The Mistress is wiped out after a long week dealing with broken balls, burnt out lights, and hanging like 34 very large wreaths. We were extremely busy with getting all our holiday trim up at the store which means that we have many beaded tress that have to be placed, wreaths to trim, light, and hang and all the display windows, jewelry vitrines, and all the other "extra" touches that make for a dramatic effect. In between all that, since we are with a boss now, we have had to take conference calls, sit in on meetings and attend a holiday kick off meeting. I was excited today though, because I found out we will be going to the 59th Street New York store for the unveiling of our Christmas windows and that Harry Connick Jr will be performing a couple ditties. I LOVE me some Harry! After that we will tour the store and then see some kind of fashion show, where I understand we will be getting a wonderful goodies bag! And I love me some goodies too. Anywho, this body is exhausted for one week and the dogs are barking. I took a nice soak in the tub and then got a tub full of Epsom salts to soak the feet! Ahhhhhhhh! And there was some nice over time this week also, which is always nice. So, after a long week, all the Mistress wanted to do was get home. Do you think that happened? Hell no. There was a accident on the route that I take home. And I'm talking the kind that is at a complete stand still. So, not being able to do anything about the grid lock, I sat in it. Then after a good 40 minutes later, something caught my attention. I happen to look to the truck next to me and the silver fox daddy was flipping the Mistress the bird!!! And I'm not talking his finger! I kid you not people. He was apparently raised up from the seat, pants open, and the jewels were out in all there glory be to God! And I'm not saying WHAT he was doing. Being the respectable woman I am , I steal a few good glances then I gave him the " jaw drop, and I can't believe this head shake" and inch my car up a little further. In hind sight the jaw drop was probably not the best thing to do. He got next to me again. And the same thing. Now I have seen a lot on the road when people are driving. Putting on make-up, shaving, yes, shaving, eating, drinking, cell phone talking, and looking at paper work or maps. But this, this was a first!!! I'm still blushing. What do you make of this? Was the guy just plain loco, or looking to shock, or trying to pick up? I'm stumped! Anyway, I plan on enjoying the weekend. Maybe a walk thru town, or the Rodin exhibit and the market. I just hope I don't encounter any more blushing moments. Tootles!
That's abhorrent!...Where was this exactly? ;-)
ReplyDeleteI vote for loco!
ReplyDeleteThat's qite a encounter there, and sort of hot. I would have asked the guy for directions! JK. It sounds like he was trying to shock people.
ReplyDeleteGross! You in the hell needs to see that shit on the road! I would have given him the finger and then some.
ReplyDeleteNothing like that ever happens to me, except one time a guy did motion the ";o" over at me once. What was I to do? I can just imagine you were appalled!
ReplyDeleteI miss out on everything!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat must have been some noodle to see it all the way a car over!
Talk about an unexpected view. The mistress has all the luck!