Wednesday, February 3, 2021



I've been like a little kid in a candy store since this snow storm we had. I never made it out long enough yesterday for a walk as the snow and sleet were just coming down to heavy and the winds were awful. But today I made it it out. And if Mitchell can share his warm Spanish temps, sand and views of the sea while he whiffs around in shorts and tee shirt, I can share my frigid , icy, snow filled scapes, while walking around in low 20 degree temps while layered up. I took a spin around the neighborhood before heading to the grounds edge into the woods and to the stream, where the foxes have there den. I spotted Vixen. I suspect she will be breeding soon. None of her last brood were seen, as I'm sure they left to lead their own lives now. I then ventured to the lake to take in a picturesque view. Before I knew it, I was gone for a little over an hour. But what a nice leg work out.

Big foot was spotted!!!!!!
As you can see, the snow was almost to the top of my boots.

I suspect, this is where the Snow Queen held court during the storm.

After getting in, I fixed a nice hot cup of coffee, with some Irish cream in it. I had a odd sense I was being watched. To my dismay, I turned to see I had a peeping tom. What will the birds say?

Thanks heavens I wasn't in my birthday suit.

And for your viewing pleasure, the sights and sound of the stream that runs by the Casa du Borghese.


  1. You be careful on that ice, or you really will be spinning!
    Looks gorgeous - I type this as the rain taps on my dark window.

    1. Does that mean more mud? Good thing Mr DeVice got you that swell jeep vehicle to drive.

  2. What an uplifting walk. And the Fox!! Wow. Lucky you.

    I used to love walking in the snow. Now I'm too scared of breaking something!

    Love the snowman too. Xx

    1. I don't mind the snow, it's when it's a sheet of ice I worry. But should I land on my ass, I figure it's already cracked.

  3. Lovely to look at, un-lovely to be in. Like for Christina above, at my age it's too much of a risk in which to go venturing out. But oh, that poor freezing foxy!

    I know that your Winter is setting records over there this time round, while here on the English south coast we haven't seen one snowflake [yet?] all this Winter, something I'm not hankering for - though further north here they've had and are still having lots of the white stuff.

    1. This is the first snow worth anything in about two years. I think we got about 11" here. Im hearing possibly another winter mix of some sort for Sunday now. A treat to see the fox. Her mate was there someplace. They will be mating soon I'm sure. I sure hope that your winter hasn't been to harsh on you Raybeard? Any word of that prick your getting with the COVID?

    2. The Winter's been harsh only on the heating costs, M.M., most of which is due to keeping the pussies contentedly warm. If it weren't for them I'd be sitting here scarfed and gloved in parka.

      I had only yesterday an invite to make an appointment to get a prick, though being offered at a venue 12 miles away it would have involved sitting on a bus with so many strangers for 45 mins each way, and that's too chancey under present circs for me. So I'll wait and hope that a call from my doctor's surgery won't be too long in coming. It was announced yesterday, btw, that now more than half of our country's over-70s have had their initial jab. I just hope to be joining them, the sooner the better.

  4. What a chilly but warming post. Like a beautiful nature show. I miss snow. Something so peaceful and calming about a walk in snow. And the window sill snowman?!?!?! LMAO!

    You are a kid!!!!

  5. Late night greeting Mistress. With William not here, I have a terrible time sleeping. Was a nice snow storm wasn't it? You had me with the first picture, I love geese, and it just got better! You took some great pictures, but that video made me happy. So pretty there.

    I now can hopefully go back to bed now.

    1. how is william, agnes? do you know when he is coming home?

  6. EXCELLENT pictures! I really like the one with the tunnel? That picture is so cool.

    Glad to see some enjoy the snow. I would like to experience it again one day.LOVE the snowman, did it have snow balls?

    1. If he did...they were low hangers and over the edge of the sill.....

  7. I do love me some snow in my life, gotta admit! 🤍 🤍 🤍

  8. The photos are stunning and thanks for that video. I would truly enjoy that walk and those views. But, I expected to see you in plaid and oilskin.

  9. What a winter wonderland. There’s something so peaceful after a snow fall, it muffles the sound of the outside world. I’m glad you can get out and enjoy yourself.

