Saturday, June 1, 2024

SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY in that infamous Saturday Night Dance Party, that the one and only Anne Marie, from the blog From My Brain to My Mouth... AKA Warrior Queen, used to host every Saturday on her blog. When I was asked by Fearsome Beard to join in to honor her, DJ Mads Borghese couldn't resist. This is in honor of our dearly departed friend, ally, and fellow blogger, gone already 3years last month.  And how fitting too... for her favorite time of year yet... Gay Pride!!!! So get off your ass children, get those cha-cha heels on, some libations, and the crop top and as she would say Dance like nobody's watching. Be sure to check out the whole dance party at  DJFearsomeDJ the Goddess Debra , and DJLurker on their dance floors too! Now let getting cooking with as gas.  

And if ever there was a song with Anne Marie in mind.....

Your still missed.


  1. Wow! What a wonderful Party! And you know I luvs me some Dee-Lite!

    1. Meeeeeee too! Once at the legendary Roxxy,,,, Miss Lady Kier danced next to us. She was fun.

  2. A whole raft of "house favourites" here at Dolores Delargo Towers on that list, sweetie!

    There were a few that were new to me however, including Jocelyn Enriquez, Dajae, Ralpheus and Annabel Englund (and I don't like rap so had to switch that Torren Foot one off after a few seconds).

    Most impressed that you finished off with our top "party anthem" I Just Wanna Fucking Dance - in a mix/edit from the venerable South London gay bar the Royal Vauxhall Tavern ("the RVT"; a regular haunt of ours over the years), no less!

    Anne-Marie would be proud. Jx

    1. I absolutely love club and house music. The rap one you refer too I like mostly for its instruments. Adore Anabelle Englund. Her music is surprisingly good. Her grandmother was the late great Cloris Leachman. And Jocelyn Enrique was a huge club fixture in the 90's, here anyway. She covered a song with Amber and Ulta Nate on the single If You Could Read My Mind.

      carry on.....

    2. Oooh! I loved that "Studio 54" version of If You Could Read My Mind, but the only artist that was familiar was Miss Naté - who was HUGE here (especially as a gay icon); I saw her at the last free Gay Pride festival way back in 1997... Jx

  3. Wow, a dance party compilation worthy of The Warrior Queen herself! And I love your new Pride Month blog banner too!

    1. I planned on doing something for Anne Marie in pride month as this was a fitting idea Debra!!! Thank you. And a nice many blogs took it and ran.

      Thank you. I knew that had to be my new header.

  4. Oh how I have missed AM's Dance Parties!!!

  5. I'll be coming back later for a listen & dance, but I'm already looking forward to Donna Summer, Raye, Sylvester, Deee-Lite, Chic, Thelma, and Freemasons & Sophie E-B!

  6. If ever there was a movie of your would be The Part Girl I swear!

    Love this list!!!! And your selections are all over the board yet..blend so nice together. Im only half way through and you for real got me up and dancing!!!!! Here to your friend!!! I bet she's dancing.

  7. I love this list, and I'm sure AM would be thrilled.

    Hey, I posted this morning and I also left a comment on AM's blog.

    1. Im sure she would have loved that selection!

  8. YAS HENNY!!!!!!! We be having some gay church up in the joint today!!!! I'm spinning and twirling girl. Your friend Anne Marie sounds like ana amazing woman and good time.

  9. Mistress, your making me want to head out tonight girl! This list is amazing!!!!!! The Gay Church! Old New, a bit of every obscure ditty!!!! I love dancing still, but the club scene will never be as good as it was in the 90's and early 2000's. And we still miss Anne Marie! I read her blog every Saturday. Im surprised none of you continued her Saturday Dance Party.

  10. Oh GODDESS!!!!! This is so fun and excellent! Oh my goodness...I used to tear these up in the clubs in Chicago and New York City. This was the groove back in the day when House music was HOUSE music and you just danced for hours!!!! Who cared. It sounds like your friends would love all the dancing to this list. You need to DJ honey. Good ear

  11. Bun-Bun6/01/2024

    Bitch, you can cover my set at the Monster when I have to be away. I KNOW your a club kid now, Jaejai's You got me Up is a serios camp house classic. I never thought I would hear old ragtime in a house track. And like it. The clubs would go nuts with that song. Good times.

