Monday, November 20, 2023


High up on the hill in Portofino, it is sort of hard to miss this landmark...on the point overlooking the harbor is the elegant and very grand Castello Brown, an old defense castle dating back to the 15 th century that was used to protect the port. These days the castle is used as a museum and is really worth a visit even if just to enjoy the peaceful walk up the hill and enjoy , probably what are the best panoramic views in Portofino. Stepping inside the castle walls felt to me like entering a film set of a fairytale similar to The Princess and the Pea, the entrance is so grand and elaborate yet mysterious, inviting and unbelievably bewitching all at once. With the castle being so prominently located, the caliber of artist exhibiting at the museum is of different extremes, yet all of exceptional standards, eclectic sculptors and artist. One stood out to me, Federico Schiaffino, who art almost seems to meld into the walls itself. The one thing that stood out to me in Castello Brown was the beautiful tile works. Lining the smooth marble stairs from the art galleries to the second floor are some very rich and intricate detailed tiles, and yet there is an eeriness to the atmosphere. It was definitely a relaxing time there...we sat in the garden for what seemed an age.

And right down the hill from the castle was this lovely villa, belonging to Dolce and Gabbana. If they would have asked me to model for them, I would have declined. Can you picture my ass fitting in their pants???


  1. I love the old building but it's that view that has me gagging.

  2. It's a shame it's owned by Dolce Gabana, high fashioned self centered selfishness.

    1. I see your a fan too!!! LOL! I have never much cared for their attitudes, or fashions for that matter.

  3. Is that your yacht in the harbor .. ???

    1. Huh, why yes, yes it is! Filled with houseboys!!!!!!!

  4. I wouldn't shove my ass into anything Dolce & Gabbana for any price. But I'd sure love to visit Portofino again. Excellent photos!

    1. When I went to visit my friend, Mimi who worked at the Neiman Marcus, now shuttered, in the Hudson Yards before the pandemic, just for shit and giggles, I tried on one of their metallic floral suits. Fit nice, but looking back... it was soooooo gaudy. And the pants were , well, strangling my junk. I think I blog that picture here

  5. If they made their pants to fit your butt, maybe they would sell more, especially if you modeled for them. Did you swim out to yacht and offer to model?

    1. Dear, I'm sure they would want more than me modeling.

  6. Huh. Great photos... but now? All I can picture is your ass... :P

    1. once you see his ass, you can't un see it.

  7. Oh my lands....the views!!!! While the castle is most aged since the 15 century, and not anything like castles to say, in England or Vienna, it would still be worth a visit just to step foot in something so old. Your right, that tile work is stunning. But admit the fireplace mantel is pretty if not a bit it creepy. I can see why you two would sit an age with those views.

    Even the villa is stunning. But I'm sure D&G would most likely want you wearing nothing Mistress!

  8. When we went it was worth the hike up and worth the walk. The castle's exterior and tile work is nice to see...but honestly.... the views from the castle are outstanding! You got some nice pictures Mistress.

  9. tis a shame you didn't meet a viscount while there.

  10. We could only imagine your bare ass flitting about in the D&G gardens. And I'll bet they would've enjoyed it, too.

    1. He has a lot to enjoy that's for sure.

    2. Now Cali boy, don't be giving all my secrets out

  11. That's one hell of a fixer upper. So when do you and the house boys move in?

  12. As soon as I saw the photo of Castello Brown it reminded me of The Enchanted April which was filmed there -

  13. What a stunning location! I could live there...

    Fascinating history, too - especially its acquisition in the height of the Victorian Imperial era by the fabulously-named (and obviously stinking rich) Montague "Monty" Yeats-Brown, who restored it and transformed it from a ruined fortress to a family home. Bless him, and his money!

    Helen mentioned "Enchanted April" (a film I need to see, looking at that cast list!) - the book upon which the film was based was also written there in the Roaring Twenties. Can you imagine the parties..?! Oh, for a time machine. Jx

    1. I have the DVD and the book, by Elizabeth von Arnim, is good too.

    2. Thanks you too for the heads up on that movie, I'm going to have to check this out.

  14. Stunning!
    Stunning views and stunning place. The details! The history! I cannot imagine how it was living there.
    And fuck Dolce and Fuck Gabanna. Hate them. Entitled, privileged fags.


    1. You talk the words right out of my mouth concerning D&G.

  15. Awesome, both the building and its location.

  16. I haven't heard the mention of princess and pea. For ages.
    Coffee is on

  17. This is a bucket list trip for sure! I'm adding it into my queue.

  18. These post have been leaving me breathing heavy with envy!!!! I'm hard pressed to think of such a picturesque area! And it looks so un-polluted.

  19. I can agree with other in this post and others...we SOOO need to start traveling abroad more. You just don't see all this or this breathtaking scenery and views like this. I love hiking so the trek up the hill would be worth it... Great Reward at the Top!

  20. Me thinks I need to book a trip here ASAP! Italy is one country I have never toured yet it has been on my list.

  21. I was busy traveling and missed some of these post....Portofino is stunning! I have never seen any any place like this!!! Just wow!

  22. what marvellous places you visited!


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