Sunday, March 23, 2025


Yesterday found the Mistress, the Capitol Street Duo- The Dame and Russel the Love Muscle, MM#1 Fan and Cello Josh in Philadelphia for the Grand Finale Concert of the "King of Organs"...the Wanamaker Organ. It's been played for mid-day or evening concerts every day since around 1911, even after the legendary John Wanamaker's closed, but another retailer was always in place, so the building and organ went on continually.  Now troubled Macys closed the location along with another 100 or so locations. Philadelphians still in shock over this location. The doors never being closed since the inception of John Wanamaker's. It's also still up in the air if the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ, an organization of people worldwide who donate to keep the organ as fit as a fiddle, and its organ musicians, and team of service and maintenance will even have access to the organ. The organ can't sit quiet for too long. We all worry about it, and many in Philly are fearing with trepidation its fate, even though it is a registered landmark. While I'm sure it will play again once day, regardless, it was the end of an era. It's always been intertwined with our family. The last organ performance was perfect and a building rattling one at that, with a slew of organist from all over for an all-day concert. It was both sad and nostalgic and put me in a melancholic mood the rest of the day. I'll let my snaps speak for themselves.

The Crystal Tearoom.

We did get one good chuckle, when Russel said I should get this on a tee shirt for myself.

All my years in the place and somehow, I never noticed this on the entrance to the organ booth. Here are two videos for those interested in its sound and a great video on its history. Hearing it in person was quite amazing. Philly trips won't be the same without a stop in. You can also click on the tags in the links section to read my various posts of the place over the inception of this blog. 

It seems another piece of my youth is gone. They certainly don't make places like this anymore.


  1. Yozzah! In high school I thought of becoming a organist. When I saw the key board and stops on this monster, it didn't know whether to faint or squeal

    1. Spo, it is truly amazing! The only organ I know of in the world that could also emulate a full on symphony! I think in the video there are some 700 stops.....

  2. Heavens! So even the State isn't going to step in to preserve the world's largest pipe organ? Where have all the philanthropists gone? Shocking. Jx

    1. The organ, center court architecture, and the Cast iron Eagle are all registered Nation Landmarks. So they can't be moved or torn down. And thank heaven apartments have been ruled out. The question is just how long it will be for the organist and such to get back in the building to keep it up to snuff and play the glorious organ again. I still think it would be great for a concert venue what with its acoustics. The Friend of the Wanamaker Organ have donors far and local to donate funds for its upkeep and preservation, as well as state funds. The issue is when the current landlord, who owns the building, will let them in, and if the public will be allowed back in to enjoy its daily free concerts.

  3. Carlos loves an organ--don't I know it--and so I played these for him and he loved them. He'd have gladly paid the £10 to tamper with it!

    1. I think Carlos would have been a fun person to be there with in person. Not only would he have enjoyed the music, but he also would have felt the vibrations from its music. I always enjoyed seeing people enjoy it for the first time.

      The music organ that it, not the male organ...for which we all enjoy too.

  4. Anonymous3/23/2025

    What a sad, sad day for a legendary building and magnificent instrument. It was heartbreaking to see all of the empty display cases. My sympathies, Madam. I’m sure the Marshall Fields flagship store in Chicago is hanging on by its nails.

    1. It was Huntley. I think the emptiness, and everything being sold already made it hit home. I'm glad we made it for the final concert, just in case it never plays again. I wanted to show Sixpence the organ, the music one that is, but between art, and talk and kiki-ing, we ran out of time. Maybe next time he comes east, and brings you along!

  5. I can't lie, I did shed some tears listening to the concert on WRTI. It's been such a huge part of anyone's life who grew up, is from, or lived in the area for a certain number of years. From the opening "Star Spangled Banner to Night on Bald Mountain which Im sure shook the building.... the closing "Come Sweet Death" this was an unbelievable all-day concert and display of the exquisite talent we are fortunate enough to have in the region. Long live "Baby" & all those who make her sing - the organists, the support & technical staff & the volunteers! Come back to us soon. As a member of the Friends of Wanamaker Organ I'm not to comforted by the fact we have no idea when we will have access to this great instrument again.

    1. I think I would agree with your comment also. They definitely played some fine selections, and definitely went out with a bang, even if it is a temporary hiccup.

  6. I visited there once on your recommendation, and it was quite incredible. You'd swear there was a whole symphony present. I've long enjoyed your post over these years on your blog. It seems between the art of window displays and the organ, we will miss these post.

    1. I suspect soon the only place to find any art will be in museums. So many pieces of culture seem to be disappearing.

  7. Just absolutely amazing. There are no words....

    I swear, everything Macy's touches, it eventually kills.

    1. I would tend to agree with your comment. Every other store or company they took over is no longer around.

  8. You are the reason I even know about Wanamakers and this incredible instrument, sweetpea! The last time I was in Philadelphia we had our young children with us and were doing the historical tour. Sadly, I never got to see this magnificent place. xoxo

    1. Philadelphia is such a great fun vibrant City to be around. I wish you could have had more time to stop in to see it. That place and the organ was quite amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

  9. Could be just me, but I feel as though any and all culture is disappearing to fast. I'm just glad you showed me this place on my lone trip to Philly.

