Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Things need to change, or we will see more and more Luigo Mangione's and who knows, maybe in numbers. In addition to the chart, the US spends more on healthcare than any other country and healthcare prices are rising and out of control. The high costs hurt American families, businesses and the federal government. In addition, the US ranks last among 11 high -income countries in several categories, including access, efficiency, equity, but of course...and health outcomes.

People best starting using their voices and their votes. Unless we don't want change and keep voting for corrupt politicians. 


  1. Is there any other kind of politicians?

    1. Very far and few between. Their like true gentleman....a dying breed.

  2. America is such an example of humans gone sooo wrong, it's not even funny anymore. Mistress, my door is always open for you darling. I know you'd JUST HATE living in Amsterdam.

    1. Oh....I guess if I ABSOLUTELY HAD to live in Amsterdam....I could muddle through.

  3. Make CEOs afraid again! Heath insurance?!?!? I have it and pay for it but why? They don't want to cover anything, so what good is it???

    1. I think many of us are trying to figure out the same thing.

  4. We almost filled bankrupt because of medical debt.

    1. I don't know how you figure it out but I'm glad you guys didn't have to. I hope you have been well Dora.

  5. Sad that it takes an assassination.... or maybe it will actually do nothing. Like so much of what the US seems proud about.

  6. Politicians will never give up on money, so it might take more Luigi's to send the message.

    1. Sometimes learning the lessons the hard way might be what it takes.

  7. It is outrageous!!!! We seem to make the top of the list for all the wrong reason anymore. I have pretty good insurance but even then, don't get approved for procedures or they barely cover certain things, or like what happens to many, denied. And the only way Congress is going to get money out of politics is in response to a massive popular revolt that shuts down the country. Americans simply don’t have the capacity, care, knowledge or organization for that. Everyone seems too lazy and all too quick to accept what we get dished out.

  8. This has been an issue for years...and it WON'T get better. In January, one of the most corrupt men in the world will take a position and he will allow all the corruption. He has the SCOTUS and all of congress in his pocket. There will be no more rights. He has vowed no more voting. He is appointing a group of dangerous clowns. The VP has made it known he hates the LGBT etc community and wants laws changed and marriage rights reversed and there is a supreme court that will back him. We will start to see the democrat party fall away and with gerrymandering, the country will be all red. Just look at the red on the map during 2024 election. The blue will soon be completely gone. For these reasons, my partner and I are looking to leave this country before it is completely gone.

  9. I hope the family of the murdered ceo know that grief counseling isn't considered "medically necessary," and is not covered by their UnitedHealthcare insurance before they get hit with any unexpected bills. I don't have health insurance. Living here I can't afford it. It's either look for my own which is through the roof, or eat and pay my rent. And when off season hits, I have my reserve bank from the summer months, but health insurance would wipe that out quick. So fuck them...they won't get my money.

  10. No more healthcare for profit. It will always value money over lives. I've heard to many denied's.

  11. From outside the US looks like a dystopia.

  12. What he appears to be is a man pushed to the limit , this Luigi Manigone. What he will eventually be is a martyr for far too many people who had to watch a loved one die because our medical system has quite literally placed a dollar value on human life.

    What I would hope is that this sparks change, which I doubt it will, in the most inhumane system of care any “free society” has ever forced on its citizens. And like one commenter already said they dish it and we accept it. What I know will happen is corporate media will turn this into a tabloid circus that shifts focus away from the very real trauma supposedly behind all this. I have just about given up on all news outlets.

  13. Our last government seemed to be trying to follow the US health system - let's hope our new government will reverse the trend.

    1. Oh, I hope for you that they do reverse. Countries should be learning a lesson if they watch us.

  14. An enormous tragedy and embarrassment for the United States.

  15. Its a mountain of an issue and all the media is no help. That bitch Caitlin on CNN is already labeling “some kind of fringe extremist” what kind of investments does she/CNN have in these insurance corporations?

