Monday, January 13, 2025



Another lovely and relaxing weekend for the most part. I spent the first part of the weekend putting the Christmas trimmings away, and once organized and shelfed, a deep clean of the house commenced. It always feels so nice and clean once the decorations come down...other than that, I made a nice Poached Fish a'la nage for din-din Saturday and spent Sunday collecting some fallen branches from last week's gales to add to the fire pit. And as one saw- a flurry of birds lately from yesterday's post. Of course, Sophie was on garden patrol chasing the squirrels back up into the trees. Heavens forbid anyone else step foot in the garden. I told the little ankle biter she needs to mind her manners, as they are part of my minions for world domination against the Party of Rot if need be! I work a half day and then heading to enjoy a day of pamper at the spa for the full works. I'm really looking forward to the full body wrap and the 90-minute body massage the most, which is long overdue. I'm sure Ansel will make me feel rejuvenated. Alicia does my facial, and finally a girl named Sequoia handles my mani-pedi, with a hot paraffin dip. Hey, just because I'm getting older, doesn't mean the showcase can't still gleam and sparkle.

Is it really Monday???


  1. Enjoy the buff and wax, the red head looks like he would enjoy a good spa day.

  2. Sparkle, Neely, sparkle!
    Books, pastries, cute pups and hot men ... what a day this will be!

  3. Okay, you're going to have to explain the pigs.

    1. I didn't see those until after I posted it. I'd love to know the story of those pigs is.

  4. What a wonderful-sounding weekend. We burned Felon poppits....

  5. Sounds like a great day. That guy sure likes to throw his “weight” around.

    1. If that was the man giving me my massage, I could probably use his cock as lumbar support my back!

  6. Enjoy the spa day, dear!

  7. When I was living in Long Beach, I was driving out of the then complex, passed a neighbor's open garage door and books covering the whole inside, like in your first photo, was what I saw. Looked to be mostly paperbacks.

  8. A Biblioholic, n, someone who cannot live without books.

  9. You really know how to live.

  10. Say "Hi!" for me to Ouiser and Clairee while you're being pampered at Truvy's beauty salon, won't you?! Jx

    1. "Honey, there is so much static electricity in here, I pick up everything but boys and money.”|

    2. "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize." Jx

  11. I assume he gives helicopter rides...(also noticed the piggies in the first bookshop. Iiiiiiiinteresting.)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that knows his pigs. I never even noticed it until I put the post together today. Maybe they're in the books and pigs?

  12. Anonymous1/13/2025

    Love the desserts, the sweet kind and the male kind :) Books galore, who can’t live without good books no matter the subject. Luv the considerate house built around the tree, and is that La Liz in Butterfield 8 ?
    Yesterday was Ginger man day, luv the spicy Ginger man you have on display. As they say, Ginger men have a fire within ! :)
    -CA jock

    1. Yes...Butterfield 8! Love that movie. I just read where Liz HATED the movie and scrip. And regretted doing the movie yet won the Best Oscar Actress that year for the part.

      And yes, isn't that ginger just filling?!?!

  13. Another great mood board to start the week off right! Enjoy your buff and wax. I'll take some pure sweet hell, please.


  14. Hunny,
    If they don't have books, I don't fuck them. Even if they fill their sweatpants like that man! WHOA! I may steal that gif.
    And now I want tiramisu!


  15. We're all gonna need more spa days this year, Maddie. That port hole window and plush bed would be my dream spot for a midwinter nap... followed by a steaming cup of coffee and a good book to read!

    Thanks too for the "Merry Moosemas" card which just arrived today (the Canada Post dog-sled teams aren't up to full speed yet) -- and those gay moose gave me a good LOL!

    1. I would love to have a place like that with a port hole window! And the spa day was heavenly.

  16. That red head has me mesmerized with his swinging talents!!!! Otherwise, a beautiful mood board. I love books.

  17. First off, LOVE the new header!!!!!

    Second...Love THIS mood board, as I love sweets and books, and sometimes at the same time. The pup gave me a good chuckle too. And that opera cake looks delicious!!!!!!!! Gimmie.

  18. i hope your able to get all your assets under the towel for the massage, or ansel is going to get a hand full.

  19. Happy Monday! A spa day sound wonderful. I wish I could do that, but I don't think I could relax enough getting a massage. I want to go so bad though. It's great you take time to pamper yourself, we need to do that. And swinging Richard and his "asset" is nice, but that guy with the striped socks and glasses and Mr Eyebrows got me going even more so. Nice board this week.

  20. Anonymous1/14/2025

    My husband used to wind himself up too.

  21. Ah, Butterfield 8. When you can't win for the one you should have won for... do a crap movie and make that part of your legacy. P.S. - I rather would like to 'read' that lad with amazing appendage. Is he available at my local library? Kizzes.

    1. He could shove that right up my Butterfield 8. I do find it funny that Liz hated that movie and called the script pornographic. And her last movie with that studio and then wins the Oscar!

  22. I love books. I often collect them and have so many I can't catch up reading them. And yet I will still buy more. Now that I have a kindle, it is easier to see which ones I have read rather then forget them on a shelf or someplace else in my home.

    1. Me too! I have many I read and then donate them to the library if they will take them. I should email you and see if you'd want any of them. I'd gladly send them to you. I have four in the queue to read yet.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!