Friday, May 3, 2024



The other night my friend Joe and his partner had me over for a dinner and movie night. They had gotten a DVD of a movie they wanted to see, but couldn't find a platform to watch it so they ordered it.  The film in question was Under The Rain, a film by Noel Alejandro and shot in Berlin. The jist of the film was about four men occupying an old building to execute an artistic project. Mickey the photographer, leads the group while the three models perform in a session that seems to dilate out of the script and into their lives. As the scene evolves, the wounded artist Viktor will take an impassioned trip through his feelings of doubt, fear and ambition, before climaxing into an erotic burst with the group. It felt like a story of will and perception that could easily allude to our own, and to individual impressions of erotica. The film was beautiful, wonderfully shot, location so full of excitement and mood. Not to mention the four actors are all so attractive and inspiring, and one could feel the electric and excitement and allure of these guys. Joe and I, actually used to date years ago...we loved it, but his partner seemed uneasy watching it. I don't think either of them knew of it's full content. Click at play...this is not the entire movie just a heads up. 

To see the selection of other shorts, and there are many, here's Noel Alejandro's site. I don't know what it is with his films, but the simple stories, and the connections the actor get is intense and the way it's filmed- captivating. Check his site out, and he often will have films free to view at times.

This isn't your usual Friday Night at the Movies.


  1. Alejandro has done a number of these "dramas" which end in erotica, I don't think this is one of his better ones.

  2. It's what one might classify as "art porn." Looks interesting. You might also enjoy films by Antonio DaSilva.

    1. Thanks for that! Ill have to check it out Pat.

  3. Oh yes.
    I went in thinking it was going to be like A Room With A View and then... yes. Very ShortBus of you. Loved it. I love what Big just called 'art porn. Yes.
    Beautiful photography. Beautiful men. I'm good.


    1. His films are very art porn and arousing, I can't lie.

  4. I agree that it's art porn ... lovely photography, too.

  5. Art or Porn? If you can wank to it, it's porn. Jx

  6. It looks fascinating and, yeah, art porn. But art!

  7. It may be art, and I may end up watching for reasons that are not so artistic. Unintended consequences? Only the filmmakers know for sure.

    1. You may end up watching for other reasons? Do you need a hand? For art, of course.

  8. So, it's a gay art porn version of Phoebe Waller-Bridges's 'Crashing', from what little I watched. Which also has gay characters in it, but they are part of a larger ensemble and not the MCs. I'm currently watching Killing Eve, which I have been waiting SO LONG to watch. it was on some subscription service I didn't have, but now its on Netflix. Edgy Lesbian Assassin vibe. I like it! I need humor! I can't do Arthouse take-myself-too-seriously anything.

    1. Killing Eve, I have heard of that and seen previews. I'd like to see that, it's been on my list to watch. I recently binge Sex and Violence, a Canadian show. I was amazed at the sex scenes between the straight male actors, like how they got "aroused" and still have sex. I wasn't expecting to see everything.

  9. I do love Art cinema. its beautifully shot and the music is sublime. The fellas ain't half bad either.

  10. does this mean were going to be seeing you in a Noel Alejandro film? your arty....

  11. Now this is the kind of porn that I like. That is beautifully artistically shot and the actors can actually get into each other. No pun intended ,they have great chemistry together. It's always been a fantasy of mine to have sex in an abandoned mansion.

  12. The passion behind those men....gurl, it just about set off my smoke alarm. Very nicely done really.

  13. Hey! I learned something!

    1. Of course I'm dying to know what you learned.

  14. Damn! That was good. Let's make one!

  15. attractive, certainly.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!