The Mistress is generally a very happy person and not much gets to me or upsets me like this disaster from BP! It's time to sound off!!! I can not understand the fucking dumb asses and the head of BP, the head asshat with the big teeth, who know the one,the slhep that never gives a straight yes or no answer. He's always dancing! And BP acts so nonchalant about finding a way to shut the damn thing off, or plug it already, and then they lied about how many gallons were coming out of it in the first place! But it isn't effecting them. One month after the Deepwater oil rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 workers, oil is still spewing out of the pipe a mile underwater at a rate of 210,000 gallons or more a day. To date, the explosion sent at least 6 million gallons of oil spilling into the Gulf Coast, according to the Coast Guard, with cleanup costs moving upwards of $760 million. BP has tried a myriad of tactics to plug the leak and contain the spread of the oil. But as of last Thursday, the oil had reached land, its impact stretching from the Louisiana wetlands and all the way to Dauphin Island, in Alabama. The spill has put thousands of fishermen out of work and stalled the local fishing industry indefinitely. Many fishermen are taking part in cleanup efforts, but most are being forced to rely on public assistance and charity to make ends meet. The states affected and all the workers out of work should file a damn class action suit against BP for all their worth followed by the federal government!Last week, BP tried to stem the leak with a 100-ton concrete and steel dome structure. That failed on Saturday when methane hydrates got into the dome and clogged up an outlet for the oil. This sucker is still leaking- and badly- so BP has had to come up with more techniques. According to NPR, one of the potential solutions is a double pipe that has a gasket. If the pipe can be shoved into the larger pipe that's leaking oil, it would allow the oil to be offloaded to ships. If that fails, BP will try deploying a smaller dome "top hat" equipped with methanol to prevent methane hydrates from plugging it up. Another last-ditch effort that BP said it was considering on Monday sounds almost too insane to be real, but it apparently worked before in Kuwait during the Gulf War: the "junk shot." Essentially a bunch of stuff like golf balls, rope, and shredded tires will be lumped into a ball and shot into the well. If the ball can form a barrier with the half-open blowout preventer, it might make it possible for cement to be injected into the site to seal the leak. Even a junk shot would take a couple of weeks to ready. It's just so sad to also see the poor wildlife and marsh animals who didn't ask for any of this, some of which just came off a endangered species list. Just sad.

Looks like it's time for my favorite comic picture... yet again!

I'm with you BP really sucks...they were totally unprepared for this disaster!
ReplyDeleteI was discussing this with a coworker today and said that I cannot believe that after all these weeks, this was not fixed. He asked,"It hasn't been weeks, has it?" So sad. And infuriating. Also made me think of all the times that environmentalists in California were called crackpots for fighting against offshore drilling. Doesn't seem that ridiculous now.
ReplyDeleteAbout two hours ago I heard it was looking good... crossing all fingers and toes!
ReplyDeleteThey're going to have all kinds of lawsuits against them, too. I heard on the news tonight that a Nashville attorney is representing someone who owns vacation property on the Gulf Coast for loss of income and damage to property. They are waiting to see if it qualifies for a class-action suit. The damage from this has an impact on so many people and wildlife that will last for years. Greedy bastards!
ReplyDeleteWhen I drove past their US Headquarters on the way to work yesterday, for one, brief, fleeting moment, I almost understood the concept of car bombing! You should see the sprawling campus of buildings they have here in Houston! I hope they lose it all! Then we can repossess the building and donate them to the Audubon Society or the Wildlife Federation!
ReplyDeleteso so sad....all the poor animals. BP sucks balls.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOU MADDIE!!!!!!
BP really fucked this up, and they keep doing it. And, their Asshat-In-Chief is an utter moron.
ReplyDeleteBP - British Poo for the gluttonous American consumer.
ReplyDeleteI can't watch any more coverage of this. I'll go into a rage :-(
ReplyDeleteThis is just so sad. And how can one company so big in size, drag it's feet so long to get anything done!!! If I lived down their, I'd be so damn pissed! It will take a very long time when this is over to get this mess cleaned up and BP should fit the whole bill!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fucking disaster!Jobs,wildlife and landscapes ruined for good!
ReplyDeleteWhile the oil spill could not have been predicted, the clean or lack of I blame on BP Ceo Hayward.
ReplyDeleteI’m not naive or wet behind the ears, now I see that the brilliant and eloquent gentleman-managers are definitely a thing of the past.
What a golden opportunity Hayward missed by not coming out strong and good in the wake of a disaster that had already claimed 11 lives.
He should have said…”Whilst we are aware that the systems and men and material used was Transocean…we accept overall responsibility for the problem and WILL find a solution,whatever it costs…to restore normality here.”
Ok the board might have had a fit, he could have been sacked (although I think reinstated or head-hunted pdq for having the balls to take a stance.)
So BP shares would drop initially…Big deal…look what they’ve done now with this weak man’s ill-thought statement. If BP showed the moral fibre to face the consequences…everybody would be looking to BP to set and keep the standards of future oil/gas exploration…now they’re an ‘also-ran’ guiolty of corporate fiscal protectionism…avarice in my book….get your cheque books out BP…don’t mess about…get it sorted and show the world the good that you are capable of.
When this cools down…politicians of the world will ask who are the leaders…BP..step up to the plate. Do it or your shares will not recover. And I want a safe/clean working/living area for everyone and no damage to wildlife. BP you can show some technical skills, now show management skills. Please.
I am the first to support responsible oil companies, but I am the first to say this chairman is a total arrogant ass. BP is trying to shift all responsibility to a subcontractor. I wonder if any request by BP was made to Transocean to consider more safety designs in the rig or was this a low bid situation? Be intresting to see how long this takes to clean up and who will foot the bill. Great post Mistress.
ReplyDeleteI remember as a small child, the Amocco Cadiz, a petroleum tanker ran aground and spilled oil into the waters of Brittany France. Many years later, I went to visit the area and while the beaches looked normal, every brick-sized rock you turned over showed a small amount of used-engine-oil-like slick with a rainbow iridescence on the surface of the water. There is never a full recovery from an oil spill. The Amocco Cadiz was a big spill at the time but tiny compared to the BP spill still spewing petroleum into the environment.Not to be overly dramatic but children for generations henceforth may never know a seaside in the South of the USA and potentially on the Eastern seaboard that is not completely ravaged by petroleum. Oil spills, despite best efforts, are functionally forever.
ReplyDeletePS I have beeb reading your blog for some time now but never posted. I felt you should know you give me much enjoyment reading daily.
This is just so appauling! And a twist for you Mistress! Greatly put!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, starting to getting a little worried now. At what point do we stop calling this a catastrophe and start calling it a maritime apocolypse? Are our grandkids going to know what a shrimp is?
ReplyDeleteNow this is a side of the Mistress we don't see often!!! Butgreat post and nicely put. Kailyn is right, it's amazing how short memories are. California is now discussing permanently banning drilling off the coast because of this spill, when the 1969 California coastal spill should have been enough to get that job done decades ago. The 1969 spill was, ecologically, absolutely devastating, and that only released, in total, a small fraction of what this current gusher is spitting out. In fact, the current spill produces an equivalent of the 1969 spill every few hours. It seems inevitable that the whole southern coast of the US will be devastated for generations to come. It's absolutely appalling that the same mistakes not only keep being made, but at larger scales.
ReplyDeleteStrange how the us seems to fuck things like this up when other countries have had these rigs for 40 years with no leak problems. Love the comic and how true. We belong to earth, not the earth belongs to us!!!
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing just sucks.....bigtime!
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not getting any more gas their again!