Tuesday, October 1, 2024


As most of us know by now, unless we live under a rock, Hurrican Helene has wreaked more havoc and done more damage that anyone could have expected, affecting several states, but really battered the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida and Tennessee.  The destruction and havoc was worst then anyone expected. Even my uncle who was slated to move into a new place in Ashville tomorrow has pushed back his move and settlement, and his son and daughter in law have yet to find out if their home down there is still standing, let alone the new home under construction, with power and phones still out. We, I'm sure have seen all the news coverage of the people in need, those who lost everything, even family members lives, lost. Yet, a number of, what else, Republican senators and representatives voted against supplementing disaster relief in a government funding extension which was passed by both houses of Congress. The real sad part? Many of the lawmakers that voted against the provision of additional funding to FEMA represent states that were themselves hit particularly hard by Helene. If one has seen the news, you don't have to have a high IQ to see relief and more of it is needed quick. If your affected, republican, and voted for these idiots, let it be noted that relief to you is not as important to your lawmakers, who apparently could not give a shit for you or your community.  So wake the hell up and snap out of it!!!! Vote these ignorant bitches OUT! Here is the list of ignorant bitches. Let it be noted not one democrat voted nay. 

North Carolina- Rep Dan Bishop, NC 8th District, Senator Ted Budd

South Carolina-  Rep Jeff Duncan, 3rd District, Rep Russel Fry, 7th District, Rep Nancy Mace, 1st District, Rep Ralph Norman, 5th District, Rep William R. Timmons IV, 4th District, Senator Tim Scott.

Georgia- Rep Richard McCormick, 6th District, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, 14th District, Rep Mike Collins, 10th District, Rep Andrew S Clyde, 9th District

Flordia- Rep Daniel Webster, 11th District, Rep Michael Waltz, 6th District, Rep Bill Posey, 8th District, Rep Cory Mills, 7th District, Rep Anna Paulina Luna, 13th District, Rep Laurel M Lee, 15th District, Rep Matt Gaetz, 11th District,Rep Bryon Donalds, 1st District, Rep Kat Cammack, 3rg District, Gus M Bilirakis, 12th District, Aaron Bean, 4th District, and Senator Rick Scott refused to vote.

Tennessee- Rep Tim Burchett, 2nd District, Rep Andrew Ogles, 5th District, John W Rose, 6th District, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Senator Bill Hagerty.

This should be a slap in the face...vote them out. I don't even live anywhere near the affected area and this infuriates me beyond belief the level of not caring, act of non- decency, and lack of compassion and humanitarianship.


  1. You forgot to note that every single one of them was a Republican, and they voted against it because that would give Biden a win.

    1. I did mention they were republicans in the text.... and that not one Democrat voted nay. And the stupidity down there will get these dumb shits re-elected. And for what???? Dumb people.

  2. For many of these people, it is more important to vote against anything that the other side votes in favor of EVEN if it is harmful to your constituents. Fortunately, every member of the House is up for election in November, and maybe some of their constituents will send them packing. If my Dems did this, you better believe I would vote their asses out. Thats another difference between them and us.

  3. Then let these, who voted against helping Americans in disaster, go and work to help them on the ground. I have been through a disaster so bad the National Guard declared Marshall Law. If they had ever been in one you'd never vote against helping anyone out and do a no vote. What an ignorant coward.

  4. It's a sad commentary Mistress. Most of the voters vote AGAINST their own interests. As DumpTrump says "I love the poorly educated". On this point he is correct. I don't know how a human possibly could vote against this.

    1. You might be right. The only time I think I agree with something he said.

  5. When I lived in the US and before internet and social media, my father and I used to sit down with our voter information booklets and read the pros, cons, supporters, plus share our knowledge on candidates' records. When I went away to college, we made it a long, distance call. I take voting very seriously as do my family members, friends and colleagues. These people must be idiots that keep voting for them and against their own wants and needs. But then not much of the US makes sense to me anymore, lol.

    1. That's just it Magpie, you have sense. Most people, don't do the homework... here they just keep voting for the same old people, election after election, even though in a primary a new opponent might be even better and brighter. If a person can't do the job, and get things I support done, I have no issue voting them out with a new candidate.

