Thursday, April 7, 2022


I had wanted to try and recap this season, but with so much going on, and not seeing the show every week till days later it just didn't happen. But after a few emails from some of y'all, you twisted my arm to give some observations.

I thought the season was going to be a bigger train wreak then it was. Turned out to be better than expected, but this season had a very clear top and bottom half at least for me. As I thought, June Jambalya, Alyssa Hunter and Orion Story, and  Maddy Morphosis were the first ones to leave. Poor Orion. Gorgeous creature...but she was about as exciting as watching paint dry, with June not far behind. June was just a mess. Poor June. She was like the Joan Of Ark of drag, she had good ideas, just very poorly executed. 

Truth be told, I would have loved to have seen Alyssa Hunter say longer and have had Jorgeous leave in her place. Alyssa would have had a much wider repertoire than Jorgeous I feel. Between her and Bosco every single week, it was just all skin, two pieces and knees boots and short one piece jumpsuits. I have yet see any high glam from either of them, and finally they ended Jorgeous's long dying languish on the vine last week. I was ready for Keri Colby to leave the first or second week. I found her about as boring as June. It wasn't till she got eliminated that we finally got a different look from her. And I love me some Jasminne, having met her several times, but I had the feeling she'd make mid way and just in time.... she got cut. I couldn't take any more of her talk and tears. Good God get a grip girl! And the shit she talked about Daya and her performance, and Daya sent Miss Thing packing  in her lip-synch. 

The two best entertaining challenges were the Rusuical and the Girl Group Challenge.

I was so glad RuPaul put all those bitches up for lip synch that one week. That Snatch Game sank more than Kristie's Alley's long dead career. While Deja did good, I still have not a clue who it was she was impersonating. Which Deja Skye was my surprised hit of the season. I thought maybe a mid way queen, but I liked her more then I thought I would, and she was just so flawless and represented the big girls well. Most of her runways were fun, some not quite up to par, but creative none the less. And love her personality. Wouldn't be surprised if she lands Miss Congeniality. I did think she'd bring the roast and win that, but she shocking fell apart for the challenge and I was relieved RuPaul did a double elimination. And why was I SOO NOT SHOCKED to see Bosco had the golden ticket in her chocolate bar??? I just don't know about but that. I smell shenanigans. I almost would have loved to have seen Kornbread make top 5 instead of Bosco. 

Which as I suspected when I did my original post, the top five I thought we'd get.

Willow Pill for being young, has not once disappointed me yet, as I suspected she wouldn't. So many versatile looks, and would bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other from week to week. Last weeks runway was right up my alley, in her jaw dropping look and her best yet, and as held her own in the weekly challenges. I dare say I think Willow Pill will take the crown. My friend disagrees saying no, she has not won any challenges and not had to lip- synch, with exception to the one episode. Bianca also never lip-synched and won the whole season, though she did win three challenges. Nope... I think Willow has this. Yvie has taught her well.

No surprise Lady Camden got into the top 5. I loved her since I caught her shows in San Fran. She can command a stage and a song to be sure. While she is more quiet and reserved than some queens, Lady Camden in the end is not to be trifled with, and she performs a song that way it is meant too. She has yet disappoint on the runway and much like Willow from week to week, you never know what we are going to get. I'd be highly shocked if she isn't in the top 4. She gave us many memorable moments from this season. I had to laugh when Bosco thought she'd beat Lady Camden in their lip-synch faceoff. Bosco was so sure Lady Camden would whip out the bells and whistles and death drops in their number, even if the song didn't call for it, yet Bosco is the one who ended up whipping out the show antics, and lost the number. Funnily enough, every time she came for Lady Camden for a part in one of the challenges she could nail, it seemed Lady Camden would cream her.  Lady Camden would be my choice to compete in top 3.

Daya Betty can get on my nerves a bit, but I would like to see her with the first two for a top three. Daya hasn't disappointed me once this season. I often enjoy her looks. a mix of club kid, glam and clown all mixed together, while still bringing the House of Methyd  feel and look. I feel in some ways she was smart. She conserved energy and just got stronger and stronger each week. I love her runway looks and she killed it in most of the challenges. I couldn't take my eyes off her in the Rusical or in the Daytona Winds skit. I adore her and she gives me great memories of the club drag queens of yore back in NYC. And as one can see from her picture, she may have worn the highest heels in the history of the show yet... and nailed her lip-synch against not one, but two queens in those said heels. I'm glad she is still in the competition.