    1. I agree. When it's falling and right after...its so calming and peaceful...almost like im the only boy in the world.

  10. Very nice. Because I'm so near the river, I get to see and hear a lot of geese, and I mean a lot of geese.

    1. Me too. I hear the geese every early evening, in flocks flying over head to the lake...and then back again the next morning leaving. A lot of area geese must fly to the lake at night to slumber and then leave in the morning.

  11. All gorgeous pictures, but that first one would make a beautiful Christmas card! so peaceful and serene.

  12. Loves it!
    We also get some geese and some ducks in a little pond I run by every day. It's been almost completely frozen lately, so less and less stay in the water.
    I love the views! It's so peaceful..
    And I bet that snowman would have popped a carrot if he would have seen you in your birthday suit.


    1. The water fowl are all over what with the lake being frozen they come to the streams now.

      Now that you mention it...has carrot does look rather full salute.

  13. Brrr! A loverly collection of pictures.
    We've got snow on our local small mountains.
    stay warm! xoxo :-)

  14. Mmmm...Irish Cream latte; have you tried it iced in the summer, equally delicious.

  15. it IS pretty up there. go nowhere to go, so we are staying inside.

  16. It's all so pretty when it's pristine. Too cold for me, though. You'd have to find a way to keep me warmed up.

  17. Wasn't "Silent Snow" a Miss Clairol hair dye? As cold as the temps are, your touch with a camera makes them seem warm.

    1. Well I am hot blooded Jimmy....maybe my heat made the camera sizzle.

  18. I would have thought at the very least you would have been in ermine... Jx

    1. Had I worn a ermine cape, I may have looked like Jadis. But I could never wear rodent dear.

    2. Rodent? Oh, no - that's nutria - an inferior product altogether... Jx

    3. "A cousin to the beaver". And you know being near a beaver makes me want to reach for a smelling salts.

  19. Wow! That must have been some storm to have blasted snow up againsst the sides of those trees (which look lovely now, by the way). Nice shot of the ducks coming in to land, too.

    Your little Peeping Tom is rather adorable! Just don't invite him in - you'll only encourage him (besides, he probably wouldn't last long...).

  20. I don't need no stinkin' generic antidepressant! I can just visit here! Very pretty and the snowman is so cute!

    1. Awwwwww Duchess....isnt that sweet! Maybe next batch of Mexican cookies might find a way to Cali!!!!!! After all we all need nourishment.

    2. Thanks, Mads. All the nourishment I've eaten during my depression months (Oct-Dec, with Jan. added this year) has widened my horizons, among other things. Love the geese, by the way. I miss the ones that used to hang out with the ducks at the golf course two streets over. They drained the lake, closed the course and now the geese and ducks have disappeared. We still have turkeys, though. Whooopie!

  21. We got slammed with snow too, but I'm too wussy to go out in the old like yourself. Your pictures are simply breathtaking. It's so calm and tranquil. I too like the ducks coming in for the landing.

    1. I thought of investing in better cameras, but on the other hand, I like the quick and imperfect feel to my pictures.

  22. at least you weren't playing with your snowballs all night.

  23. It's all quite lovely in a wintry way. I miss this sort of stuff.

  24. Captured beautifully. I love the fox!

  25. Oh my Goodness Mistress, these pictures are spectacular. The most beautiful I have seen this season anywhere of winter.

  26. You live in wonderful places!

  27. Your photos are always so breathtaking. You have such a good eye. Sorry I am a day late. Yesterday was horrible, as has been this whole week. I am finally coming up for air. Work, work, work... big re-org (AGAIN). Rearranging the damn chairs on the deck of the Hindenburg. What? I am sure they had a deck... ka boom! So, commenting late. Forgive. Kizzes.

    1. I have the feeling many places places will be doing re-orgs again. Thanks for the compliment on the pictures...good to get outside. And act like a kid.

  28. Absolutely wonderful set of images!!! The subject matter has rendered these images almost completely in an elegant black-and-white form but with the occasional, delightful tinge of color... a tease if you wish!!!


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