  12. Terrific idea, Maddie, I hope to come back for a bit of a boogie!

  13. I only know four of these. Shocker, right? You shoulda thrown a little ABBA in the mix knowing how much my little foul mouthed Carebear just looooved them, heh! I can't believe it's been three years already. Shake your groove thang, Mads. Mine is broken and I'm taking it to bed early. Hugs, hon.

    1. I wondered if he'd have any ABBA either. I drive her nuts, didn't it?? HA HA HA HA. He was a good boy today.

    2. Carebear and ABBA! I tear up just thinking about it, Ms Agnes.

    3. You two. I bet were both were just as nuts back in the day. I would probably still have to tell both of you to check yourself but don't wreck yourself. Now let's go have a day with the girls and listen to ABBA.

  14. You're really Turning it Up my Friend. Cheers.

    1. Did your family see you shaking dat ass?

  15. Trust it to you to have the most fabulous AM tribute! It is gorgeous as are you and she.

  16. I may be old hat, but I love and adore this music, even at my age. William and I often clubbed in NYC and FI back in our 20, 30's hell, even 40's in Philly. They give such life. I still miss seeing Anne Marie in the comment sections of blogs. And her Saturday Party and later the protest party. Sh'ed liked the guilty result on Thursday. can't you hear her?

  17. I still too miss her. Some days, especially when you write about personal stories of dating or sex and something political, I wonder what she'd comment.

    A Deeper Love?!?!? THE ULTIMATE club anthem!

  18. Very nice tribute. And this music...OMG. THESE FREAKING SONGS!!! Absolute Bangers.

  19. It took some time but boy was it great!!!!! You'd be an excellent DJ. OMG. This is just good house music. Pure and simple.

    I remember you talking of Anne Marie and seeing her in the comments. She was a funny person. Good to have friends on your side like her.

  20. A perfect way to celebrate Anne Marie. She didn’t stick around long enough for me to meet her in person during my trip across the sea. She was a powerhouse.

    1. Oh.....she was!!!!! I can still recall our first lunch when the hostess asked how many? She said two. I replied four. She looked at me as may be two others were coming. I said me and the two girls need a table!!!!!!! She howled and laughed and said " I'm going to fucking love you."

  21. Anonymous6/02/2024

    It seems like she was here yesterday.She was a mood-setter in Blogdom. I miss her very much.

    1. Me too and I agree. Of I ever get to Flordia I plan to meet you just so you know! We can talk Anna Marie im between the debauchery. Love to you my dear.

  22. I can just imagine Anne-Marie having a party on 34 felony night! She'd have loved that result.

    1. I think your right Helen. She had a small dance party even that night and a blow out Saturday Night Dance Party.

  23. This is one of the most infectious dance songs list I’ve ever heard in my life. I only wished I could have experienced the club scene in the 90's, early 2000's. It sucks now. You go to a club, and most stand around on phones, or not dancing. The music is nowhere as good as these songs.

    Your friend most have been really something. She sounded fun.

  24. Now THAT was a playlist, sweetpea! xoxo *raising my glass to Anne-Marie* Whilst I did not have the pleasure of meeting her, through all y'all I feel her in the music! xoxo

    1. She would have loved you, your views, sense of humor and speaking your mind.

  25. A whole era of musical memories there.

  26. You know your dear friend is raising hell up in the clouds!!!!!

    A Deeper music GOLD!!!!!! And Far L'Amour with Raffaella Carra? Less than 4 seconds in and I liked this song!!!!

  27. Oh I remember Anne Marie and her comments alright. She was never at a loss or fine words!

    This this song get people worked up in and out of bed!!!! Huge fan of Dee-Lite. Its 2024 and I am still in love with the power of love . Thanks for posting it. Everyone's go to is always Grooves in the Heart and they had some many more songs then just that.

  28. Aww. This is so sweet. My heart to you, dear. Thanks for celebrating Anne Marie and this great tradition. Adore all your selections. You have... quite good taste (so I hear)!


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