  16. Cap Chasen12/12/2024

    Not condoning violence, but MAGA should understand - no class of people are as deeply entrenched in the deep state than the CEO class.The people they put as leaders in our government no less. The billionaire class.Trumps second term will only produce more hate from his base and some more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that bribe our politicians on both sides. AND his tariffs and immigration policies will increase our cost for his new favorite word
    " GROCERIES ". So I doubt this issue will get any better since the tax break will be around 29% cut for the ulta rich.

    1. Anonymous12/13/2024

      My father was a truck driver for a moving company. One time he had to place furniture in a shipping container for a vice admiral of the us navy who was moving from Long Beach back to DC. The vice admiral told my dad the politicians come and go in DC, but the real powerbrokers stay and control and can change all government policy.
      And to them the President is a temporary occupant of the White House who can either be popularized or brought down by their manipulations. :(

  17. I don't condone violence .... but this guy was someone who spoke for millions of Americans who are victims of health insurance vultures. While I love being with the symphony...our benefits offered are limited so I have to supplement mine. And I make it a point to stay healthy out of fear so I don't have to use them, except for general maintenance so to speak. I know my insurance pats out only so much or don't cover certain things. So why are we paying SO MUCH in then. For what?

    These statics are something here we should be proud of, said sarcastically

  18. If things like this don't piss people off--and we all need good healthcare--then I don't know what will.
    Keep bitching about eggs but not cancer treatments.

  19. Milleson12/12/2024

    This monster represented by the obscene accumulation of wealth by the few is of our own creation. We all turned a blind eye when they robbed the graveyard and pieced together what we are experiencing today. This monstrosity now walks among us, greedily taking more and more and offering less and less to the common people. Frankenstein's creation is a fact, not fiction, brought to life by those we have voted into office and and roaming this country in the guise of our next president, his unqualified and dangerous cabinet and the politicos that continue to feed the beast and keep him alive. Welcome to America 2025.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you Milleson And I also thank you for that very interesting email you sent me. That was so put excellent I couldn't agree more with that either. I have the same views.

  20. And doesn't it figure the dude taking over as UHC CEO says he will happily be continuing the "legacy" of profit over health. It's that kind of bullshit that will cause the revolution to begin within tRump's regime.

    1. That's just it. They don't even hide the fact and evil bullshit they're going to do....they lay it all out there....and yet people still don't get it. Maybe he'll meet his own Luigi on the street.

  21. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner, or more often. All it takes is one bad medical diagnosis and someone's life is changed forever financially.

  22. Anonymous12/12/2024

    The age of the Robber Barons is back !
    It will take a progressive approach as it did in the 1900’s to rein in them in.
    FDR warned the elites of the gravity of the Great Depression and need for economic reforms or they would be destroyed in a revolution.
    Overtime FDR’s reforms have been gradually decimated and soon we’ll be left at square one as in 1932.

    1. I hear many say a revolution could be brewing....and I'd that's what it takes......

  23. Perhaps your caring, sharing president elect will sort this out when his wonderful replacement for Obamacare finally takes shape in 2056.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  24. Healthcare (and death) work as a business in America, and as such, it'll keep killing people for profits.
    No working around that. I'm not opposed to CEOs being afraid.
    They should.


    1. All I can say...its a good thing Im not the Queen of Hearts.........

  25. This country is an embarrassment.

  26. It may be an inefficient shitshow, it may be taken advantage of by the "great unwashed" of the rest of the world, but I'll say it again - gawd bless our NHS! Jx

  27. How far our healthcare system has fallen makes me ill...and THAT'S probably not covered.

    1. What the hell is wrong with you getting ill Kirk, you should know better!!!! How dare you feel ill.

  28. UHC is the "provider" of the Medicare Advantage Plan many seniors have, so it will be really interesting to see their reaction to increasingly diminished coverage if the Muskrat and the Swami get their way gutting Medicare, sweetpea! *Jesus wept* xoxo


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