Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Meanwhile, at the White House.....


And in the famous words of Tangina Barrons.......

Sweet Jesus, Mary Mother of Pearl....I never thought we'd make it!!!!! And this picture from yesterday, made me feel happy and gave hope.

All I offer is this quote, one of my favorites, for the day.

"We cannot change the past, but we can change our attitude toward it. Uproot guilt and plant forgiveness. Tear out arrogance and seed humility. Exchange love for hate-thereby, making the present comfortable and the future promising," Maya Angelou

Happy Inauguration Day


  1. Yeah, fumigate that joint!

  2. I suspect they'll do more than fumigate.

  3. With any luck lil Donny, Barbanka, Ken K, lil Eric and the rest of the Trumpelstiltskin crowd got fumigated or caught on a fly paper, never to be seen again by human eye.

    1. I personally was hoping they fly back to Florida by way of the Bermuda Triangle.

  4. I thought this was brilliant!


    PS Good luck, Mr Biden...

    1. I will second that!!! The mistress always seems to put it so well.

    2. I third it! I mean leave it to the Mistress to tie in Tangina Barrons.

    3. Maddie's blog is always a good read, but I was actually talking about the video I linked to in my comment... Jx

  5. Enjoy, my dear. Enjoy. Xx

  6. Sending you celebratory hugs from across the sea!

  7. Yes!
    For the first time in years I feel hopeful. Will it be perfect? No. But what is?
    Good riddance. Next time I wanna hear about Cheeto, I wanna hear that he's wearing an orange jumpsuit or that the Russian mafia paid him a visit.
    Love the Angelou quote.


    1. I LOVE and ADORE Maya Angelou. She was quite a remarkable woman.

  8. Happy Inauguration Day!!!!! I cant stop lauhing!!!!

    And what a shame that insulting troll came back on the last post.she must love you. BE GONE is right.

  9. I love that one of the tags for this post is "Good fuckin riddance" !! AMEN TO THAT!

    Happy Inauguration Day! Woo hoo!!!!

    1. Good eye! That made me laugh too!

    2. I might have been drunk when I put that in.

  10. LOL!!!!! Jen has a good eye! I too wonder if that smart ass troll will be back today.

    BUT I will be glued to the tv today. What a difference the event looks like already, feel so much more classy already. And I can't believe some of those republicans that had the gull to show up. Im looking at you Cruz. Talk about a two faced coward.

    You nailed this post and the quote is perfect.


    PS - how is ms. moorecock feeling?

    1. meh. Not good, but not bad. The other day they carried a neighbor out, covered. This virus is getting terrible.

  12. OMG! Mistress, these two memes couldn't be more perfect....and I sprayed my coffee again!!!! I am watching in tears today, alone, seeing all the past president's together, and even yes, Mike Pence, who I never cared for, but at least was man enough to show up and keep traditions. You just know the ex 45 is watching in seething to not be in this group.

    Now let's keep fumigating .......

  13. Jesus, the last 4 years just flew by!

  14. My sense of smell came back, food tastes better and I can even dance with more rhythm today. These memes are soooooo perfect! Did you wear your pearl necklace today Mistress?

    1. did you catch the COVID, dear pearly? OMB! glad you are on the mend!

    2. LOL!!!!! No!!!! LMAO... I was implying all my senses have returned from the numbness of four years.

      I tried to access your blog today so badly but couldn't I give up!

    3. any one can access my blog, but you and agnes are having problems. it MUST be blogger being a bitch. I don't know what I can do. glad to hear that you are COVID free!

  15. I'm sure the US - and the world - is in for a brighter future now. Congratulations!

  16. Happy Days Are Here Again!!

  17. The Tangina Barrons meme fucking cracked me the hell up!!!! I will admit to being in tear watching today. I'm not as political as some, but you have to admit what a difference in watching this year. It's already amazing to see all these people, minus Cruz and Hawley, there all together. And Gaga brought that house down with her outfit alone.

  18. Today is a great day in American history, and Im glad I was part of the change by voting. It's like were all awaking from a evil spell right? I lost it with the poltergeist meme!

    And let's hope that troll from your previous post doesn't soil this celebration.

  19. Tis A GREAT DAY!!!!!! My only shock came when I heard the Great Dumbass didn't pick Napoleon XIV's song, “They’re coming to take me away, Ha, Ha” for his exist.

    1. OMG!!!!!! That is SOOOOOO what they should have played!!!!! BRILLANT.

  20. I cried happy tears in my little cottage in wales x

  21. TANGINA BARRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

    I watched from a live feed here. It's great to see maybe the US might be great again. President Biden gave a wonderful speech, I was happy to see and hear Garth Brooks, but that poem by Amanda Gorman was so stunningly beautiful! This is a great beginning, a new day for the country! I could have gone without seeing JLo though.

