Monday, February 10, 2025


A low-key Monday post today. After being under the weather for the first time since 2017, I took it very easy this weekend. As dear Milleson commented last week about my cold, from the film Victor/Victoria, "There is nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold." So, I took it easy, cleared my social calendar and watched movies, and got caught up on sleep. And of course, many ask did I watch the Superbowl? And that was a no. But I admit I was overjoyed they won the game, or should I say annihilated the Chiefs? I love Philadelphia and they went in as the Dump wanted the Chiefs to win, since the Eagles blew off his invitation in his last term to come to the White House, the child was still pissed with them. HA! I can only imagine the celebration that went on at my old place. Last time they won they were dancing in the streets, fireworks and pots and pans banging. No, I watched my PBS line up with Miss Scarlet, All Creatures Great and Small, Funny Woman and the second season premiere of Paris Murders. Oh yes, it's good and quirky and it has Philippe Bas!!!! Im still not sure if he or his very prominent basket in jeans is the star of the show?!?! 


  1. Lots of Chocolate this week.

  2. The 50s/60s fashion comes just after watching a programme about Maria Callas, and she was wearing very similar elegant outfits

    1. Maria Callas could be a temperamental and demanding pain in the ass, Grande Dame, but no doubt she had real class and such style.

  3. I played a video game. My neighbors loudly watched the first half, but turned it off when Kendrick Lamar did his half-time show and then never turned it back on.

  4. Milleson2/10/2025

    Super Bowl, what a wretched waste of 5 hours. As it turned out, a lopsided rout, commercials that will air later and I don't know anything about the half-time show.
    My entertainment was watching YouTube most of the afternoon, anything I could find featuring true athletes, male dancers. and rewatched a phenomenal presentation of Ravel's Bolero, choreographed by Maurice Bejart at the Paris Opera House. It features lead danseur Nicolas Le Riche and about 30 shirtless men of breathtaking movement and music(15:39 min). Give it a look, you won't be disappointed. Search Maurice Bejart - Bolero (Nicolas Le Riche. And lots of clips of this cute pup professional swing dancer named Leo Lorenzo(He got da moves) Pairs with both men and women partners. Enjoy! Oh, and enjoyed a few peppermint twist martinis that smoothed out the evening for me.

    1. You had me at "It features lead danseur Nicolas Le Riche and about 30 shirtless men of breathtaking movement."

  5. Hope you're feeling better.... I watched "Brokeback Mountain" to take my mind off the bullshit and the Puppy Bowl instead of the football. The Felon wanted the Chiefs to win, eh? Then I'm glad they lost.

    1. Oh yes! And if they do get invited back to the White House I hope they tell him to go fuck himself again.

    2. Now, THAT would be awesome!

  6. So much incredible beauty in this post. Incredible. Hope you’re finally feeling better.

  7. Oh, I'm sorry. i was too distracted by the dignified old man's version of a Porsche before I noticed it was a chocolate free for all!

    1. But when Porsche has style and grace. Now they look like every other car.

  8. Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. Chocolate and Dior sounds like an aid to recovery to me.

    1. Did you bring me back some sunshine??? January has been a dreadful month for many a reason my friend.

  9. Anonymous2/10/2025

    Sjokolade drange - chocolate cravings
    Fyn swart mans, die verbode vrug van apartheid Suid-Afrika, waarin die gewaagde paar hulle verlustig het.
    Fine black men, the forbidden fruit of apartheid South Africa, in which the daring few indulged. :)
    - Praetorius

  10. Love this. Get well soon.

  11. Hope you're feeling better now, my dear. You know, tripping the light fantastic 24/7/365 takes a toll on one even so fine as your badass self. Rest will only make your return all that more magnifique! So, for your health's sake, leave 'em wanting more for now. Heaven knows, with you at full steam they'll have their hands (and mouths) full. Kizzes.

    1. I hear ya! Those men! Sometimes I don't know if they are feeling me up or taking inventory!

  12. I swear, Maddie, we must have been separated at birth cause I watched those same PBS shows last night! American football is of no interest to me at all and the American super bowl ads aren't broadcast in Canada, so there's no reason to watch the game. However, I did indulge in some dark chocolate Lindt with intense orange essence and slivered almonds...

    1. I have had that Lindt and it's heavenly. And the Paris Murders had an excellent kick off last night.

  13. Ohhh Chocolate!
    My favorite! And a Porsche???
    Glad you're feeling better because they were right in Victor/Victoria!
    And is that gif from Sweet Charity??? Fosse!


    1. Chocolate...the men or the candy dear? They both melt in our mouths!!!

  14. Loved the moody pictures, the moody hallway and the moody men especially!

  15. Anonymous2/10/2025

    Take solace in the fact that the Eagles won the Super Bowl. Trump can’t stand the Eagles football team ever since they ignored his invitation to the White House in 2018 as a snub to his offensive rhetoric. Now eat some fine chocolate goodies and get well soon. :)

    1. And I doubt he will invite them this time either....and being the fine team they are, I'm sure they won't lose any sleep over it. Philly is one city that will not take his bullshit.

  16. I too was happy the Eagles won!!!! I didn't watch either but did catch like you The Paris Murders. And your right...Philippe Bas and those tight jeans leave NOTHING to the imagination.

  17. As you can expect the city is WILD this week. I heard fireworks till at least 130am!!!!

    Some very nice mouthwatering chocolate this week!

  18. I just can't wait
    To get my hungry mouth around
    That lovely choco-late

    I love it when it's dark or brown
    I love it when it's white
    I love it when it's hard or soft
    I love each creamy bite.

    A good way to recuperate..! Jx


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!