If there is one thing the Mistress can't stand about the winter months it's the cold temperatures and the dry skin you get from it. Is it about winter sweaters, or hot chocolate, or snuggling or less light at night? No! I associate dry skin with the winter winds. The Mistress maintains her skins suppleness with Vaseline for my extremities. And after this weekend of all that walking and cold, I tend to get callused skin on my heels. Many people in the organic beauty industry look down on Vaseline as a miracle remedy, but the studies done on Vaseline are inconclusive as to its health detriments. That’s why I use Vaseline to keep my rough spots smooth. But what is Vaseline?

Vaseline, also know as petroleum jelly, has been in use since the 1860’s. A chemist from New York, who upon visiting an oil rig, noticed the raw material of petrolatum, a gooey substance known as “rod wax”, as I try to say that with a straight face, stuck to the drilling rigs. After much experimentation, he developed a process to distill the rod wax into petrolatum. In its pure form, petrolatum is considered safe, but its varied and unregulated manufacturing procedures make the goopy jelly vulnerable to contamination by foreign elements, which may or may not pose cancer risks or other health issues. There is generally no way to know how the petrolatum was manufactured. Hence the big question, “Should I use it or not?” In moderation I am sure it is fine.

Vaseline is not just for personal grooming, it can do a host of things. Some, which will amaze you. Here is a list of some of Vaseline’s many uses:
1- From being on her feet on day I really use the vaseline on my feet for the heels and whole under foot. Then put a sock on overnight. Voila, soft feet the next day. No one night trick wants to feel sandpaper scrapers under the sheets!
2- Remove watermarks on wood.Your most recent trick left lots of watermark rings on your wood furniture. To make them disappear, apply petroleum jelly and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe the watermark away with the jelly.
3-Eject wax from candlesticks.The long tapers you used at last night’s party were a beautiful sight until you saw the candle wax drippings left in the candle holders. Next time apply petroleum jelly to the insides of the holders before you put the candles in. The wax will pop out for easy cleaning.
4- Keep a bottle lid from sticking.
5-When doing drag once the Mistress ran out of her favorite shade of eye shadow. What to do now? It’s easy — make your own. Add a bit of food coloring to petroleum jelly and apply as usual. This is a quick way to make stopgap blush, lipstick, or eye shadow.
6-Moisturize your lips and more.If you don’t want to pay a lot for expensive lip balm, makeup remover, or even facial moisturizer, it will work for all these things.
7-Use as a lube. Lets not beat around the bush people,of course the creative gays from the 1960's and 1970′s have been using Vaseline as a lubricant. That is why all these 70 year old queens have the face of a shriveled prune, but the man goods of a twenty one year old!!! I would not recommend using vaseline with condoms, but as a jelly to play with yourself should be perfectly fine and fun! A Rod Wax!!!
8-Vaseline can also get chewing gum off things left from those little bastards from next door sticking it under your lovely boudoir chair, it can also remove lipstick stains and heal windburn.
So you see Vaseline really is a very inexpensive way to solve many daily problems with not spending a ton of money for different products. Can any other product remove a broken light bulb, heal dry skin, soften lips and act as a lube??? It is pretty hard to find one, although I'm not ready to give up the Gun Oil just yet!