Friday, August 25, 2023



The one thing I have noticed about this summer is the short shorts appears to be back! And I'm here for that. I've noticed all summer long in the city, in the suburbs ,at the beach, and then again up at the Woods... guys are back to wearing short shorts and they are showing those gams off honey! And there's one guy that lives in our neighborhood who walks his dog every evening while I'm walking Buster. And my lands is he hot. And he's got some very nice short shorts on which showcases his legs and ass beautifully. I plan on making an introduction before the end of summer I can tell you . I being only 5'7", and considered to be a pocket gay, I've always worn shorts on the shorter side. You see they compliment my frame and show off my legs more, and I can't lie I'm actually very pleased with my gams. I was very excited back in Spring when I came across a clothing company that sold those old OP corduroy shorts, but the chords are not as thick just a little thinner than the old OP'S. I was very excited and order two colors a tan and a beautiful Orange. And I'm here to tell you they set my legs right off. And I'm also very fond of denim shorts, or old jeans that I have cut off and made into shorts. This is all funny, as I told Sixpence once I never even started wearing shorts until around 12th grade or after. I was always very self-conscious of my body and my legs for some reason and wouldn't even consider having wearing shorts. It wasn't until I met some of the newer members of the clan that changed my perspective. Upon working out and getting nicer legs and a nice bubble butt... now I have no problem wearing short shorts and absolutely love them, I don't wear them too short. I wouldn't quite say they're Daisy Dukes, and I definitely don't have to worry about my balls hanging out. Yet. But with my love of men I can't lie, I am enjoying seeing men wearing short shorts again. Now if they have a pair of tube socks on  to right below the knee, you have a good chance of getting me turned on baby!!!

Some inspiration......

Here's to short shorts season!!!!!


  1. I've always said (well not aways, but once I've seen pictures) that you have gorgeous legs and a very nice butt, Mads. Pocket gay, huh? I'm 5'6" so that would make me a Travel Trunk Cis, maybe? I don't really know the lingo. Anyway, I went into deep mourning when short shorts went away. Their back, yay! As long as the ones with the pockets hanging out don't come back. Ugh! This is a foin display of short shorts wear.

    1. Oh my God the way you said that final line reminded me of Anne-Marie! Yes I love short shorts Deedles. And with me being short I just cannot wear Bermudas or cargo shorts to make me appear even shorter. It's tough being little.

    2. I agree Deedless. Drives me nuts when I see the pockets hanging out. I used to like wearing short shorts in my 20's but now, no one need see all these wrinkles and chicken like skin hanging. ONE ONE!!!!!

    3. I hear ya, Ms Agnes! In the back from my butt to mid-thigh I look like a Sharpei, so it's capri pants or longer for me.

  2. Short shorts are fine for some, but believe me I've seen some this summer that make me want to pull out my eyes.

    1. Anonymous8/25/2023

      Tundra Bunny here...

      AHAHAHAHAHA! You and me both, brother!

    2. And what was wrong with them? Or things bulging out in the wrong areas? Or was it just too many rolls hanging over? Inquiring minds need to know this!

    3. Anonymous8/25/2023

      Tundra Bunny again...

      Most guys I see around here are wearing shorts that are either too tight, too raggedy or so baggy that they barely cover their ass cracks. And the cherry on top? Farmer tans in tank tees coupled with snow white untanned areas and white flaccid legs that could give corpses a run for their money. Plus delightful beer bellies that dangle below their shirt hems!

    4. I have Tundra you just hit one of the things I can't stand! Those famous farmer tans!! They may be just right behind Crocs in my book. And you're going to wear short shorts I agree they have to have the right fit not too baggy not too tight. But you definitely give me some visuals tonight!LMAO!!!!!

  3. Wait!!!! OPs are back??? Those were my go-to back in the day. I must search out the new ones and maybe trade in my short 501s. Whoot!!!

    1. Your gams are damn fine. Sadly, my ass has slipped, but my gams are as nice as always from those dancing days.

    2. Not actual Ops.... but these are corduroy shorts that are similar but lighter weight. And yes shorter! And you're so cute making that lovely compliment. I would love to float in your pool with my gams.

  4. Anonymous8/25/2023

    Tundra Bunny here....

    I can't believe you're only 5'7", Maddie -- I thought you'd be at least 6'2" without stilettos! But who am I to judge, seeing as I'm only 5'3", LOL!!

    1. 6 ft 2 in!! Oh my God I wish! Christ imagine the men I would have gotten then. On second thoughts I'll keep my height I barely had enough energy for all the men I've already slept with!!!!!

  5. I'm with you on these short-shorts. I never could stand to wear shorts down to my knees or even further. I'm to the point in life if I can't wear shorts and a t-shirt when I go out, I'd just as soon stay home.

