Monday, February 24, 2025



Finally, some nice, warmth, a balmy 49 degrees yesterday. While no garden work is started yet, I did enjoy a nice pew outside with hot tea, watching the bird frensy at the feeders. And the two mockingbirds are still here, with a slew of bluebirds now. I introduced a new suet that contains oranges pieces that bluebirds and orioles enjoy. But we're far from spring yet, with another cold snap I'm sure, but I will enjoy this for the moment. I even came out of my hole of hibernation for dinner in York with the Capital Street Duo at our favorite Indian place Hamir's to celebrate the Dame's birthday. It was unfortunate we caught an impromptu motorcade for emergency vehicles and police cars on their way to the vigil of the brave police officer, Andrew Duarte, was killed in the UMPC Hospital hostage and standoff Saturday morning. It was amazing the whole restaurant, spontaneously and not planned took a moment of silence. Sunday was spent vegging and more cooking...and three more loaves of bread.

This is sooooo Mistress Borghese

Happy Monday Kids!


  1. OH, THOSE BUNNIES! And I like the foxes on the little sofa too.

  2. Bunnies and puppies and threesomes, oh my!

  3. That staircase is in Paris and was used for a too long fight sequence in the last John Wick movie.

  4. The three photos of the three guys: Stunning.
    How wonderful that a crowded cafe would honor the passing motorcade. Great mood board.

    1. It was very moving Pat. I was actually shocked...and the poor officer was very young, and from what I hear was very well liked by the department. I heard eccentric, fun and jokester. I believe the story made national news.

  5. Makes me want to go to Paris, again,

  6. Ah! I see a MINI! I also love the bunnies in that first pic.

    1. And it's a real mini, not one of those new ones on steroids

  7. Milleson2/24/2025

    Superb mood board this. A fitting tribute to our two and four-legged friends, the food, the fashion, the season of white. Our three young gentlemen, the positive aspect of DEI? I can feel the heat radiating from that embrace.

    1. As I said to Sixpense Milleson, I find those images of the three gents very moving and powerful.

  8. Thank you for a great start to the day.

  9. Yummy! Neapolitan - my favourite three flavours... Jx

  10. I liked the cake best

  11. This is fabulous.
    I'm always in awe of your visual style (not because it basically speaks to me right away, natch). And I love those birds. And no, it's not the three gorge guys...


    1. The photography of those three guys is very sexy, yet erotic, but yet say a lot to me about acceptance and the beauty of all men of any color. I find them giving a powerful message.

  12. Anonymous2/24/2025

    Met de bonne humeur.
    Mon Paris, animaux mignons et trois garçons, très magnifique :)
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

    1. Ces trois garçons ne sont-ils pas magnifiques ? Et si jamais je viens en France, j’adorerais voir votre belle ville à travers vos yeux.

  13. Another great mood board, but those four bouncing bunnies made my heart sing and put a huge smile on my face! Thanks, Maddie, I needed that!!

    1. I put that one in just for you toots!!!! It and the doggies and fox of course, made me smile too Tundra.

  14. Noxzema Jackson for the win. It also sounds like something someone else would say we know?!?!

  15. GORGE MOOD BOARD today. As pretty as it is, I can sense your dark side slowly trying to escape. Loved the greyhounds in bed, they have the right idea today.

  16. Yep, the white ensemble is SOOOOOO the Mistress. I see create for your next appearance.

  17. That was a pretty spectacular mood board!

  18. How do I get into an ice cream sandwich like that?????

  19. Love the foxes. So... We went from -35 last Monday (yes, you read that right) to 48 degrees this Monday. Talk about weather whiplash. I don't know if I'm coming or going. Though... actually, if I'm coming? Oh, everybody know it!

    1. Everybody knows when you're coming? I'll be the judge of that. And it is weather whiplash. Probably why everybody's getting sick.

  20. I was away at my daughters, so I am getting caught up. And what a board this was. Each picture induced a mood of some sort or feeling.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!