....IN TOWN!

What can I say? Has it really been almost a month since my last post??? Needless to say I was looking so forward to returning back to the US...insert sarcasm here. The trip was splendid, wonderful, and very fun filled with new experiences. Warbucks pointed out several time how much more suited I am for European life. I never expected to enjoy Budapest as much as I did...and it was, I dare say, more pretty, and cultural then Paris. Budapest had a more WOW factor for me.

More to come! But while gone, what happened? I see blogger has still been a disruptive bitch! You should have seen my spam folder!!!! Nothing new with the dump. He is still going free...yawn. And while gone, it's been just another day in the United States of Guns. The worthless politicians are all too greedy and in the pockets of gun companies and the NRA to give a shit I suppose. As We the People, we should just vote them all out and start over is how I feel. The crazy weather in California is insane. Between tons of rain, flooding, yards of snow...even my friend outside San Fran has 10" of snow and then had a mudslide...and parts of LA had snow I hear. Before long, I suppose they'll be fighting fires again. I even heard a tornado touched down in LA. I sure hope the fault lines hold up. What is to become of the state I wonder and how much more can it endure? It was nice to see that loser Murdoch get his. Finally, some justice somewhere!!!

It was with sad news that our oldest and longest working drag queen, here in the States, Darcelle XV, a Portland drag legend, passed away. So glad I caught her show once, years ago. These queens that really capture the true essence of drag are getting far and few between. And then just today, the racy and politically charged, and highly entertaining UK queen, Lily Savage passed away. They don't make them like her anymore.

Once home there was much work backed up in the showroom, and then with more sad new last weekend we had to make the decision to put my mother's dog, Lillith, to sleep, and send her over the rainbow bridge. While I was away, she was apparently having issues with her back legs, which worsened day by day. I even saw the decline once I was back. While still alert, eating, drinking and after some time getting up and doing her business outside, once back in, she would lie down again. Each time back up, was getting harder and taking up to half an hour. Our Vet change her meds twice while I was away, but still no improvement. He didn't think it would get better, and she certainly couldn't drag herself around in her poorly state. I will never forget her face when she peacefully went to sleep after her injection. She was one of the most swell dogs, with such a peaceful and gentile personality, the opposite of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. They are not usually as quiet and laid back as Lillith was. And heavens know, she loved her sunglasses.

Before the trip, the owner of Suba, a local restaurant, touched based... and was told the Mistress was back in town and wondered if I could be the Mistress of Ceremonies for a drag themed night at her restaurant and bar. I thought to myself, it is more important than ever to be seen in drag with what's going on...more on the later too. So, I thought, swing the doors open, and took her up on her offer. The event was a success, and many thanks to Fat Sissy for creating my spectacular look, a signature Mistress Borghese look! Go big or go home has always been my motto!
The Mistress with the establishment manager, Stacy.
What better way to hide a big bubble butt? And it felt nice being back in drag, I can't lie. So the conservatives can go suck the big one and go work on something worthwhile. Now there is a novel idea. More fun and exciting post coming, just you wait.