Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Schiaparelli girls!!!! 

If the Mistress had been born a female, with an unlimited fortune... I would own every piece of the Schiaparelli Spring Summer 2025 line, and I would be totally wearing all these pieces out children! Last week, dear reader Milleson sent me the link to the runway show, and I immediately had chills and a rush of euphoria and happiness over this collection. I couldn't take my eyes off it. In my opinion it's been a famine of fashion for way too long. This collection for me is so inspiring, and in awe of each and every piece. I haven't felt excitement from seeing a fashion show like this since one of Gallino's. This show proves, once again at Schiaparelli, why Creative Director Daniel Roseberry is such a couture force to be reckoned with. This collection, the textile, the textures, the construction, and creativity is off the hook, right down to the elegant music and the stunning, classy venue, The Petit Palais. For the latest reveal that's named after Icarus- a Greek character who flew too close to the sun and died, Roseberry soars without falling, delivering one of the most elegant, sleek and jaw dropping collections. Classic, Timeless, yet modern, and still embodies elements that of Elsa Schiaparelli's- revolutionary shapes, her techniques and colors, along with the vintage feel of Schiaparelli.


It's said that Roseberry, for this collection, started in a Parisian antique shop where he looked at an assortment of ribbons from the 20's and 30's. But when Germany invaded France, many of these spools of ribbon were hidden away, lost of a period to history. In the collection, Roseberry, using prewar, Lyon-made ribbons, as the vehicle. And the colors, cremes, tans, taupe, saffron, butter and faded peacock green is swank and chic. And you know, I'm a sucker for marabou.

Now...children, grab a cock-a-tail, sit back elegant, relax, look, take it all in, and watch the magic unfold. called FASHION darlings.


  1. Oh I agree. I don't know much about fashion, but damn...This man is a genius…each of his creations is a masterpiece. Your right, timeless, classic yet modern spins. This reek of good taste. A big round of applause also goes to the mastery of the workers. From seamstress to the embroiderers.

    1. This really was a marvelous collection.

  2. I had goose pimps watching this!!!! I LOVED IT. Oh to be young again.This is the most beautiful, absolutely stunning collection that I have seen in the last 10 years. Such an elegant and unique collection and show. Why... I even spied Ms Wintour...and even she looked rather stunned and pleased!!!! Daniel Roseberry is a master of fashion and fabric. You'd never guess the handsome man is American. I might have to watch this again.

    1. Your right on three accounts....the collection...Dame Wintour...and Daniel Roseberry being handsome. WOOF!

  3. Wait....even Anna Wintour looked happy!
    This is a gorgeous showing...even the runway and layout was magical.

  4. This just might be one of my favorite collections I have EVER seen. I only keep up with a couple of houses anymore, and I'm pretty over the whole fashion nonsense in general, and many houses are former shells for themselves... but this actually made me emotional and inspired. It's SO good. Hell, I'd wear half of those garments.

    1. I tell you..... haven't been excited over a collection like this since the Galliano and early Terry Mugler and Alexander McQueen days.

  5. Brillant. Elegant. Meticulous. Sophisticated. Cohesive. Luxe.
    Absolutely loved the collection.

  6. Love the structure!!! Each piece is exquisite!!! We FINALLY got what we needed in fashion!! Someone got it! Exquisite collection, pure class & elegance & creativity. Superb tailoring, fabrics & impeccable accessories.

    Difficult to fault Daniel Roseberry in what appears to be one of the best haute couture shows.

    1. The minute I turned the video on and saw the setting with music...I knew this was going to be something special.

  7. Cap Chasen2/07/2025

    There is such a wide array of praise as well as harsh criticism here. Elsa experienced such herself I'm certain, so Daniel is right on track. It is a wonder that there are still hands to create such a high degree of workmanship. They must surely love what they do, as is evident in this stunning collection.

  8. Anonymous2/07/2025

    Magique et magnifique :)
    Un américain à Paris redonne de la gloire à une illustre maison de haute couture. Monsieur Roseberry rend la maison de haute couture Schiaparelli fière.
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

  9. A beautiful, cohesive collection indeed. Loved the bold, futuristic jewelry which complemented the highly structured looks. The beading, embroidery and laces were exquisite! There was a strong Elizabethan vibe with the exaggerated hips, laced corset backs and oversized collars around the models' shoulders, but the colour palette was beautiful once it got into pale green silks. My favourite looks were # 8, the gold satin peplum with the elongated front that covered trousers and # 14, a black beaded structured top with trousers... and the green & gold embroidered dress you featured --- STUNNING!

    1. Those laced corset backs pieces were executed beautifully!!!! Smooth and no buckling. And I agree about the covered pants suit. I know three of my female friends who'd totally wear that to work or out for the evening, mind you, they would need a underpinning.

  10. I’m with you. That would be all that was in my closet!

  11. But does Schiaparelli ever really disappoint?

  12. WOW. mouth kept dropping after every outfit. I couldn't think it could get better or more beautiful and it did. Every detail: hair, shoe, make-up, body makeup, jewelry all harmonized within each outfit. The sculpture and the textures: hard, soft, delicate, feathery, were unbelievable. Will be watching this video over and over.

  13. Now THAT was how to create, bring and show a stunning collection. No silly gimmicks. No ripped up clothes, no logo branding, no tacky celebrities to see modeling, and no boring athleisure bullshit. Thank god. The world might be falling apart, but Schiaparelli has done it.... fashion has gone back to being classical, graceful, fresh and chic.

  14. This Is true couture, at its very highest and most splendid and, incomparable. Something we don't see much from the fashion houses these days...and can be worn right off the runway, compared to other designers runways, who's cannot be worn till after some modifications. Bravo Schiaparelli!!!!

  15. High fashion and modern art is something I rarely get, unfortunately

  16. I think my comment from last night went into the Dreaded Spam Hell, but I came back to add that the music was gorgeous during the show, too.

    1. I'm getting very bad about checking my spam, but after seeing your comment I went to check and there was nothing there. I'm only to assume you enjoyed this collection?

    2. Oh I loved it; it seemed both retro and modern to me, and the shapes were stunning.

  17. Meh, not in to couture, I'm happy with sweats in the winter and a T-Shirt and shorts in the summer.

  18. I would kill to see if someone on tonight's RDR episode had the sewing skills to pull something like that off. Sam Star, maybe?

    1. Sam good and very talented, but boy does he drive me nuts. He'll be top four and I highly doubt he'll win. It's a love hate relationship. And he never stops letting it be known that he is in Trinity's house.

  19. Anonymous2/07/2025

    Fantastic collection.
    Each garment tells a story and yet the collection looks cohesive? Not to mention the materials!
    Luxury walking. Keeping a fashion house vital and yet classic is not a small feat.
    I’m with you. If I had money….



  20. A mixed bundle of designs; some very chic, others rather less so. The embroidered dress is a show stopper.

  21. I have never heard of her. Hey, I learned something !

  22. Just hearing the name Schiaparelli gives me goose bumps.


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