Funny enough, the two queens with the most wins, I don't think will win. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Angeria Paris VanMichaels. I thought if she didn't make the top 5, this show is fixed for sure. Angeria very seldom disappointed, and she brought the most flawless beat face, the biggest high glam hair, and was by far, the fashionista of the season, in jaw dropping ensembles on the runway. I am sooooooo ready to have drinks with her all-night long. I could listen to her talk all night. As a pageant girl, she brought it, but she also knew when to leave it behind and go camp or bring us something outside her usual comfort zone and did it with finesse. She may win, as I don't think we have had per say a full-fledged pageant queen win yet. As good as she is, would she add anything that is not in RuPaul's winner circle yet? But I wouldn't rule her out for a All Stars season. I dare say she won't take the crown.

Going in the season, I knew very little of Bosco, except from what I saw on her Instagram. While I do enjoy me some Bosco. much like Jorgeous, I felt like by the fifth episode I saw everything I needed to see from her. Week after week, it was the same look over and over and over...the outfit, the make-up and the hair. In my opinion we still have yet see a high glam look and while she is good in comedy challenges, I didn't feel her in most of the other challenges, and I feel Lady Camden was robbed in last week's challenge. The same runway yet again. I wished she would have brought to the show more of the style she has on her Instagram. I figured from the beginning she would make top 5, and she did do a good job overall, while staying true to her style...BUT as we know the judges like to see more versatile looks and style, so I'm confused as to why she is top 5. I'm hoping, she gets chopped this week, and the top four would be my dream list of the four other queens above, who I feel would make for a very diverse and versatile bunch. 

But I still think Willow will be our new queen. Subject: What's your thoughts on the season and who will be crowned?

Talk amongst yourselves....


  1. Anonymous4/07/2022

    Great review! I think Willow will win it all too.

  2. I haven't watched enough episodes to have a decent opinion.

  3. Excellent post. I go back to your original post every week to compare, and you were right on again with this season. More than any other season, this is a well-deserved list of queens who belong there. But if Bosco makes top four, I will for sure suspect foul play. She is by far the least versatile of your other four winners. Your right, I had seen all I need to see from her by the 5th or 6th show.

    I'm hoping for a Lady Camden or Willow win.

  4. LOVE THE LIST and you spot on with the top four. But et again last week, the judges loved Bosco’s and I can admit that it was well executed, but it’s only slightly different from the metal corsets and panties she’s worn all season.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If she makes it to the finale, this bitch better have the ballgown to end all ballgowns hidden in her trunk.

  5. Didn't watch. Call me strange, but I'm finding Drag Race Espana more entertaining.

  6. I adored Daya all season. That she admitted she didn't have tons of money for costumes and ensembles, Daya’s looks offered a wonderful corrective to the idea that a queen needs to have expensive costume designers at her beck and call to make it through this competition. The fact that she had many homemade pieces from vintage pieces is impressive and is what drag should be about and gave a nice ode to what DragRace used to be about. And she is just bad ass.

    1. Daya slayed that last challenge in the video for Catwalk. Damn did she look great.

  7. Entertaining season, but Bosco getting this far???

    It felt more like a storyline being crafted to me henny

  8. I couldn't agree more with your observation with Jorgeous going sooner and keeping Alyssa Hunter longer. Seen Alyssa perform and she didn't even touch her performing iceberg.

    Bosco has stayed around well past her "best by" date. Bless her heart

  9. I'm afraid I have to enter a defence of Joan of Arc who lifted the English siege of Orleans, had the French king crowned at Rheims and generally lifted the French court out of the swamp of apathy it had fallen into. The only thing she did wrong was to get captured by the Burgundians and then sold to the English so they could burn her at the stake. That said, these ladies are all very attractive and your commentary as illuminating as always.

  10. Your right, it was pretty inevitable from the second episode the top, the bottom and mid way girls I though. Jorgeous and DeJa needed to go by time they went, but they did both get chances to show exactly why they should get gigs. Jorgeous will have fans clamoring to see her dance live, and DeJa did a good job of showing off her hosting skills. Not only did she give good energy in the werkroom and confessionals, but she used the lackluster snatch game to show that she can bring up the energy of a room even in difficult situations.

    I just adore Camden.

