Wednesday, March 5, 2025


I think it's more important than ever to do what we can to help the country of Ukraine stay their own country and not be beaten by the likes of Russia. I also have hope that Zelensky will not cave into the US after last Friday's ambush. I fear, if he does take the Dump and Vance up on any deal, he will be giving into one evil devil to deal with another evil devil, and let's face it, both devils are in this together, and they will stab Zelensky in that back again for one final jab. Over the weekend, reader Milleson sent he a moving email, his letter below, and it also contained his cousin's letter and words, asking to share this. How could I not. Ukraine is barely hanging on but still is staying strong. Any hope, help and kindness is very important and goes a long way for the citizens of the Ukraine. I donated after his email and spent half my day yesterday at the state capital with protest against the Dump. Not a bad turnout considering this was a quick to gather protest, over 4,000 attended, and a surprising number of republicans too. Another one if already being planned.

Dear Bloggers and Friends,

          I received this today from a trusted Cousin and would like you to consider posting this appeal in your blogs.  This is a small organization doing what they can to help the Ukrainian people through this difficult time.  I hope your understanding in this matter will be directly influenced by the appalling and belligerent example of American Revenge Politics aimed at Zelensky and his country by #47 and his cabinet.  The Oval Office has been defiled and America's leadership in the World is diminished.

          This plea for funds is a humanitarian effort to keep the Ukrainian people with hope and nourishment in the coming months, many are at need and please help if you can.  My Cousin Richard and I are descendants of Germans who immigrated to the Ukraine region in the 1800s and this is personal.  After all, if you're not an American indigenous Indian, we ALL are descendants of people from other countries.  Thank you for your time and consideration.  With hope and faith in what America should be, your friend, Milleson

To help the cause got to Seeds of Hope.

There is also the International Rescue Commitee

Project Hope

World Vision


  1. We must do what we can to support the people of Ukraine.
    I sure hope Zelensky makes a deal with Europe. They're the ones who will have his back.

  2. I make a payment every month to the UNHCR for Ukraine - 80% of us Brits support Ukraine.

  3. I hope Europe steps up to the plate, even at the expense of us. We're supposed to beat up the bullies, not become one.

  4. Ditto what Robzilla said.

  5. I agree with you, but after last night's speech, I'm more worried about our country's intentions towards Greenland and Panama!

  6. At this point Republicans need to be stripped of citizenship and deported to Russia 🇷🇺

    1. That's the best idea I've heard yet!

  7. Thanks, Mads!
    This is a very good idea. I would add that we need to call our Dem representatives and nail into them that Ukraine cannot be abandoned. Fat Nixon and Couch Fucker are Vlad's puppets, and that would doom any action on their part, but we can still do something. Calling and donating.
    And I think the EU is going to step up. They must.


  8. The USA is led by complete fuckwits, and the rest of the world is having to pick up the pieces. Again. Jx

  9. Europe will do what they can and the US will look like Putin's Puppets and that is never a good look.
    I am off to look at the websites now ... and get my coins ready!

  10. A terrible situation made even more terrible due to this country's idiocy. It breaks my heart that the Ukraine has to suck up to that petty little orange tyrant. And now they're withholding intelligence info - holding it for ransom just so the felon can say he won some mineral rights. It's beneath us to behave in such an uncivilized manner and yet... here we are folks. I keep hoping for lightening. Or a burst aorta. Brain hemorrhage? Something....

  11. I avoid watching the news because the sight of orange butt face makes me sick, but I watched the video of the oval office drubbing of a fine, brave man and it sickened me. The European Union was already doing more for Ukraine than the US was. Now, they'll step up to do even more, and I will donate. I know anything helps. I don't want Ukraine to give in to the Russian or the US dictator.



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