  22. Gente brillante, hermosa y empΓ‘tica. Finalmente. LOL

    For you Mistress, Bright, beautiful, empathetic people. At last.

    1. Where have you been boy? And I didn't get to shout TRANSLATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I've been angry since November 2016. I am not angry anymore. I literally felt the anger leave my body.

    Normalcy...that sounds amazing! But what will the troll from the previous post do now that she is irrelevant?

  24. The last 4 years was a game of chess. King Trump and his Queen lived in the castle, surrounded by his Knights (aka Republican Senators & Representatives), loved by his Bishops (aka Evangelicals) and adored by his Pawns (aka the fanatical right wing terrorist base). And rather than lose an election and their power by fair means, they chose to throw the board (aka America) in the air, attack democracy and attempt to destroy the beautiful city on the hill. Time for a new game.

    Welcome the dawning of a new era. Its a beautiful day indeed.

  25. Tangina!! Clean that house!!!

  26. I feel like I can breath again. This administration is faced with monumental tasks. I’m confident I voted the right way and can feel good about it.

  27. Just heard Melania is already listed on Tinder and EHarmony.

    WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!! Happy Inauguration to us all!!!!

  28. That was one of the most moving inaugurations I have watched. I love your chosen memes and the quote? Perfect! But Gee. No more "American carnage." How will the Trumpists survive?

  29. LOL!!!!!!! LOVE the gif!!!!! I was wondering if you'd make it Mistress.

    Competence has returned. Did you see that stack of EO's to his right. Go get em President Biden. What a wonderful day!!!!!!!

  30. Oh, dear... and here, I tuned in today thinking I would get to see nothing but pictures of Pam Demic in her panties! I do believe that is what she promised us all... if Biden got in the White House. Well... he in, hon. He in. So... show us yer bloomers, sweetie... while Anne Marie strikes up the band. P.S. There's a party going on at Anne Marie's place. Don't tell everybody... just come. Kizzes. Have a lovely. It's so nice not to be captive anymore...

    1. Isn't it funny how you and Cali Boi remember that stuff? Huh, and yeah, I did say that didn't I?........

  31. Happy joyful day indeed !

  32. So glad King Donnie Idiot is out of white house. What horrible experience lot American and people of world had to endure.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  33. Thats right girl. Fumigate that joint! What a happy day, happy day. And Biden goes straight to work and NOT to the golf coarse. Bwahahahahahahaha

    And did Gaga do a mic drop or what???? If I was JLo, I so wouldn't want to have followed that up. I personally thought JLo was a little, meh. She should have had her hair upswept. Even Katy Perry was better then JLo.

    1. You know girl, I'm no fan of JLo. I couldn't stand that outfit she had on, and she should have had that hair in a elegant up sweep. She is too old now for a long pigtail. Of cousre, after seeing GaGa, I wouldn't have wanted to have followed that up. I heard gasps when she came out. I too am no fan of Gaga, at least her music, but I do like her otherwise and her fashion.

  34. Today was a glorious day, and it's only going to get better from here.

  35. let me add that: Jill Tracy Biden, born Jacobs, has italian roots.
    His father, Donald C. Jacobs (1927–1999), was a bank teller who became the head of a savings and loan business in Philadelphia's Chestnut Hill neighborhood. The Jacobs surname was originally Italian and was Giacoppo, being anglicized by Jill's grandfather, Gaetano Giacoppo, originally from Gesso, a hamlet in the municipality of Messina.

    1. Now see I didn't know any of that. And I not to far from the Chestnut Hill neighborhood. It's quite a beautiful area. I drive through it to get to Center City Philly.

    2. some journalists went to interview her distant relatives in her grandfather's hometown

    3. also Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) has italian roots!
      Take a look here and here

  36. A new era has dawned! The cancer of the last four years must be cut out and never see the light of day again.

    On a lighter note, the young poet laureate at the inauguration was spectacular! She carries Maya’s light within her.

  37. I take it you missed the actual clips of the place being cleaned. And, yep...they actually did fumigate! I loved it!!
    My favorite quote came from Michael Beschloss: "Josh "Insurrectionist" Hawley." He said it. Oh, yes, he did. LOL

    1. Oh that is funny! I can't stand that man. Mark my words he is going to be the next pain in the ass. They better concentrate on getting rid of him.

  38. Thank god for a serious cleaning job.



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