Wednesday, July 31, 2024


What did I miss over the weekend whilst I was gone? Apparently quite the performance by Lady Gaga, who won the gold along the Seine River, as she transformed the Parisian waterway into a recreation of spectacle for the Olympics. I saw it once I was back, and while I'm not the biggest fan of Lady Gaga, this might be the best performance I have ever seen her give.Now remember, a performance for me has to have FABU ensemble, be campy, and have a memorable spin and she checked all the boxes not to mention she recreated a performance by one of my favorites, the late great and fabulous French star, ZiZi Jeanmarie, who only passed away in 2020 at the ripe old age of 96.  Gaga made quite the entrance on the staircase along the Seine with dancers, powder puffs and huge amounts of bead, feathers and marabou, looking like a Parisian dancer of yore, gave a song and dance and even tickled the ivories on a grand piano! Lady Gaga channeled the same aesthetic, costuming and vocal intonation of the late great ZiZi in the singers "Mon Truc En Plumes." ZiZi Jeanmarie originally did this as a performance on the Ed Sullivan Show. Brava to Gaga for this performance and for giving now gone performers some more recognition. I approve. Now I need to figure out how to get my mits on the ensemble? I'd settle for just one of the pink pom-pom hats.

In case you missed kids.....


  1. Oh, yes.
    I saw this (and also Cèline's!) and I also thought it was fab. Gaga loves putting on a show. And I'm here for it.


    1. Didn't see I am as far a fan of her as one can get. She has always grated my last gay nerve, and have yet liked a song she's done.

  2. What ever could you do for one of the dancers to get you hands on the big pink and fluffy dream? I bet you could think of something.

    1. I sure I could think of something toots.

  3. It was strange. She kept pulling her moves. It was a lovely tribute, but I'm thinking time is catching up to her joints. I only mention this because I'm concerned for her. It was a great idea, and she sounded great. The spectacle was there, for sure. As we age, keeping our flexibility is really key. And, I guess, time catches us all. Sigh.

    1. I noticed toO of which you're talking about. The pulling. I'm not sure her body was accommodating the movements that ZiZi Jeanmarie had. You know me, I try to remain flexible! LOL!!!!!

  4. She really is quite the entertainer! Wasn't impressed with her until I got dragged (kicking and screaming, btw) to one of her early concerts. By the end of the night I was a solid fan. The entire opening ceremony was all about melding the history of the Olympics and celebrating the good, the bad, and the ugly of France.

    1. When I'm friends went to see her Hershey concert, I declined, but they said she brought the house down with singing and performances and set design.

  5. It was fun and new for Gaga so I loved it.

  6. I like you can take or leave Lady Gaga...but she was dishing out this fabulous performance and I was eating it right up.

  7. I hadn’t yet watched this, so I watched it here. I’ve always appreciated her talent but never really totally got it until the first time I saw her perform with Tony Bennett. This is a blast. I love the way she’s matured.

    1. I'm right there with you. This performance has made me a fan. If she keeps up with different genres, she will be around for some time.

  8. Dalida did all this sort of thing so much better, forty years ago. Jx

  9. It was smashing, but I'll admit my fav was the singing, headless, Marie Antoinettes and Gojira, that was spectacle on a such a grand scale.

    1. I haven't seen those acts to which you speak yet.

  10. She deserved that applause.

  11. I agree Brava!!!! That was one of my favorite performances of hers. Her entrance look was stunning and what a location!!! You can't help but smile when you notice Lady Gaga having fun on her own performance.

    1. I absolutely loved the theater of the whole performance Agnes!

  12. This was the most honoring gesture to Paris someone could have ever made. Coming from this globally acclaimed mega pop star and a genuine showman with her long meter of the Las Vegas show residency, just shows how much Paris had influenced and shaped show business.

  13. Although she is not fluent in French, she did a flawless job. Gaga never lets you down. What a talented artist.

  14. I have followed Lady Gaga since her beginnings and she has never ceased to surprise me. Her evolution over the years and her passage through different genres have made her an exceptional artist. This performance is just a small sample of all the talent she has. Lady Gaga is simply spectacular.

    1. I hear her club kid days, she did some pretty cool things.

  15. Absolute pure joy. No big tricks just pure fun and Gaga was living for every moment.

    1. I agree, looked like she had a lot of fun.

  16. I watched it all. Gaga was fun but for me, Celine Dion stole the show. The two of us sat watching with tears in our eyes.
    There were a few weird bits but over all it was excellent.
    I'm probably biased but nothing tops our late queen and "James Bond" opening the London Olympics!

    1. I feel terrible for Celine...but have never been a fan of hers. I have yet see all the acts.

  17. Apologies, I have been avoiding most of the Olympics, and this included the opening ceremony. I agree with Christina re the opening of the London Olympics!!

    1. Now I have to look up the opening of the UK's Olympics. Like you Scarlet, I don't watch any of them either, except maybe men's swimming so I can see one Mr Tom Daley....and let the fantasies start......

    2. Tom is such a sweetheart! He's from Devon so we get a double dose of him on our local news. He really is a beautiful lad.

    3. Here's my blog post of the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony.

      Hands off Tom Daley - he's mine!!!!!!!! Jx

    4. I know my place! I do think he has the most beautiful eyes though.

    5. OH ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!! I only took a few licks off it to see how long it took to get to the cream filled center.

  18. She always puts on a good show, but to me it seemed like something was missing. Perhaps age is catching up to her?

  19. I don't like Lady G nor do I care for the Olympics which are as corrupt as all other major sports. Rather than waste money on athletics (and on elections) spend the money on helping the poor.

    1. Here Here Helen!!!!!! I don't watch them either. If anything....its swimming IF I make a point to watch.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!