Sunday, June 11, 2023


Since I moved into the ancestral Casa du Borghese and took to gardening, I wonder what I got myself into. This season things have really "taken". And since the weather for the most part as been very nice and cooperative, it seems almost hard to keep up with, everything flourishing... especially the roses that we now have upwards of  21 bushes! They need to be dead headed just about every other day. I'm also trying my hand at a topiary on the front porch and another herb potted garden.  It certainly has been a busy time, and the assortment of birds is growing also. I even think maybe Nocturne the Raven may found me and followed me here form Bucks County
The irises and peonies came and went. We got almost five full vases for in the house this season. The newest peonies plants grew but didn't bud.
The potted garden is going insane. Looks great at night with festival lights in amongst the leaves and flowers.
The Mountain Laurel also bloomed and lasted over a week. This bush is probably almost 40 years old. I used to call it the peppermint candy bush when I was a wee one.
The newest addition to one garden is this Datura "Ballerina Purple". So far so good. And it is ever fragrant!!! Meanwhile the climbing roses have intertwined with the Clematis. At first it was looking messy, but now I'm sort of digging the color and mixture of the two.

David Austin Pinks.
Miss Scarlet and I had mentioned some time ago about winterizing geraniums. This one above was my test. It barley hung was down to three stalks and about 9 leaves...when I could finally put it back out after mother's day. It has since went nuts and lives with the other potted plants in the potted garden...and has since got its first bloom as you can see. Last year's didn't make it, but what a success this one was. I'm pleased.
One of three bird baths. This one has a red house finch I believe. Bird seems to like when the birdbaths are protected with foliage and plants. 
This will soon be filled and brimming with salvia, delphinium and impatience in this garden. The hummingbirds are already visiting daily...and would you believe I actually saw honeybees using this birdbath??? We added about 10 more salvia this year too.
A grosbeak
Said herb pot, with lavender, dill, Italian basil, parsley, rosemary and marjoram.
Yellow finches after the spilled thistle. A banquet really. Meanwhile the blueberries are coming in currently......
For tomorrows granola....

And we have another nest of baby robins!!!!

Today has been a flurry of activity in the garden. It's been relaxing having a nice sit all day.... with tonight, G&T'S and beef Florentine and potatoes on tap for the grill. 


  1. Simply stunning. Of course, anything you put your hand and heart to is a work of art.

    1. I enjoy it and seeing the results...but I don't know I'd say art.

    2. Oh, Mads, it's art. You can't help yourself.

  2. Blooming lovely, and with all the birds and baby birds visiting, it's the talk of the town!

  3. All coming along very nicely, indeed! I love that rose and clematis combination in particular.

    At this sultry time of year, waiting for the full summer show to really kick in, it's the perfect time for a G&T in the garden - clink, clink, sweetie! Jx

    1. Tis the perfect time for a G&T. Funny that they always taste more refreshing after gardening!

  4. Such splendor I miss gardens.

  5. Anonymous6/11/2023

    Goldfinches are my favorite birdie. Smooch!

    1. Mine too! My mother hasn't had them in two years...I switched to the white net socks this spring and volia....they are back! They are very picky what kind of feeder they use.

  6. So, so gorgeous! You sure have a green thumb!

  7. Anonymous6/11/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    All the birdies agree -- your Garden & Spa is the best in town and better yet, it's free!

    1. The birds and the critters are the best part of making more of a sanctuary of sorts.

  8. G&T'S and beef Florentine?!? What time is din-din?!?!? Your garden looks so pretty...and I have seen those Ballerina Purples....they do indeed smell heavenly!!!!!!

    1. I was surprised by how fragrant they were Dame Micaux.

  9. The bird nest is precious!!!! Your garden is coming along quite nicely. David Austin's are amgont one of my favorite roses to be had. Luckily it's one bush that will do well at my beach house. I also loved the Mountain Laurel and the peonies. I hope you ca rest for some time now. A G&T sound like the perfect thing for a summer night. Love the potted garden too. Do the bird bother your blueberries?

    1. We don't cover it, and the only two birds that we see at the bush at times are the robins, and the more insistent Catbirds, who absolutely love berries. But since the bounty is plentiful Im not chasing them away.

  10. It is all gorgeous! Irises are one of my favorites! And I love Nocturne! Ravens are so cool to watch. Are we sure that all your birds didn't follow you to the Casa from Bucks County????

  11. That is quite something that you winterized the geranium. And it looks like it came back great! You must have a green thumb when it comes to plants and men!

  12. WHAT!!!! About the only thing I can grow is weeds and poison ivy!

  13. Oh what I wouldn't give to be in your beautiful garden. It's absolutely gorgeous. Roses and clematis together make good companions, don't they.
    My blueberries are about a month behind yours, I usually pick them at the end of july.

    What colourful birds visit too. And as for the robins nest, just wonderful!

    1. I take that as a compliment coming from you what with your incredible garden!!!!!!! And too think I almost pulled the clematis out!!!!

  14. Your Garden is a thing of Envy and the bounty of Birds visiting it seem to appreciate your efforts. Growing Blueberries too, you overachiever you... they look so much better than those I can find in the Stores. I remember picking them Wild when we lived in Upper Michigan. And when we lived in England the Blackberries grew Wild and were considered a nuisance plant, imagine that.

    1. That blueberry bush was started by my father. Must be 20 years old now. They are nice to have to just go out and pick them off the bush. Once done, we are lucky to be so close to NJ..did I just say that? where they have excellent blueberries...the blueberry capital.

  15. love your garden so much!

  16. Anonymous6/12/2023

    Must get a birdbath for my backyard birdies!

    1. They love the water!!! I had to fill two of mine twice yesterday.

  17. Simply gorgeous, I wish my thumb were a bit greener.

    1. I have no idea what im doing.....I must have got the gardening bug from my father.

    2. I am a fourth generation gardener; my great-grandfather was head gardener at Rhinefield House, my grandfather and my mother were gardeners and my niece is a gardener-in-training.

    3. this the same Rhinefield House that is in Brockenhurst??? I love English Manors and their feeling....I think I may have seen pictures of it before. If it's the one I'm is so beautiful.

    4. Yes it is! My great-grandfather laid out the gardens.

  18. Be careful with that Datura; every part of the plant is poisonous.

    I too am a rose lover and my rambler Paul's Himalayan Musk currently has several thousand blooms; unfortunately it is not a repeat flowerer, but when it is in bloom it is stunning.

    1. I had no idea about the Datura!!!!! Sure is beautiful!!!!! Of course, there are many flowers that one would not expect to know are or have poisonous parts. I bet your garden must be spectacular Helen.

  19. This place must look wonderful on a sunny day.

    I hope that topiary thing in the front yard isn't a leyland cypress tree. I already know how you'd shape that!

  20. My God I can just about smell the roses, and I've never seen mountain laurel that's actually sort of cool looking. Who knew you had a green thumb, I know I didn't.

  21. My Geraniums flowered all Winter in the conservatory!! They are back outside again now.
    I'm pleased yours recovered!
    I want a Raven.

    1. Me too Ms Scarlet. By time may rolled around, I didn't know if it would make it. Right after thanksgiving here, that was when mine last flowered and then that was it. Now it has three buds as of today!!!!


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