Tuesday, July 2, 2024


SCOTUS......screw em'. 

 The Supreme Court's decision that Donald Trump has full immunity for "official Acts" he took as president is so sweeping and vague that it opens the door for sitting presidents to do whatever they want without any accountability, including assassinating a political rival. I read that legal experts said Monday, as horrific and authoritarian as that sounds, the supermajority of the court's decision mean that President Biden could theoretically order that the fat orange fuck be killed and be immune from criminal prosecution. Hhmmmmmm. Republicans should really watch what they vote for...because when the tables are turned their law and decision will work against them at some point dumb shits. It's a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.  

And to the LGBTQ......


  1. Sweeping and vague. Exactly. This is infuriating.

  2. Anonymous7/03/2024

    The way they are basically destroying every single pillar of the nation.
    A conservative supermajority. I remember the email lady warning the nation about this. And still some leftists ask if they need to vote every election. Yes, bitch. You do.



    1. It's always been beyond me why people do not vote in every election. A matter of fact the little local seats and local elections affect your life even more directly.

  3. Funny noy funny!!! Sooooo. Biden could get rid of all his troubles in three simple tasks: First, bump off Trump. Then bump off Alito and Thomas. Rightly claim that Trump, Alito, and Thomas were dangers to the Republic. Replace Alito and Thomas with two progressive justices switching the balance of power to the Dems. Then calmly reverse the immunity decision, Roe VS Wade and the Dobbs decision.

    It's a thought.

  4. For the 58th time, I'm so glad I moved out of the US years ago. What a shambles and shell that is left.

  5. Bunch of sorry asses. If trump asked them to jump from a bridge they probably would.

    Biden should test the limits. A lot of things can fall under "official acts" for the purpose of protecting the sanctity and security of the United States. And, per this ruling, you are not allowed to examine the motives of the President when he performed those "official acts". They are shielded.

    1. That's just it. The Republicans need to watch what laws rules and regulations they want in place. Because it will also work to our advantage also at times and then when it does they'll be pissed.

  6. Supreme Court gone to hell in a hand basket, Ethically, and in recent rulings taking rights away from Women Choices. Now this allowing a person above the law as it will be twisted as being justified in their duties. They should all be replaced. I'm so glad I'm old now, and won't live to see how this country ends up.

  7. It's official now. This court is taking us for total idiots, we are now dominated by corruption at all levels of this country. And that meme is not a joke. The conservatives would love to see us hidden and back in closets. And if that happens, and we are not seen as equal humans, that means then they don't need my tax dollars right????

  8. What Biden really needs to do, is put 5 of them in jail as soon as possible.

    1. I like the way you think. Get them for treason.

  9. If this doesn't scare folks into voting Blue then we deserve whatever comes next.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you...except some of these idiots never learn a lesson. Don't you worry....when it affects them and they start feeling it..it will be too late.

  10. Anonymous7/03/2024

    Joan would probably drown the gang of 6 in a vat of Pepsi. :)

    1. And that would be after beating them with wire hangers!!!!!

  11. Anonymous7/03/2024

    HuntleyBiGuy: SCOTUS? SCROTUS is mote like it.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  12. The beginning of the end for the United States.

  13. *sigh* That's all I've got, sweetpea! #VoteBlue up and down the ballot xoxo

  14. Anonymous7/03/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Watching the U.S. unravel from here in Canada is akin to watching a train wreck in slow motion, you just know it ain't gonna end well. I was less afraid during the Cold War! How could so many Americans have forgotten the horrors perpetrated by Nazis and their Third Reich? Time for Biden to graciously step aside for the good of your country and release his delegates to a Democratic Party ticket that can beat Trumpen-fuhrer's ass but good!

    1. I understand what you're saying. But having Joe bow out at this late date will only give us a repeat of 1968, which brought us Nixon. Ugh.

    2. I too know what your saying Tundra....but at this point, he is the only one to beat trump...at such a late date. But it's now voting for more than an individual...it's either democracy or a dictatorship. But eh Democratics best have good strong candidates ready in the wings is all I can say.

  15. I never planned on living under a monarchy. Our only hope is he has a massive coronary.

  16. We are seeing the end of the Republic. They have been working at this for many, many years. I fear the Dems have woken up to that fact much too late. But, you are right: At some point the court will have their latest rulings come back and bite them right in the ass --- both cheeks!

    1. Ironic rather, isn't it? This is the reason why people came to settle the country, to get away from being told how to live ...and wanted their own freedoms from a government.

  17. Are the rabid majority on Scotus trying to overrule the law? Next thing you know Donald Duck will ask them to overturn the constitution and they will be only too happen to comply.

    1. PS Next thing you know you will have King Donald II

    2. Bite your tongue!!!!!!

  18. I'm with Tundra Bunny on this, except it's like a NASCAR wreck at Talladega. The car has come to a stop in the middle of the track, and now we get to watch as 41 other competitors dodge it at over 190 miles an hour. Not a fun thing to watch.


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