Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Moments

Happy Monday Everybody!
 I hope everybody had a great weekend!?! Mine flew by so quick again, funny how that happens! A huge THANK YOU to all you for such hearty birthday wishes!!!!!! Your all so kind!
 The Lad gave me a couple 'swell" gifts....blushes.... and nothing like a weekend in bed in between the get togethers,wink ,wink! Now if I could have a couple of those cute cookies up above I could face Monday much more with open arms. But the idea of curling up with the baby fox, one of my favorite animals, would make me happy too, or if I could lay my head on the lush sweet cheeks below, I'd be in heaven!
Is everybody ready for Halloween???????


  1. Anonymous10/28/2013

    I hope it's a Happy Monday. You know how those go! If mine turns out rotten, at least I've got a Smirnoff cocktail ready to go once my work day is over.

  2. I would agree, those buns look mighty nice about right now! Lovely collection this week!

  3. I sure you must be tired. Knocking ankles does that! Cookies you can keep. I think I spied a Weiner I'll have!

  4. You find the most amazing pictures! That baby fox is soooooo adorable! And those cookies would lighten my day!

  5. I found a couple things to bury my face in! Any of them would brighten my Monday!

    1. you always did enjoy a all you can eat.

  6. I'll take the cookies cali-boy doesn't want and leave him the weiner!

  7. What a lovely Monday post!

  8. Oh my goodness, those are quite the firm pumpkins, and the ones in the patch are nice too.

  9. I just can't decide between the fox or the man to keep my neck warm.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!