Tuesday, August 6, 2024


I can probably count the number of politicians on both hands, who I feel are actually in politics for the right reasons and doing their job with honest and hard-working passion to do good and represent the people and the constituents in their areas.  Rep Katie Porter is another we could use many more of. She is a politician and lawyer who has been the US Representative from California's 47th congressional district since 2023. She also has educated this queen.  In a list of issues I have with the country, childcare is one I knew was an issue, but admittedly wasn't one I concerned myself with since I obliviously, don't have any. It wasn't till recently that a co-worker that I work with and close too has been having such trouble of late with her two young daughters. She recently has been trying to find childcare to place them in for summer, as her sister can no longer babysit them, while she and her husband work. Not given much notice from her sister, she had been scrambling to find childcare to place them, and one they can afford. When she was regaling the trials and tribulations of finding an affordable one after weeks, as she was talking to me, she was practically in tears as she was frustrated and upset, they couldn't find one they could afford. She in part felt she was letting the kids down that they couldn't even afford one to put them in. Neither parent can afford to stay home, and between the both of them, they are barely above water. I was getting upset at just listening to her story and wished I had a loose few thousand I could have floated her. She ultimately put one in childcare PARTIME...at a whooping 320 a week, FOR THREE DAYS! That breaks down to 1,280 a month, for one child, and only part time care. That is crazy. The other daughter is 6 and will remain out of childcare till school starts up. A friend of hers watches the 6yo daughter for three days, then both of them a day, and on Friday, she brings both girls into work, where they sit in the break room with their books and craft items. My point is, it's yet another basic life issue of basics that must be addressed in the next administration. And I highly doubt if a red ticket wins, we will see it. Which is why Rep Katie Porter opened my eyes to why this is not being addressed and why Biden's childcare bill wasn't passed. The woman is brilliant. In this clip I came across recently, she absolutely shreds Lindsey Burke, a right-wing Heritage Foundation official, who tries to say there's not enough money to invest in universal childcare. But like when it comes to war, we can all of a sudden "find the money". Porter delivers an unbelievable and brilliant breakdown on the nationwide need for an investment in childcare, points out how there's plenty of money available to invest in children for the future, sexism in Congress, and just why congress doesn't push these bills. And she is right. I sadly admit, since I don't have kids, it never seemed like an issue to me, but she and my co-worker made me realize how bad this issue is.

Bravo girl.
And just for the record I think she'd been a far better choice than Adam Shiff for that Senate seat. On another note, I'm relieved I'd admit that we get to keep Govenor Shapiro here in PA for our governor. Yes, for selfish reasons, but we keep our Democratic Gov who has only begun doing great things here and is still only beginning.


  1. I couldn't agree more. It awful when you can count on two hands the good politicians. Porter is one to watch for. She is brilliant. Katie Porter is a rock star! Did you ever see her level the gun lobbyist?!?! We need far more many of her under the Dome.

    1. Rather appalling that there is not enough good quality representatives who actually work and represent We the People.

  2. My sister lives in her district and I have been very impressed by her and her championing for the undeserved. So they are proposing in spending 700Billion dollars over 10 years. So that's 70Billion a year. The US spends about 800 Billion every year (every freaking year not over 10 years) in the US Military. That is 8Trillion in 10 years. That is literally 10 times more than they are proposing to spend on Education. Can you say issues?

  3. Wow, she is awesome and one that congress should listen too. The US needs to start listening to the ones who make sense there.

    When I lived in Ireland - 25 free hours of pre-school childcare every week for children 3 - 5 years. At the time I was a single working (academic full-time) parent, so it was a godsend. My son was in primary school and the after-school childcare is subsidized which ensures my son is cared for while I was at work. The subsidy meant I didn’t have to worry about a big childcare bill and the money I save goes back into our home and benefits my son for future education.

  4. Love Katie Porter... she tells it like it is ...She lays the truth out there, and details step by step what they need to do to get the job done. Your right....one of the few.

  5. Here here!!!! My kids are grown but I want universal childcare. I can't tell you the worry, stress, and help that would have given me in so many years. Have you noticed the Democratic party has more individuals in it that actually make sense?

    They best hold on to this one!

    1. Oh...by far better candidates. The GOP is more concerned with religion and culture wars. Yawn.

  6. Firstly, love Katie. she does the people's work. What I continue to NOT understand is how these people in either party, and they are there...are checks notes hired to work for the people and yet...dont? And aren't fired? A manager would never tolerate this out of us (workers). Why do we from them? We MUST get better and be more educated on our politicians. I have and will continue to vote for democratic politicians if they just sit there and take up space. This is precisely why we are in the place we are....we just keep voting for the same old people in positions.

    In Philly how can we forget the Queen of Solitaire, lol!!!! Bitch was gone quickly. Totally useless tool.

    1. I agree, and the new blood is making the old blood look bad. I too voted all new dems in our last primary here.

    2. Oh yes....thats what i say too. If you aren't going to get us what we need or do the job....I have no problem voting for another candidate in a primary. Unfortunately people don't do there homework...and instead vote for the same old duds.

