Tuesday, July 2, 2024


SCOTUS......screw em'. 

 The Supreme Court's decision that Donald Trump has full immunity for "official Acts" he took as president is so sweeping and vague that it opens the door for sitting presidents to do whatever they want without any accountability, including assassinating a political rival. I read that legal experts said Monday, as horrific and authoritarian as that sounds, the supermajority of the court's decision mean that President Biden could theoretically order that the fat orange fuck be killed and be immune from criminal prosecution. Hhmmmmmm. Republicans should really watch what they vote for...because when the tables are turned their law and decision will work against them at some point dumb shits. It's a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.  

And to the LGBTQ......

Monday, July 1, 2024



My lands, what a weekend!!!! The New York City Pride was yet another packed event! Luckily the weather wasn't bad at all and it was a very enjoyable experience with me enjoying myself so much after the parade in the Village with the Clan and the Lumbersexual, who joined me at Penn Station, I got caught up in the festivities that I may have missed my train and got in very late.  Oh hell, you only live once, right? And the silly queen who sat next to me on the way back, he kept the flannel flying, and I swear didn't come up for air. I could only think of one thing that would have kept him quiet, but there were far too many people present. But glorious weekend none the less. We even got to take part in the Drag March on Friday evening, and Dyke March on Saturday, and then partook of the parade on Sunday, forgoing the festival, but heading to the Village for some libations, then the Piers for the Pride Concert. The Clan was all present, in addition to Lumbersexual, who attended his first Pride! That was exciting to be part of with him.  The concert was great, and unbeknownst to me, had an impromptu Kylie Minogue present for a 5-song performance. Across town Preston attend another music event, Lady Land Festive where the queen herself, Madonna was the headliner.  After our respective concerts, the Clan converged in the Village at the Stonewall for our traditional pride cock-a-tails, where we take a moment to toast our past LBGTQ heroes, and give toast to our current, fabulous friends and queens. The numbers were there again too. So important to get to these events and show our number I swear. If we give in and not show up, I truly think we will be cooked. Every Pride I attended so far has had huge numbers and getting larger every year, I swear. What a Pride Month!!!! Never give in...Never give Up!!!!  Some sites fromm the Pride festivities.... 

Rockefeller Center , I admit looked very festive.
Member of the Clan, Luiz

Start of the Dyke March

This cracked me up! Especially the Elton part.

Preach Queen!!!
Drag sister and friend Nina West sang a very moving song in the Stonewall Memorial Monument.
This cow!
Clan members Kio, Holly Dae and the Lumbersexual! Whores!
I may have organism a bit when this picture came from Preston, popped up on my phone. The Queen herself, headlining the Lady Land Festival!!!!!! I was ok, we saw Princess Kylie at our concert.

After work on Friday, I even got into almost full drag for the Drag March on Friday evening in the Village. I knew I wouldn't have much time once there to get ready I went on the train just like this which got many looks. Some loved it, and others must have thought I was nuts, but a queen must do what a queen must do. The finished Pam looks were in the previous post. LOVED those lashes!!!! Oh, I did wear a shirt up. I didn't want to shock to many people after all.

Happy Gay Pride!🏳‍🌈


Pride was a blast in New York City over the weekend! Although I got back later than expected. I got caught up in the frivolity and missed my train, taking a later one back. Only to get sat next to a young gayling, who wouldn't shut it the WHOLE way back. This pretty much summed up my look on the trip back.

In the meantime, go back and enjoy the Pride Party music if you haven't.