  10. So glad first off we got to meet up again!!! I couldn't think of anyone better then you and your clan, you enjoy the organ so much, to hear the final concert with. Sad that this amazing instrument will go silent for however long. Will never forget the times I have been there for the noon concerts, or with the symphony for a few special concerts. A big, big thank you for sharing your post and its existence all these years.

    It was great seeing you in the flesh!

    1. Well it certainly was a very emotional day, I couldn't think of a better group to hang out with and enjoy it, we especially enjoyed some of your musical expertise. It's always a pleasure seeing you.

  11. Well, I have been around the store and the organ just about my whole life. I am sorry to have missed the final concert, with an out-of-town funeral, but I heard it was packed. With Macy’s now closed, it would be nice if the center court housing the organ could be turned into a concert hall open to the public for orchestras and organ concerts. The ground floor parts of the building surrounding the atrium could become restaurants and art galleries supporting the concert hall.

    You got some great pictures to immortalize the place...Thanks for sharing.

    1. I can't agree with you more empress. Of all the ideas I heard thrown around, I think a concert venue an artist galleries would be incredible. Lord knows we don't need any more retail or apartments. And with the Acoustics this would be an incredible place for music venue. Not to mention feature local artist and musicians.

    2. I think art galleries would be phenomenal. For music and art alike.

  12. Doug Morris3/23/2025

    You have brought back some wonderful memories of the organ and Wanamaker Department Store. Seems odd to see the place empty and the organ being silenced. As former buyer years ago for JW Wanamaker, it brings tears to my eyes. I sincerely hope the organ, the Eagle, & so many of the store's traditions will continue. We visited from Scotland, where I now live, in 2023 and Fred gave us a private tour when I told him I once work in the buying offices. An amazing experience and one that I hope future generations will be able to experience. I was in utter shock when out friend living in Philly told us Macy's was closing, with no plans for the building. I thought I heard wrong.

  13. Never in my lifetime would I have thought that this would ever happen. I’ve always wanted to see and hear this magnificent organ sing. Unfortunately for me that’s not going to happen. I will have to be happy with the videos of it on YouTube, and your wonderful post. I can imagine it was a melancholic day.

  14. Wow. Excellent post. You got some of the best shots I ever saw of the eagle.

    I hope the current property owner don't let the grass grow under their feet.

  15. Anonymous3/23/2025

    Thank you for this, an old and proud Philadelphian :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for popping in. Still seems surreal that I won't be there, at least temporarily we hope.

  16. The end of an era, that's for sure. So glad you were there for the final concert. Outstanding photos, as always!

  17. This is such a tragedy in the making. A registered piece of history going into limbo. I wish I could've been there for the final concert. According to the Friends of the Wanamaker Page, it stated that they are working with the owner who already owns part of the store with the plan to take over after Macy moves out, they are trying to make it so that they can keep on with keeping the instrument preserved and playable for the organist to maybe do concerts.

  18. This makes me sad. I can only hope the location is purchased or otherwise preserved so performances can continue. I've long enjoyed reading your post.

  19. Listening to that must have add immensely to the shopping experience. It might have even caused me to overspend.

    1. I always found it very funny when I would be there, shopping when it was Wanamaker's, or hearing the organ concerts... and you would see out of town folk or tourist shopping when all the sudden the organ would begin to play. You could tell they were totally off guard and started looking around like they were going nuts.

  20. A sad day. I hope there’s good news in the future. Russel is so right about the T-shirt!

  21. When I found your blog, this place fascinated me to no end. And the organ, never heard anything like it. I did read in an article online there are many options for the Wanamaker organ. The building can be made into a concert hall, a museum, and historical site, or even a restaurant featuring the organ! There are grants and trusts. I too read that apartments and offices have been ruled out. Stunning post.

  22. OMG. It makes glorious sound, doesn't it. That place and that organ must find a way to survive. It must be a Historical Site.
    And, that sign was made to be in a t-shirt!

    1. It is Pat it was declared a national Historic Landmark a couple years ago. It's just uncertain how long the friends of the lawmaker are working will be able to get back in to keep playing it and maintain it. Otherwise if the organ sits too long it won't be good for it.

  23. This is truly a sad moment. Now I wish I could've shopped there at least once before it shuttered its doors.

    1. In the next couple years, I doubt many Macys will be left standing. A huge Macys in San Fran is shuttering too. And Parts of the fabled Herald Square in NYC are being shut off and a couple floors.

  24. Him indoors used to be an organ fitters' mate before joining the RAF.

  25. How much fun is that damn thing. Man. Just to touch those keys! That is an amazing thing to behold. Thanks for sharing. Kizzes.

    1. It is an experience to hear Upton! I mean a console with over 700 stops, and 42 foot controls?!?! I bet you could play it it you played the piano. I mean, we know you'd like to get your hands on a big organ.

  26. What a great finale post you have semblable. Excellent pictures and interesting videos. Hopefully this won't be the last we hear or see of this instrument.


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