  6. But climate change is a hoax, right?

    1. They seem to hit the red states a lot. Could the Goddess be a democrat??? LMAO!

  7. So sad to see most republicans vote against helping the people they are to serve. It was the same for the infrastructure bill. the list goes on. And yet these stupid people voting them in most not care? I don't get the stupidity.

  8. At this point, the GOP is the party of obstruction.

    1. I swear do they vote yes on anything???

      Even if it benefits all, even them, they STILL will not vote for it all because a Democrat may have drafted it or supports it. This is petty , and shows they do not know what it is to be a true politician and shouldn't be representing anyone, including rocks. There has to be give and take, otherwise either party will never get anything done.

  9. If the majority of reps in any region vote no on funding FEMA relief, then that region should not be eligible for funding. Seems like a good way to clean house and reduce the deficit.

  10. Cap Chasen10/02/2024

    Ignorant is putting it mildly. I am totally sorry that people in those states are suffering like they are, but FEMA funding provides a lot of the services after an event like this. Too bad your representatives decided you didn't need an extra buffer in funds for emergency response.

    Glad to hear though your uncle didn't make the move yet, and hope all is well with your cousin, his son.

    1. Thanks Cap! I have not heard official word yet when he will move. We do know the retirement village he will be moving in had no real damage and has power thankfully back. Just getting there is the chore.

  11. Odd, and a bit ominous, that it hit Asheville as bad as it did. After all, it's in the Appalachians, and if that's not "high ground", what is? Anyway, your point is well taken, and I hope whoever is running against those who voted against relief make it a campaign issue.

  12. It goes to show you who really cares,

    1. It is rather appaulling. When this or bills come up the benefit all are passed makes you wonder where these peoples mind are. Obstructionist I say.

  13. In so many ways, people vote to hurt themselves. Many of the areas if coastal Florida, should not be rebuilt, should not have been built in the first place. Warnings of 10-20 foot storm surges have long been there, and they allowed building in those zones.

    1. They probably deliberately let them build there to help fill the pockets of the insurance companies.

    2. I never understood why people keep rebuilding, only to get hit over again and again. How many times is enough? I have friends who lost a house four times due to the hurricanes there.

  14. When it happens to someone else it's no big deal, but once it affects them it's a catastrophe of epic proportions.

    Shame on them, That many, especially since it's in their own state yet.

    1. And this is the list of just the republicans in the affected area. There was 82 in total.

  15. Vote them all out!! I am trying not to swear out loud but my mind is spewing the filth.

    1. Why is it, you live so far away, and I can still hear you spewing the filth? LOL!!!!!!!

  16. The Dems running against them should be making a huge issue of this. Along with letting their constituents know that those Repukes voted AGAINST all those new jobs from the CHIPS Act, and the Infrastructure Act.

    1. I just don't get it....and never will. If This Disaster happened here, and just for example my Democrat didn't vote to get me quick relief and more funding to get the area back on its feet, you better believe they wouldn't be getting my vote.

  17. Vote. Them. OUT!
    People keep voting against their best interests, just because it's party before country.


    1. I suspect they'll open up and wake up one day, but by then it'll be too late.

  18. Anonymous10/02/2024

    Joan knows ! “Driver we have a lot of driving to do, so many states to visit that have been devastated by Hurricane Helene ! I’ve got a lot of bitch slapping to do, these bastard politicians need to have the shit beaten out of them and put in their political place !!! And driver, remember to remit your invoices to Pepsi Co. :)" :-)

    1. 😂😂😂 and as we know, Joan Crawford was a very experienced slapper. Just ask Christina!

    2. Anonymous10/03/2024

      😂 and don’t forget Veda Pierce :-)

  19. What is it with these right-wingers that they don't want to help anyone bar the ultra-rich who can afford to look after themselves?

    1. I think they purpose want a ultra rich vs poverty nation....with no in between...so they can have complete power and reign over everyone.

  20. Helen Lashbrook for the win! They are only interested in lining their own pockets. Human beings can be just awful.

  21. Seeing Joan at the top of a post is like waiting for the three o'clock bell to ring. You know shit's going down after school!

    It angers me, but even after I die being borderline psychopathic will remain a feature of the Republican party.

    1. I think your right...no going back now.


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