Sunday, September 22, 2024



Well, here we are, at Summer's End. Summer's end refers to the end of the summer season, which officially ends at the autumnal equinox. The autumnal equinox is when the sun is at its zenith at, or directly above, the equator. The Autumnal Queen has ascended to her throne and promises to bring with her all the autumnal delights. As for me, I'm a Summer Queen. We are already seeing the sun setting earlier, and wonderful sleeping temps at night with the windows open. Summers End is also the title of a melancholic song by John Prine, which reflects on the passing of time and the loss of precious moments. Here is to the summer of 2024 with some postcards that didn't make it into some posts. I can't complain, it was a lovely summer, and now have to look forward to some new trips coming up soon.

New Woods Mug!!!!

To summer end.....


  1. I absolutely hate this time of year - for me, the complete end is not just yet (as we still have a chance of some mellow days) but the moment the clocks go back and everything's dark (next month). That's the point I wish I could just go into hibernation until the Spring!

    Still, happy summer memories abound... Jx

    1. I'm with you. I am ready for autumn...but once the color is gone, and the clocks change, I could easily hibernate. As long as I have a 6'5" hunk of a man to keep me warm. If it stays cool like this the garden will fade fast.

  2. Glad you had a wonderful summer, Mistress!

  3. Anonymous9/22/2024

    I see the houseboy on the dock, he was supposed to be here in California to fu… me, I mean do me, no ahhh clean my house, that’s IT ! :)
    Your pix look great and obviously you had a great time. There is always next summer, and don’t forget winters can be made warm ! :-)

    1. Oh yes...that is Trevor #2...a very lean and tall glass of water! I do love winter too, but definitely a summer person. And your right, as long as I have a nice hung, hunk of a man to keep me warm with friction.......

  4. Another one for the record books, eh?

    Is that my mug??? From my younger days??? The only hoeing I do these days is in the yard!

    1. Spice things up! Pretend you're the gardener and come on to Carlos!!!!!!

  5. Looks like you had a fabulous summer!!!!

  6. I'm glad you've had such a glorious summer!

    1. In a couple of weeks, it will be time to put the garden to bed I surmise.

  7. All the pictures are great.... capturing a fun summer. But my favorite one is the one of you on the chair, with legs crossed, wine in hand admiring all your hard work in that garden. And whose to got some sexy legs.

  8. Well, you know I am partial to the Ptown pictures!!! But your gardening pictures this summer were so pretty. You had a good year in the garden hoeing....and otherwise, lol!!!! Loved the fox picture too.

    1. If I recall, the glampers camping in tents there said the fox had just swiped a raw hotdog off the plate ready to be grilled. Hence, it's tongue?

  9. Drinking and Hoeing? That about sums it up. I mean...the Dick Dock, The Dick Deck...for you it must have been summer of dick. Loved the pics though...all great captures Mads.

  10. Bravo Dear Mistress Bravo!!!!!!!

  11. That femme seems kind of butch to me.

    1. A new "friend" I met in Ptown. He could be a rough good time. You have good perception dear.

  12. Some fabulous photographs as usual. "Summers end" is the saddesr phrase in the world. I hate the cold, dark nights and not being able to get outside much. Roll on spring!

    1. I agree Christina. While I do like to cocoon and recharge my batteries after the New Years...I'm right there with you in hating the getting dark early and not getting outside. I try to keep the patio chairs out as long as I can to have a nice sit out when it permits....or a bonfire. We are to have four cloudy, rainy days all ready this week, adding to a miserable transition to autumn, but our autumns can be very warm and sunny, mostly, which is fine with me.

  13. So glad you had such a wonderful summer. I love how you life your life. Beautiful postcards and beautiful and heartbreaking song.

  14. Love the summer pictures. I'd hate to see how many you take in general for one summer. I love the beach and garden photos, and the ones of your legs, all of them. And Mr. Femme? He is a cutie!

  15. Is Snow Queen season next?

    1. Yes, at least here she is! Oh of my favorite poems.

  16. Nice gams, dear. I imagine someone would have to either be my height or bend over to use that dick deck.

  17. Love the new mug! And I could wander around that bookstore for days!!!

    1. It's a very cool bookstore...packed to the gills!

  18. That pic of the lake made me think of "On Golden Pond".

    1. After my last three weeks of work, I'll probably look like Katherine Hepburn from On Golden Pond.

  19. Summer's End for that not so fresh feeling. Sorry. That title sounds like an ad for a scented disposable enema. I'm feeling a bit silly this morning.

    1. Speaking of disposable scented enemas.....guess what y'all are getting this year in your Christmas stockings?

  20. Anonymous9/24/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    The red fox photo is great -- he's clearly licking his chops at the thought of going to your BBQ, Maddie!

    1. Oh....I was told he indeed swiped a raw hotdog before they were on the grill the people camping there told me.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!