Monday, February 19, 2024


A cold weekend here it was. While we did get another couple fluffy inches of snow...gone are those long dark deep winters of feet of least for now. While winter is not my favorite season, I still do find beauty in it. I almost wish we could have a cover of white permanently all winter to cover up the dead and murk and least till spring. It was a down weekend, one to relax too and have some good lay ins. After our snowstorm last week with the heavy stuff, I fear one of the oldest trees on the property, a Eastern White pine may have to come down. It has to be at least 80 years old, and some 70ft tall, I'm guessing. Several branches came down during the weight of the heavy snow, and I think the tree is leaning more than it was before the storm. It's a beautiful, old, gigantic tree and will break my heart to see it go, but I worry if it uproots, it may do even more damage, I dare even say take up part of the garden and bring down the potting shed. We shall see after some experts come out.  But where the hell did the weekend go?!?!?!?! Monday already?

This photo has always fascinated me of a frozen over fountain in Detroit on its Washington Blvd.


  1. I do!
    I do find respectable people dull.
    And pity about the pine. But I understand their root system doesn't go too deep and they can lean easily.


    1. I can't even imagine the uproot system of this's huge!!!! It was already huge when we moved in back when I was just born. But if it goes over, it will take out at least three or four townhouses to our one side. I SHOULD have the Lumbersexual come look at it...he does this stuff for a living as a Arborist. I'd make it worth his while.....

  2. I like that photo of the two wolves -- very artistic!

    1. I bet they would be nice to cuddle up too also.

  3. Say what you want about cold weather, snow, and ice, but nothing in summer, winter, or fall comes close to the beautiful scenery such weather makes of the landscape.

    1. I can agree, When the world is blanketed in white, it's pretty calm and I feel like it's a good rest for nature. And after a good snow, have you noticed how crisp and clean the air feels and the sky is usually more clear and more blue then ever?

  4. Fantastic photos, sweetpea! When we lived in Savannah, one of my biggest worries was the tall Spanish oak that our circular drive went around would come down during a hurricane! She swayed, lost leaves, but nary a branch fell during the 8 years, and numerous hurricanes, we lived in that house! I hope your pine survives! xoxo

    1. I hope so too. It's been at the ancestral home since my parents moved in back in 65 and my mother says it was huge then. And it has already survived three hurricanes. This last heavy snow brought down four huge branches. The first to snaps off in years.

  5. That coconut cake looks simply divine, did you use the leftovers from your ball gown?

  6. Anonymous2/19/2024

    I'll take that pot of hot water for my caravan tea, a slice of that delicious coconut cake and then sit back and watch those two dear men go at it to heat things up. :-)

    1. I have always found "rubbing" two stick together generally gets thing hot!

  7. A beautiful wintery board today...but brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  8. I'm thinking the frozen fountain could be a phallus symbol, and the next thing you know there's two delectably naked guys hugging!

    1. It's all about the order they come in.

  9. Such gorgeous photos; to see them made me feel good.

  10. Beautiful photos. The two wolves are stunning. The two men look VERY cold. I love how the one guy has lifted his poor little tootsies off the snow.

    1. When I first saw that picture it was their thighs that I fell in love with. Such a sexy yet adorable picture.

  11. Their feet will be so cold.

  12. Oh, gosh.... I hope an arborist can figure out how to save that tree. We lost 3 majestic eucalyptus trees alongside the house. Two to storms and the last to a lightning strike. All 3 were close to 60' tall.

  13. That cake! I want to try that cake!

  14. Those two blokes are cuddling together to stop their winkles freezing and falling off.

    1. And that kind of cool weather there's winkies might not be seen for 3 months.

  15. Looks more frosty than it is here. We may get a early spring but maybe a false one

  16. Anonymous2/20/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    I'm glad I have a hot cup of coffee for your mood board today -- brrrrrr! A nice big slice of that yummy looking coconut cake would help too, LOL! Love that gif of the fox jumping into the snow -- I've seen Arctic foxes do that many a time when they're hunting prey. Though I wouldn't hang around to observe that moose as he looks really pissed off!

    During the last deep freeze here, lots of people were throwing boiling water outdoors to film it freezing instantly for social media. Guys, never urinate outdoors when the temperature is below -55 Celsius because the urine stream will freeze right up into your wangs! I've personally seen male co-workers do this and yelp their regret, LOL!

    1. now that is one story I never thought we'd hear from you...a guy's frozen arch ways!!!!! And you know I love moose. I love to pet one, one day, somehwere, somehow.

  17. Beautiful pictures, and if that tree is leaning towards a building get it cut ASAP. You never know when it will topple over, and when it does the claim with the insurance company is going to disrupt your life more than you can imagine.

    1. That's why Im worried. We have several Arborist coming out tomorrow and Thursday for some estimates.

  18. love your white mood!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


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