    1. Every time I wear long shorts I'm sure I must look like a little boy playing his dad's grown up clothes. It's not a sight to see!

  6. Love men's legs so the shirt shirts are a dream!

    1. I bet Carlos can pull them off. So to speak!!!!

  7. Me thinks it's no coincidence that the guy that lives in your neighborhood is walking his dog every evening same time you're walking Buster. He's waiting for you to make the first move.

  8. I love short shorts on a nice pair of legs. I love legs. As a matter of fact, several guys just ran and walked by our terrace showing themselves off nicely.

  9. Actually, it's those gentlemen's well-toned torsos that got my attention, not their legs.

    1. I adore a nice torso too. Oh shit, when it comes to men I'm completely defenseless.

  10. I had noticed this trend, I may be old, but I am not dead yet.

  11. Sorry that I haven't commented in a while Mistress. I am getting caught up and just read through your last couple of dozen posts and really enjoy them all. I agree with you about fire Island. I've only been once but loved it, and would love to go back for the solitude, beauty and beaches.

    I am so excited short shorts are coming back. I just bought a dozen 5 inch shorts for my week in Provincetown with the BFJ. I love wearing them and I love it when other men wear them. I don't know that I can brag about great games, but I think they're OK. Either way I enjoy wearing them so whether other people suffer or salivate over my kick stands I won't wear anything but, going forward.

    1. And I just bet you look cute as hell in short shorts!!!!!! The ones I got have the 5" inch inseam and a few at 4". Any shorter and the boys will be hanging out the bottom. I think your kickstands would get me hot. I'd need a fan.

  12. The trouble starts when the guy wearing short shorts has the body of der Trumpenfuhrer - our local town is full of people wearing the wrong size - they cannot tell the difference between S and XXXXXXL

    1. Thats just it Helen. One had got to be in the know about their body and what works and doesn't work. Most don't. When a big beer gut hangs down so low you can't tell they are wearing shorts...the jig is up.

  13. I'm 5'6". No wonder we usually see eye to eye.

  14. When I first saw you in short shorts I thought how they keeping everything in! But I agree you do pull off short shorts well, me not so much I look better with Bermuda length shorter Bermudas. I love those teal shorts in that one picture.

  15. So many men wear long shorts that honestly seem frumpy. Wear the shorter shorts! Show off those muscles!) We will have enough time to be frumpy in our old age.

    1. Thank you, Fit Bear!!!! Your right...we will have time to enjoy the senior citizen ensembles in out dotage. Why start now?

  16. You know I love you in short shorts! You got great legs. So loooooooove it! Men so often have such nice legs it’s a shame they don’t show them off more. 70s men’s fashion is absolutely where it’s at

    1. I hear ya!!! I hid my body away for years. I just didn't have the confidence then. I feel and look better my age now than ever before!!!

  17. Short shorts? On men?!

    Hell yeah live your freaky truth my dudes. It's good to be comfortable.My partner and I moved to Georgia in Jaunary, and he's been casually introducing these cute ass lil' shorts to his rotation and I. Am. Living. Show us those legs!

  18. Not for me. I prefer knee length, tighter shorts, but on other men? HELL YEA!

  19. It’s hot baby! Booty is popping. Thighs are thighing. What’s not to love about them!! I have a few pairs.

    1. I would cum just seeing you in them. Just so you know.

  20. I feel like it depends on the guy, like most clothes do on anyone. Some guys have the legs for it, some don’t as much, but confidence is key. I was cruising a guy once on a train. His were so short, he was able to give me a peak of his popped out.

    1. I loved that! It hot when a guy gives you a little peak.

    2. I'll need the number of that train if I come that way again Brodes.

  21. If a guy wants to wear short shorts, who am I to complain?!?!?

  22. I'm never opposed to seeing men's any form or shorts!!! Hell, Im still breathing.

  23. Definitely super-hot if they have nice legs!!!!

  24. Love it. So hot. I’ve been trying to convince my bf to get some.

  25. I know more than one guy who got suspended from school in the early 90's for wearing his Aussie rules football shorts to class. More girls than I knew suspended for clothing issues over that time. Just saying. That shit distracting. Gimme thirst, wear them short shorts GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  26. Dear...I'm all for it. We need more men dressing in those Magnum PI short shorts. Since Tom Sellek wore them, I haven't looked back!

    1. Oh yes...I had a huge= crush on Tom Sellek in those short shorts!!! And some very noteworthy fantasies.

  27. I personally don't like the short shorts on me and most guys...but let me see denim cut-offs?!?!? Mayjor turn on!

  28. 5'7"! I find this as something of a revelation! I'm 4'11"
    Surely you'd rather be wearing those FGES???

    1. Hummmmmm no. a small one...probably why I am infatuated with Mr.DeVice.


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