Wednesday, February 19, 2025


You know what I said to one of my gentleman suitors the other night? I said "Chadwick, you're like a slinky. You have no real purpose, and it would give me a great pleasure to push you down a flight of stairs."

Valentine's Day was last week, and the Lad texted and asked if he could be my Valentine." I said hell no you can't, for medical reasons." He said " What? What medical reasons? I said to him, Yes, for medical reasons, because you make me sick." Then he told me he got his taxes done on Valentines Day. And I said, "Why is that Adrien" He said, " Well, it was the only way I was going to get fucked." And then you know what he said? " You know Mistress, before you I had a boyfriend in every state. I said, "Yeah, right Adrien. State of denial, State of regret and State of remorse."

And then do you know what he said to me last night? The smart ass. "Mistress, how do you communicate with a MAGA Republican anti vaxxer?" And I said, "How Adrien" And he said, "Through a Ouija Board." Then he asked me if a knew what bordered on stupidity? I said, What Adrien? And he said, Canada and Mexico."

What really goes in in the Ovel Office....

While having coffee with my good friend Mame the other day she asked if I'd heard about the MAGA Republican that got rushed to the hospital by shoving 30 toy horses up his ass. I said, "Really Mame? How's his condition?" Mame said, "Stable." But I shared with her a study I read. It said that 50% of MAGA men don't fall asleep right after sex. Mame said, I wonder why? I said," Because, they still have to drive home from their mistress's house."

Even Warbucks is something else. He told me the other night on the phone if I ever need a kidney transplant, he'd donate me one of his. I said, "This is an awful conversation, but that is nice to know, but what if my body doesn't except it." And he said, Oh, Mistress, I'm not worried, your body hasn't rejected any organ in the last 15 years."


  1. I thought those 50% of MAGA men had to stagger home from the stable out back?

  2. And you don’t even have to take your show on the road.

    1. That's good, because Spain would be a jaunt.

  3. I'm betting 15 years is a rather conservative guess.

    1. Your right, that boy was born with a cock up the ass I think.

    2. Oh snap Dave!!!! Someone's on fire today.

  4. "Then he asked me if a knew what bordered on stupidity? I said, What Adrien? And he said, Canada and Mexico." ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! And how true! The whole post has my sides hurting.

  5. OMG!!!!!! I was reading this too my friend here last night and we were both howling with laughter. You are something else Mistress....but that last one, I just couldn't stop laughing!!!!! I needed this!

  6. What a line up!!! You are so bad Mistress, very funny and snarky, but bad! I love it!!! Just a few memes but otherwise some fun, witty cracks to make me laugh!!!! The poor Lad.

  7. I like the cuddling.
    I threw up a little at Foot Fetish Felon.
    And that last one was no joke, or so I hear!

  8. "Stable" -- GROAN! So bad!

  9. Puppy killer accidentally lied so much she was correct

  10. My first laugh of the day, thanks I needed that.

  11. Milleson2/20/2025

    Oh my gawd, Maddie, now I know where Phyllis Diller and Henny Youngman took up residence after their deaths. Say "allo" to the Phyl for me, absolutely adored her!

    1. I love and adored Phyllis Diller!!!!

  12. Oh, wrong answer! They still have to drive home from their cousin's house. Or their sister's house.
    Oh, Noem is right - we can't trust THIS government.
    Thanks for the laughs, Maddie!

    Oh, Mads! I'm cackling!
    And that AI of Mango Mussolini kissing SpaceKaren's feet? Accurate. I can't wait until they fight.
    As for the Repugs not falling asleep after bumping uglies, if it's Lady G, it's an underage Black boy.


    1. AI??? I think he really does suck Musk's toes. The little bitch does what the retard Muck says.

  14. Send Kirsty No-one somewhere where she can shoot livestock to her heart's about Ukraine? She can kill all the oncoming Russians.

    1. Don't mention it....I feel very sorry for Zelinsky. Without the US now, how long will they hold on?

  15. LMAO!!! And if I was cuddling with him with my head that close to his cock, it wouldn't be in his underwear still. It would most likely be in my mouth! Now where do we buy tickets for the rest of the show?

    1. I agree, it wouldn't be in there long!!!

  16. I needed that good laugh. Now you cute, funny, like to travel, cook, garden. like to have fun and have nice "assets" Lets just go get married.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!