Monday, July 27, 2020


Dear me...I think it's been months since we had a Monday post from coming off a weekend. These days however, my mood is much like the Dowager Countess- "Wh -What is a week-end?" I have oodles of pictures I enjoy in a file...and these post were intended as a mood board so to speak for me. My mind for some reason went to water. And men. Two of my favorite things. Shocked right? Wherever I live, there has got to be a body of water I can get to quick...and I have always lived near water in some incarnation. Water for me is very important for well being. During these times, water and nature have been my saving grace some days I swear.  Currently by minutes I have  a huge lake I see daily where I do my walks and runs...a good 6 miles around, and it's heavy wooded. After my runs, Ill take a seat on one of the many docks, lie back and listen as the wind carries in the soft waves hitting the shore line.  Of course there is a stream on the grounds where my peid de terre is, which is nice to listen to and put your feet in, and another 15 minutes to the Delaware River, which is a nice place to sit for an age and relax. But my first love will always be the ocean...which there are several beaches within a 3 hour drive or less. Then I love the male form...what's not to like??? A favorite photographer of mine I follow, Felipe Borras,  often does the male form in underwater scenes from the ocean...his very hot boyfriend Andriy is often his subject. there a better element? Who's ready for a swim???????


  1. the male esther williams. nice photos!

  2. "Wh -What is a week-end?" You got that right?

    I have no idea anymore what day it is. And your right about water. I too love it. Being in the city, although their is Penn's Lnading and Fairmount Park...being in the city, you still get the noise. Your in the prefect spot you ask me. Now these pictures......whoa......

  3. Hence why I like coming here...always a refreshing spot away from it all. Love this Monday post and I miss them. Those pictures are so capavating.

  4. Lets go look for mermen together girl!!!!!! And I don't mean Ethel.

    1. IDK, ethel could provide the soundtrack while you search...(hums "there's no business like show business")

  5. I thought it was Blursday.

    1. After that car wash is it any wonder?

  6. Just looking at these pictures is calming. I agree water is one of the best elements. It always so calming, tranquil and good for clearing the mind. After a day at the coast...Im so relaxed it's no funny.

  7. Mermen?
    Sign me up! You have no idea how much I'd love to be at the beach right now. I don't dare go because I know I'll be freaking out if there's people around me. I'm gonna end up driving up Michigan to find a solitary beach, I swear.
    Naked men and water. What's not to like?


    1. Thats why I went to Ptown....the crowds are down by 60% and Pearl lives right off the beach...and Ptown is not known for it beaches like say Rehoboth beach. They are more nature beaches and tons more room. We barely saw more then 20 people laying about the days we were there.

  8. Yeah, I have no idea how day of the week it is anymore. The gym still has not brought back all the trainers it's giving me time to do photo work. I love Felipe Borras...I follow him on Instagram. His work is sexy, sensual and erotic.

  9. Thanks for including Esther. A little jarring after mesmerizing me with all that other beauty, but good to see the old tuna. I, too, must always have access to water. I think that is why I hated my year in Iowa so much. Although, come to think of it, there was a river that ran through the town I lived in... with a neat swinging foot bridge. Hmm. Well, I guess I just hated Iowa. (Who wouldn't?)

  10. Bee YOO tiful pictures! Me, I gotta be within an hour of the ocean. I'm spoiled for choice on Puget Sound, and we go there often. I wish that merman would slip on past and give me a howdy sometime!

  11. I'm a straight as an arrow male and even I can't take my eyes off of this man's butt. It's ridiculous.

  12. What’s a weekend? After 12-14 hour days working from home, the two days before it starts all over again are busy with upkeep around the house, and trying to get the boys to the dog park.

    But it’s great to take a few minutes of respite here and with Sixpence’s blog to enjoy the views.

  13. As another straight male...i can't take my eyes off that man's ass and legs either. I too agree about water. Something very therapeutic about it and relaxing.

  14. I enjoyed that post!!!!!! It also make me miss the ocean.

  15. I also need to be near water. The photos are stunning. I've always wondered what a merman would do for "parts." Andriy is not just beautiful, he's also gifted. It must take a lot of training to keep that bubble butt from rising to the surface.

  16. I have an underwater camera, but I never see anything like that, I must be looking in all the wrong places.

  17. I don't remember seeing that in the movie Aquaman. Nice photos!

  18. I never see anyone like Andriy when I go for my sea swims.

    Mermen are ten a penny though...


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!