Monday, November 27, 2017


.....From the edge! I had a lovely time away and had some much needed gin drinking relaxation in between feeding my face, visiting with pups, and eating, watching movies and eating some more... if there wasn't already a cream puff there. Now I just have to deal with the left overs my aunt sent me home with- and then some. Some observations from the holiday trip.

#1 While viewing the Philadelphia Dog Show, my mother's dog Lilith was very disgruntled she will probably never be in it. She said screw it.
But then the bone made her feel better.

#2 My aunt's dog Sophie. My aunt says she is the best behaved dog and very obedient. Matter of fact she doesn't even get up on the furniture. After said conversation, in the living room.

#3-My good friend, the Dame Courtney runs a very successful floral company. Very talented, and we always have him do the arrangement for her dinner. This year was no exception.

#4- That being said, he's not playing with a full deck. He sent me this in mid October. He didn't think I would see the tree. But Philly looks adorable.He bragged the tree was up later. I was like bitch please, I'm drunk for St Patrick's already!!!!

#5-  My personal assistant, Buster Bolfig Borghese got a new bed, and proves no matter how big it is, he STILL sleeps half in it!!!!

#6- My aunt still makes the best damn turkey and dinner every Thanksgiving. I wonder if it could be her Frigidaire stove? My the bird is mouth watering....

#7- The Lad joined us this year. I learned in a pinch his ass makes a good laptop stand.

#8- Time Flies. My aunt's grandsons, my second cousins, were there. Last time I saw them they were probably in elementary school, possibly middle school. Now there both in college and much taller then the Mistress.

#9- We went for drinks one night, and Smittey's made me a cock-a-tail.... I learned I like Manhattan's. What a shock right?

#10- The turkey works.
So there's that.


  1. Lilith looks like how I feel. Maybe a bone would help ME too.

    1. Your should have seen the picture I was going to post. She looked even more depressed, and bloated then this one.

  2. Fun post Mistress! Handsome family and pooches. I also have the feeling the laptop wasn't the only thing on top of the Lad's ass. wink!

    1. 🎶🎵 On top of Old Smokey......🎵

    2. I can just imagine it's the perfect ass for that big coc, huh, well...bird... to nest in!!!!!

  3. Not sure which is more mouth watering. That ass, that turkey or the Manhattan?

    But your dogs are all adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I'm with Lilith, a good bone always makes me feel better! Then again, I'm also a bloated bitch :)
    I better look at these pictures again because I didn't see a laptop.

  5. Ear skritches to Buster. :-)

  6. The turkey had me getting hungry, The Lad had me blushing, and the dogs all had me melting. Nice that they all get along. I don't know I told you but William's favorite evening drink is A Manhattan. Much to strong for me.

  7. "I was like bitch please, I'm drunk for St Patrick's already"
    Brwahahahahahaha! I don't doubt that.

  8. Glad you had a relaxing and relatively uneventful holiday. I did, too. Except my's still in shock. Buster and the other dogs are all cracking my up.

    I too saw young family member this holiday and it is indeed fast how time flies. There grown!

  9. So great that your Thanksgiving went well and was fill of fur!

    I also see nice full baskets run in the family!!!!!

  10. "But then the bone made her feel better."

    Sounds like you and Lilith are two peas in a pod.

  11. so many puppies!

    my, the lad's ass looks tight (heh heh heh); must be all that good exercise!

    your cousin on the right looks like a mini-clone of you. handsome young men!

    st. patrick's day? I'd say next independence day!

    1. You may recall t ootes, I posted a picture of his bare cheeks once. I have no complaints about his ass

    2. the lad is blessed with a fine ass!

  12. So much pleasantness! I don't like Manhattans (or so I thought). So I would order one when I wanted to cut back on my drinking. The first was torture to get down. After that they became more and more delicious. By number 4, I LOVED THEM!

    1. The first one kicked my ass.

    2. and then the lad kissed your ass and made it allllll better (amirite)!

    3. these are visuals we don't need.

    4. Speak for yourself sistah! I want pictures!

  13. That whole holiday looks entertaining to me.

  14. So much cuteness, and a NICE laptop stand.

  15. Cute doggie pics, and I'm like Buster. I seem to have half my body dangling off the edge of the bed when I sleep.

    Also, who puts up a Christmas tree before Halloween?

    1. I told you he isn't playing with a full deck. Jokes aside, with his business so busy, he has to decorate his home early, or it won't get done.

  16. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving! And "I'm drunk for St Patricks" hahahahahahaha, good one!

  17. Well, I'm amongst the living again (sort of). Happy to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. 💋💋💋💋💋

  18. My only question is where do I find a laptop stand like that?

  19. Holy crap - where to begin?
    The doggies are all so adorable that I'd readily trade my cats for any one of them.
    I love #5 - Buster sleeping halfway in the bed.
    #6 - I would kill for your aunt's stove (and turkey).
    #7 - that would make my laptop stand any time...
    Your second cousins are cute.
    And I've always liked Manhattans.

    1. Since my aunt's a cook, she picky about her stove. It a Frigidaire flat top with a double oven of sorts. A main over and off to the left a two level warming oven to keep dishes warm.q I'm thinking she made a small fortune.

  20. I'm curious as what Sophie's looking at.

    1. I'm sure the Lad was going something appalling.

  21. So, the Lad doesn't mind having an Apple on his ass? Those Manhattans? be careful, they'll blind you.

    1. I can hear you Dave, but sure cant see you.

  22. What a fun and cute post Mistress. but if your using the Lad's ass as a laptop stand, what are you using as a sketch wand??????????

  23. Anonymous11/28/2017

    Regarding Number 5. Half in the sack and half out... is this a position recommended by The Mistress???

    1. around here, it's more like half the sack hangs out and the other in.

  24. A hearting warm post in more then one way...... All so cute...and I mean all of it.

  25. i must say, the lad does have rather two nice butterballs.

  26. NO WONDER you and the Lad never get out of the house on his visits.

    Love the dogs....those expressions and personalities.

  27. I see cute dogs and handsomeness run in your family.

    Looks like a great holiday to me. Buster never ceases to crack me up.

  28. All those pups are beyond adorable! And I can only imagine the thing you do with the Lad's very fine ass.....


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