious treat...especially after a night of drinking.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!