  7. Katie rocks! Very Smart. And I don't doubt for a second that Republicans would rather have had Shapiro on the campaign trail with Harris. He is so popular in PA, he's considered are real political threat to the asshole Trump.

  8. WOW. I haven been blown away by a politician sine Mayor Pete.

    She actually breaks it down and educated the unthinking.

  9. I have seen her on many new items and new sites....She hits this out of the park, as she also does on many other topics. Well done Ms Porter!! I continue to be amazed at Ms Porter and her brilliance in our Congress!

    1. Did you see her snippet of where she went after a gun lobbyist? She tore the shit out of her too.

  10. Remember, the average FAMILY with mom and dad together, have to both work, much like your co-worker. Making 15 dollars an hour for two people working, then paying for childcare, doesn't leave a whole lot left. She is focused, and nails this. And don't forget the single dads with full time custody. Child care is a huge burden for single parents, but it is for families as well. Both my brother and sister both struggle with this topic Not everyone works or is going to work into some high CEO position like the far right preaches either. Obe of these parties better get it together and get this and the minimum wage fixed once and for all. That the childcare has not been fixed for 50 years, and that GW Bush was the last president to raise the minimum wage is plain gross and pathetic.

  11. Katie is another politician, like Pete and Josh Shapiro, who speak common sense, something lacking in most politicians.
    Shapiro would have been good for the ticket, but it was better for the campaign that he stay in Pennsylvania. I heard his speech last night and it was wonderful. I look forward to him running for the White House one day.

    1. I think so too. I sense a Pete/ Josh tickeT in the future. Can you say WOW!!!!!

    2. I would love a Pete-Josh ticket ... or being the meat in a Pete-Josh sammich?

    3. Ohhhhhhh my....that would be a hot daddy Manwich for sure!!!!

  12. Childcare is a nightmare unless you’re wealthy or blessed with family. I knew couples in California with two incomes who used one of those incomes exclusively for childcare. Katie Porter is amazing! I love her.

    1. Gone are the days when one income was enough for a family and still take vacations. Now it's like both parents work a job...and in some cases one works two jobs and still can't make ends meet.

  13. Fuck, you scared me! Maybe because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but I thought the title said RIP Katie Porter. I'm proud to say I voted for her in the primary election.

    1. I'd say a very well played and placed vote.

  14. Katie Porter is fantastic.
    I have seldom seen someone breaking down complex issues this well. Maybe Buttigieg. The repugs see universal childcare as one of those 'entitlement' programs they so hate. And remember, the more the working class is burdened with things like taking care of their children, the less they pay attention to politics. And then the repugs can do as they please, because people can't focus on anything but their lives.
    It's quite simple.


    1. They can't play that card forever. When the people finally piece this together.....they will be screwed.

  15. Our area if filling up with "Early Education Academies" daycare programs that change $2,000 a month per child, and promise an advantage in your 2 year old getting into Harvard someday. What we need is affordable daycare, not little Einstein academies. And you are so right, we send million-dollar bombs off to kill children around the world by the ship load, but schools have to hold bake sales to raise money for basic needs.

    1. Right? We are funding to send relief to Palestinians....yet funding the war that is helping kill them. Can you say issues?

  16. Here too childcare is an issue. The last government promised 15 free hours childcare to every family, no matter how rich they are.....there aren't enough staff to cope with the numbers of children involved and the answer was to reduce safety standards; fewer staff looking after larger groups of children. BUT, surprise, surprise, they had allocated no funding for their great con plan. My sister-in-law used to work in a nursery, but she could not cope with dealing with more kids. A friend is a child minder, but most child minders around here have left the business; the regulator of schools and childcare is not fit for purpose and their nit-picking over paperwork as opposed to the care given to children is infamous.

  17. Oh, there is NO ONE in congress better at breaking down the financials than Porter. She's brilliant.

    1. BTW - Love the new header - but, Mads, it looks like you need one of the houseboys to bring you the smelling salts --- or a G&T.

  18. Children are the infrastructure of our future. You can't learn when you're hungry. Here in MN, Walz made it a priority that kids get fed in the morning and afternoon so their minds aren't wondering where they were going to get something to eat. More and more, parents - especially those struggling with economic, mental and addiction issues are relying on others to raise their kids. So... let's step up. Katie nails it. If we bring 'em into the world... then we need to make sure they are cared for. That's just the way it has ended up. So, embrace it.

    1. I just don't get the repression of all these basic necessities that were not getting. You'd think you'd want a country filled with people performing top notch, happy, and please to be living in the US. That's what makes a great country. If half of your country's repressed and you don't push education, why do you want a country is stupid asses? We're supposed to be the greatest nation.

    2. I just don't get the repression of all these basic necessities that were not getting. You'd think you'd want a country filled with people performing top notch, happy, and please to be living in the US. That's what makes a great country. If half of your country's repressed and you don't push education, why do you want a country is stupid asses? We're supposed to be the greatest nation.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!