Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 As is tradition here at the Casa du Borghese...

Horray Hooray, it's the first of May,

Outdoor screwing begins today!!!!

I can't lie, your Mistress is a big fan of outdoor sex! In the spring my libido is even higher than normal, if that is even possible. I'm here to tell you I have had sex in some pretty odd outdoor places, like an ally, a few balconies, several cars, the dock and in the woods in the Poconos, on a picnic table, which broke apart after a few thrusts, a church fire scape, a golf course, and more than a few parks and a garden. Nothing like striping naked and having sex al fresco I say. But just remember a few tips from my How To Have Sex Outdoors and Have Fun while Being Safe, brochure. Yeah, I was never good with my brochure tiles. Some points to remember. 1- bring protection. 2- Be prepared to be caught. 3- Watch for pricks and other sharp thorns before sitting.4- Bring a blanket. 5- Come prepared, with the like of protection, and namely lube and a stiff drink in a thermos for after. And make sure to clean up after yourself. NO one need to be told they have a used trojan stuck to their heel!!! But mostly just enjoy the great out of doors, the fresh air and the cock and getting nailed.

I'll be at the lake if anyone is looking for me.

Happy Outdoor Season!


  1. I told my husband: "First of May, first of May, outdoor fucking begins today!" and do you know he's never heard that saying? But he liked it. Haha.

    1. Hey toots....there is a first for everything right?

  2. Anonymous5/01/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Well, Maddie, always hike in groups... bears like options!

  3. Ohhh, so this is a thing?
    I need to start a new tradition!!!


  4. I'm surprised you felt the need to warn people about looking for pricks, isn't that the main purpose?

    1. A good prick yes...the bad ones no. Have you ever tried getting one of those pricks out?

  5. I held off posting the phrase myself, knowing you would be doing a post on this theme today 😍

    I'm off to the boathouse, forthwith! Jx

  6. Afraid I've only done indoors. I'll have to pick up a copy of your book.

  7. I will say, Carlos and I have enjoyed some sexy times al fresco ... and even once with a guy named Al Fresco!

  8. My hubby is going to wonder why I'm requesting sex on the patio tonight. And he' say, You were reading the Mistress's blog again weren't you?

  9. I have no problem having outdoor fun on a May pole! And those gifs are steamy!!!! Are these from Sex and Violence? Callum Dunghy is HOT!!!!

  10. Do you teach courses in outdoor sex mistress? If so, sign me up!

  11. I'll say one thing. You sure can set a mood and stir things up. I'm ready to get naked!

  12. Cap Chasen5/01/2024

    I'm pushing 84 and don't understand what's going on in these moving pictures but it looks strenuous. Please advise.

  13. I too listen to this song as a May Day tradition. I like the done via ASL.

  14. I never understand how guys in these scenes aren’t hard before the pants even come off (and in his case, after). Also, I had never heard that ditty about the first of May. Had I only known.

  15. The dick dock is calling your name Mistress. Pun intended.

  16. Alluring scenes here, how do they do it outside? You all have my props. I can't even get up out of the bed inside most days with aching. Oh.... to be young again.

  17. Im like you , sex for me just about anywhere is good, but there is just something about outdoor sex that adds a bit of invigoration to it. And I know you enjoy your outdoor sex!! We may need to know about the church fire scape sex scene though......

  18. As always dear, thank you for taking a taboo, overlooked topic and using it to divulge a message in tips of gentleness, compassion, and understanding. I admire your work, in and outdoors.

    And I love your selection of very robust examples too

  19. Maybe tonight I'll take a walk in the park on the way home......

  20. Replies
    1. These are from a show Xersex called Sex and Violence.

  21. Sex outdoors is terrific. There's just something about the base instinct of it all.

  22. Oh, that's right. You might have a different definition of a May Pole on May 1st!

  23. Here in boring old Poshfordshire we celebrate May 1st with choristers singing from the top of Magdalen Tower while the audience hears not a note. Morris dancers cavort up High Street and in front of the Bodleian.

    1. That sounds rather charming Helen!!!

  24. First of May - Outdoor sex starts today

    1. I suspect the back passage might be busy!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!