Monday, August 12, 2024


It was the perfect weekend to get away. The long work week ended, and I'm now off, and getting ready to depart this week for Ptown and then a jaunt in the Poconos. I left Friday for a weekend visit in New Hope, and luckily the weather was beautiful down there compared to Central PA, which had torrential downpours, copious amounts of rain, and a tornado which touched down in Belleview Park, which is where my mother grew up in her ancestorial home, and my dearly departed grandmother lived till her passing. A friend of the mother told her the upscale neighborhood looks much like a war zone; in the neighborhood, and the surrounding areas as well. And to think, I left in the middle of all this, as I declared my vacation early and hit the road to New Hope. Halfway down the turnpike, it was glorious sunshine. It was good to be back in the charming town and visit with old friends. Just adore summer. Near naked boys, lake and beach visits, colorful summer sights, lightening bugs, the flowers, seaside treats....what's not to like? What's your favorite summer thing?
My friend from México, his dogs, Pia and Camilia! I melted!


  1. Oh, that mop of curly hair! And those two colorful houses. I’m ready. So glad your timing was perfect.

    1. Aren't those houses fun! I'd live in the beach hut in a heartbeat! Reminds on of the show Death in Paradise. And that man with his mop has many, many nice features I surmise.

    2. Yes, that beach cottage is calling to me.

  2. I have the convertible. If only the Mid-Century homes in Palm Springs were still going for $400k.... *sigh*

  3. Love the dragonfly and bee!

  4. You always set the mood perfectly. I love your mood boards. Glad you enjoyed the weekend and escaped the storms by the sound of things. Hope all was alright at the Casa du Borghese?

    1. We are fine here Jacoby, thank you. We had oodles and buckets of rain apparently, and a boil water advisory still in effect till tomorrow. Otherwise, we weren't near the tornado.

  5. That dragonfly! Wow!
    My favourite thing about summer has got to be the sights and scents of a rose garden.

    1. I agree with you. The sights and smells and colors are all noteworthy things.

  6. Oh my goodness! To play with David and his snake. And your friends' dogs are too cute for words.

  7. TMI moment...I feel the need to nibble on those nipples.

    Great mood board!

  8. i beg to differ.... you'd never fit in a bikini swimsuit. at least not "all" in one.

  9. Pia and Camilia are so adorable! Those faces made me day.

  10. Everything sounds and looks so good! You really know how to make the most of summer!

  11. Oh, bikini and sandals and that boy with the snake!
    And that little beach house? Now, THAT'S a mood!


  12. I was in New Hope once. A week before I closed on my first house, my previous husband declared that I had to destress and flew me and a friend of ours to New Hope. The other friend too was buying his first house and sat in the back of the car as the old college remate of said pervious husband lived there. Up and down the Delaware he drove until I was numb for all those marvelous stone houses, all with the dates painted on plaques. The friend who was buying his first house had his nose buried in the Bob Villa book on buying a house. He would raise his nose and then back in the book. FINALLY he pipes up and says "How many God Damned times are we going to drive past the same house? There is again, 1767, and 1770, and 1801." "Darling," our host said, "those aren't addresses, they are years that these houses were built in." Suffice it to say, he took his nose out of the book, eventually.

    1. Oh how marvelous a story Cookie. I miss it dearly...but I know I will return there again. And yes, the area is quite old and filled with oodles of history and colorful characters and citizens over the years. I can't imagine anyone in a car with their nose in a book while in and round New Hope.

  13. Lovely mood board! I know you must have had a good weekend, and glad to read that the storms and that tornado didn't affect you directly.

    Excellent mood board this week. I get numerous dragonflies here, of all sorts of sized and colors, some that even appear shiny metallic. My heart melted at your friends pups, and those colorful little houses, so pretty.

  14. Anonymous8/12/2024

    Foto 16- wie Adam und die Viper im Garten der Lust, verbotener Sex.

    1. Willkommen! Adam und die Viper sind sexy, nicht wahr?

  15. I love the colorful houses. I'd like to have my house painted that way. My favorite summer thing is sitting by a nice pool and going for a swim -- something I haven't gotten to do in years. Love your mood board, as always.


    1. I sat poolside this weekend. I would love a little colorful beach bungalow like that one.

  16. I love a curly-headed beach hunk in and out of his suit. Yes, please!

  17. The best thing about summer (which has been very much a hit-and-miss affair in London, but currently it's hot)? Near naked boys, of course! Doh. Jx

    1. There was me thinking we'd had summer in April, but then London has its own macro-climate.

    2. We had some sunshine in April, but it soon turned to grey murk, right up until late July... Jx

  18. That naked tanned young man sitting on the sandbar is particularly luscious.

  19. My favourite thing about summer is the sun, if it shines! And not wearing a vest. Or socks.
    Beautiful mood board, m'dear!

    1. I try to send you some sunshine, does it make it over there? I know the post can be slow, alas.

  20. Oh nice . . . moods.

  21. My favorite thing? Being naked --- if I can be at a beach, all the better. When my birthday rolls around --- you could give me that classic T-bird!!! We could take the top off and roll in style next year. 😉

    1. I like the way you think Pat! Ill have to talk to Warbucks!

  22. We had a migrant hawker dragonfly in the garden last summer. Clearly an insect with great taste, it opted to come out of its chrysalis and dry its wings on my Rosa Gertrude Jekyll.

    1. Must have been a pretty sight indeed Helen.

  23. Ah, as summer turns to fall... I keep on, keepin' on. I have my prairie - and it is gorgeous this year... we've had so much rain and the blue stem is over 6 feet tall. Still, I see the places you've been and wish for that kind of summer. You certainly do Mame proud, my dear. Live, live, live! Kizzes

    1. You can come hang with me anytime! The things we'd see and do!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!