Tuesday, October 10, 2023


With October and the Halloween spirit under way, that means that I'm watching pretty much horror cult classics and horror favorites for the month. I'm a horror fanatic too, watching them with a glass of wine and candlelight, wrapping up in a throw. This past weekend, imagine my surprise to come across, of all places, SyFy, a film called They/Them. Why was this special you ask? The whole film and cast was about the LBGT crowd!!!! While not as cheesy as the early on gay horror films, this was not bad I have to say. Was it well written and the best of storyline? Hell no, but what a long way to come!!! This cast of characters had every part of the LGBTQ covered, and it was quite impressive. I can't think of any other horror film with trans and non-binary characters in them and in one where, for once, we aren't the bad guys, or all getting killed. On the contrary it is the complete opposite.

They/Them is definitely a slasher flick, and is written and directed by John Logan, the film premiered at the Outfest film festival in 2022. Most critics applauded the film for the acting, subject matter and its wide inclusive cast, but of course they found the execution of the story lacking, and I would agree. But who cares...it was just simple horror fun and made better by seeing US on the big screen. It was even more impressive most of the cast was played by gay, bi, trans and non-binary actors in our community, which to me is huge. Hot out gay actor Cooper Koch plays the sexy jock, and trans actors, Theo Germaine did a great turn as the lead Jordan...as did Quei Tann and exotic Brazilian nonbinary actor, Darwin del Fabro, who mildly got me turned on with his sex scene in the lake with Cooper Koch. And then there is the hot sex scene between the lesbians on the dock!! All of us represented here kids. And did I mention it also stars, Kevin Bacon, who I adore in the movies. 

The movie pronounced "they slash them,(one of the cleverest titles ever) centers on nonbinary Jordan, one of the LGBTQ teenagers sent to Whistler Camp for conversion therapy, which obviously, none of them appear to want. But Whistler and its overly jovial director Owen, play by Kevin Bacon are far more macabre than even your everyday religious fundamentalist organization, and these woods hide a long history of secrets, lies and-by the end of the film, at least- more than the average number of dead bodies. Though the plot beats themselves to look to be classic slasher fare, the film also hews close to psychological thriller territory, especially when Jordan comes face to face with his "therapist" played by Carrie Preston of True Blood fame and does a very crazed and eerie performance. I wanted to slap the bitch a few times!!!!

Is this a ground breaker? No, but it is a huge step in seeing us and our representation in the cast and the characters. It seems like the slasher racking up bodies at Whistler Camp might not end up being the biggest villain of this movie. This is a film about child abuse and the twisted moralities that justify it, but also one about queer resilience despite generations of hatred. The horror genre may just have a new instant classic. And refreshing that we weren't the villains for a change. Why not make your Halloween viewing more fun by checking this one out.


  1. I will have to search this one out. I'm not big on slasher films, but I like the idea of the film.

  2. Just caught this too!!! Hmm yeah, Cooper Koch?!? HOT! The slasher film where you root on the slasher.... I LOVED IT!!!

  3. I saw this too this weekend! We should have had a viewing party!

    My favorite part of the movie is when they all give in to each other and sing along to Pink's song Perfect. It's totes amazeballs... and the few gore scenes, well......

    1. That was one of the best feel-good moments I've seen in a movie in ages! Oh wouldn't a viewing party be fun with this and a bunch of peeps?

  4. Gosh, I don't have Peacock, but I'd love to see this movie! That is so great most of the cast IS LGBTQ and it has Kevin Bacon. I enjoy him.

    1. Tim, if you have on demand service with your cable company check under the networks tab. I bet you Syfy probably has it on demand now. And they're generally free.

  5. You had me at Kevin Bacon and Cooper Koch!!!!!!!!

  6. Cooper Koch is so sexy, exp. if naked (mouthwatering balls + dick).
    [I read he played in a thriller called swallowed. Have I to add anything more????]

    1. Yes, I saw Swallowed. A very twisted and disturbing film yet creative phycological thriller. And yes he was nude quite a bit in that!!!!

  7. Very clever title They Slash Them. I wouldn't have caught it. I'm not a fan of horror or slasher films, so I'll probably take a pass. Still, it's nice to know about.

  8. I hate horror/thriller books and films, not to mention anything involving spies.

  9. That actually sounds pretty good, but I can't watch horror movies. I'll scream every time something nasty happens, which could frighten the neighbors and have them calling the police, and afterwards, I'll have nightmares that will interrupt my sleep, so this movie will not be playing in my house unless the dogs sneak around and watch it when I'm not looking.


    1. Grab your gay neighbor and have him come watch it with you!!!! Drinks and popcorn!!!!! Unless he's wearing crocs. Then forget it!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous10/11/2023

    HuntleyBiGuy: OMG this sounds soooo good. Thanks for the recommendation. I see it’s on again Thursday…added to my que. 😚

  11. Looks interesting, and Kevin Bacon is rapidly becoming an icon.

    1. I love Kevin Bacon in the movies ever since I saw him in Wild Things. Well he and his huge cock were in Wild Things! Boy that was a lip smacking moment.

  12. I'm not a fan at all of horror films, but I MIGHT watch this one. Unfortunately I don't have Peacock though.

    1. I don't know if you guys have the channel SyFy up there or not but that is actually where it aired down here. It may even be on syfy's network on in the internet.

  13. It looks like it could be a fun watch, even though I'm not a fan of slasher films. Kevin Bacon? Yeah, his work has grown on me.

    1. When Kevin Bacon hit the scene, whoever would have thought he'd be such a versatile actor. And when he does a nude scene what's not to like when we catch a glimpse of his huge cock!?

  14. I'll make time for this one this week. Ironically, I cancelled my Peacock Premium subscription yesterday because I wasn't watching it outside of IMSA auto racing.

    1. If you get the SyFy Network out there try that first. They generally re-air their movies during the week. A matter of fact Huntley said from above in the comments that it's airing again this Thursday. I'm sure if you have it on demand with your cable company it's probably under there also under movies or Networks. I think you'd probably get a kick out of it.

  15. Jerry and I just happened to catch that movie. Unfortunately, we missed the first hour.

    1. Oh it was excellent. I just love the main character Jordan, he didn't take any shit from anyone. It was just nice to see the whole LGBT represented in a movie.

  16. Hmmmm....Cooper Koch and Kevin Bacon is a HARD yes from me. And like you I love horror. I'll have to see if I can catch this this week. Duty reruns things several times. The premise of the movie sounds interesting.

  17. We caught it too and enjoyed it. I fun watch for the season. Darwin del Fabro, intrigued us too. Theo Germaine nailed it. We actually followed him on Insta. Huge trans activist too

    I'm hunting his DOWN! Thanks for the suggestion. We've been doing horror movies since mid September here. We went down all the Halloween movies and are not rewatching the Friday the 13th ones. This will be pefect for next week!
    Thanks, doll!


    1. It's just simple fun!!!! I think you'll love the lead and the Brazilian actor Darwin del Fabro, who I found to be eerie, yet alluring.

  19. That naked guy isn't one of the baddies, is he? Because if he chases me, I'm not going to run very far, or run at all.

  20. I assumed this post was about pronouns LOL

  21. Thank you for the heads up - I'm sometimes in the mood for hiding behind a cushion, especially at this time of year!

  22. I'm not too much into horror movies but that is one clever movie title I'll say that, and I do like Kevin Bacon. So this could be a go...


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