  11. Lady Camden is my Queen, although I love Willow Pill and Angeria. I think Deja and was just getting tired of the whole thing, as we could see in her relief when she was let go. And wasn't sorry in the slightest to see Jasiminne go. She was beyond on my nerves. My hat is off to the other queens for not having murdered her. And we found her rather messy.

  12. I like Bosco but her runways are one note often.
    Daya Betty works my last fucking nerve.
    Anjeria, I love, because she really brings it.
    Willow Pill, though, for me, is doing so well in the challenges and in the runway.

    I could see either Daya or Bosco leave ... no, I dislike Daya so much, I need her to sashay away.

    1. If Willow does win, she would be one of the few, if any, to take the crown without winning any challenges, or just one.

  13. I agree with you. I think it'll be Willow Pill: smart, great story and some truly cool looks. I think it could be her or Lady Candem. I love me some Angeria and her personality and would pay to see her act. Daya Betty was a surprise. Love her visuals, though. And as antagonist, she's perfect. Bosco? I keep wanting more. Like you said, she better brings the ballgown to end all ballgowns.

    Love your recaps!


    1. I didn't dis-like Bosco, but she is like the shiny rocket, that I'm still waiting to see explode with a jaw dropping look. Still waitin........

  14. I think I've seen only two episodes this season. though, even if I had seen them all, I'd bow to your expertise!

  15. So many beauties! I have to wonder, though, can Daya Betty really walk in those shoes?

  16. Bosco... umm, to paraphrase a certain film? Good bones, but not a pretty girl. Kizzes.

    1. If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me.

  17. They all deserve a standing round of applause
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  18. I've never seen Ru Pau's Drag Race, but I have seen him interviewed on a couple of late nite shows. Food Network has a show called "Cakealikes" and this past week, the contestants had to make a Ru Paul cake. One poor entrant had made the legs out of fondant covered rice krispy treats, and as if on cue when the judges came to assess it, the cake legs fell down like a clown's pants! There was Ru Paul's upper half in a resplendent fondant suit on two white PVC tube legs, LOL! I laughed so much that tears rolled down my face! Good thing Ru himself hadn't been the judge!

    1. We don't get that show here, but that sounds like a riot!

  19. Bosco's gown in the video was designed by House of Canney for-- and fit better on a different queen I saw once, inspired by Erté. Bosco's choice for that gown was not a good one. The design looks far better on a full queen. It hung on her.

  20. I don’t disagree about the shenanigans, and at this point the screwing with (or attempting to screw with) our expectations has made each of these highly predictable and fairly boring, but I have to say I don’t remember any season where I’ve felt so affectionate about so many queens. Even Daya, who was our “villain” this season, is not only very likable, but has proven herself a fantastic talent. She killed with style and dance in the video this week. So for that odd reason, I was slightly glad no one went home because I just want to see a bit more of these wonderful ladies one more time in the finale.

  21. Lady Camden is rapidly becoming one of my fav ever queens, and not just in Drag Race world. Not only is she integrating her ballet/dance skills with drag in a sophisticated way, her face work has been varied *and* consistently beautiful, she has a fantastic sense of proportion.

  22. If it had been up to me, I would have sent Bosco hone just because I think we've seen everything she has to present.

    I didn't care for Ru using the ableist "you don't use your disability as an excuse' line on Willow, but I suppose it's also the sort of thing I expect from Ru.

    Daya has risen from being a take her or leave her queen for me to one of my favorites this season, but I'm rooting for Camden to win.

  23. Last Friday I went to pub to visit chums for a drink. The bar was to show this event at 7PM. I have never seen the bar so full up - and with so many different types too! This is quite a following, this contest.

  24. I'm glad Bosco is still in it just from the standpoint of being "from my neck of the woods" but I do have to say I like Angeria Paris VanMichaels more.

  25. I can only go by the pictures provided here, but Angeria Paris is stunning.

  26. Camden is my favourite, and I'm hoping for her. Willow and Angeria are also great, but Willow did win that lipsync. Angeria is just so charming, I can't be angry about it.

    I recognize Daya Betty's talent, but I just don't like her. I don't know why exactly. I also thought the concept of the runway outfit was cool. Bosco is very talented, but that is still one look. The outfit was different but sadly why didn't it fit? And the face was the same-again.

    This has been such an up and down season. Some real stars have emerged.

  27. Boy did you NAIL this season girl!!!!!! A Camden and Willow Pill showdown! I was happy with either one winning...and neither one disappointed.


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