Monday, November 23, 2020


Now you all just knew Ann Miller would be here!!!!! I can't believe we are coming up to Thanksgiving again. For an unusual year that seemed to drag very slowly, every week at times seemed to last a month..... it certainly flew by. What a year,  and what was thrown at us. Even having a tough and shocking year, losing parts of my life, with the pandemic and the crazy political climate...I can still find things that I grateful for on a daily basis. I can most times find something to be grateful for. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, if not, my favorite. Just a day to be with family or friends. I have the fondest of memories of the day. The sights and sounds of having the parades on, getting up in the morning, smelling the aromas filling the house on a meal that would be cooking all day, and my mother , grandmother and two aunts all talking and cooking together in the kitchen , and me sneaking with every trip to the kitchen, another spoonful of the family recipe dressing, when no one looked. Two uncles sitting at back smoking cigars, or my father watching football games. I'll be heading home for the holiday with my mother and aunt and uncle. A small gathering. But the sounds and smells will still be there, and I will be grateful for the memories and thoughts that will come to mind and remember those passed on or those that can't be with us  this year. I'm glad this year didn't crush me yet and I'm very thankful for myself,  family and all of you, that we have not succumb to the virus. And that is something to be grateful for. Here's my mood board for this Monday!

Happy Monday All!!!


  1. Happy Monday to you too!!
    xoxo :-)

  2. "...sneaking spoons of dressing when no one was looking." LOL!! Ask your Mother about that. I would be very much surprised if they didn't know!
    Have a really wonderful day! Hugs!!!

  3. What the hell kind of turkey is THAT after all the pies?!? Anyway, no turkey or Thanksgiving dinner for us. I wonder if I can find turkey scented candles. Yam scented?

    1. I doubt you'll find any Turkey Tapas in Fuengirola... Jx

    2. I 5hink the one your referring to is the pheasant. Turkey scented candle???? Awww I have had a gin scented candle!

  4. Anne Miller is energy incarnate

  5. Happy Monday.
    Carlos wants that delectable dessert while I'd like Ann Miller to tap dance around my kitchen whilst carving the turkey!!

  6. Oh I assume your a big Ann Miller fan???? I absolutely loved that woman. I like you mood board....but I enjoyed hearing of your memories. I enjoy holidays. Far too many have written them off. I suspect because they get caught up in the consumerism side...and forget the true feeling of them. And that parade is not New York is it? Is that Philadelphia?

    1. Indeed!!!! It is Philadelphia. The old Gimbels parade. And to say Im a fan of Ann Miller would be an understatement.

    2. Would you believe William and I use to watch the Gimbels parade street side??? Seems like a lifetime ago. It used to be televised on CBS with the other four parades.. Ny, Philly,Chicago and Detroit. I used to love seeing them all.

    3. I never got a chance to see the philly parade street side; we always watched it on tv. and OUR parade is the OLDEST; macy's can suck it!

  7. I always love your Monday mood boards!!! This one is nice and festive. We haven't had one in awhile.

  8. LOVE all the desserts!

    I saved the biggest piece of your lasagna for thursday, since I don't eat turkey. we have finished the tuscan bread and the caramel corn.

    enjoy your turkey day with your family and savor the memories!

  9. Mmmm, those dessert photos -- pure food porn!

  10. Isn't Ann Miller amazing? I remember when she was on Broadway with Mickey Rooney in some review. She had the pointiest hair EVER. And that smile. Now I have to see what that show was called. It ran for a good while. Star power. Thanks for sharing these. Some excellent stuff... AS USUAL! Kizzes.

    1. I don't know what is was about Ann Miller....but she captivated me always.

  11. Nice collection! I too have the same fond memory of the wonderful smells of the food cooking on the morning of...and all my aunt's mother and grandmothers would be cooking. I can still smell and love that memory.

  12. I love Thanksgiving too. And I have great memories of family get togethers...the smells, the sights, the sounds. Although we all can't get together this year, we have our memories.

    Have a wonderful time with your family!

    1. πŸ’‹πŸ¦ƒπŸ’‹πŸ¦ƒπŸ’‹πŸ¦ƒπŸ’‹πŸ¦ƒπŸ’‹πŸ¦ƒπŸ’‹

  13. Oh, yes. What a year!
    I'm telling you, sometimes time felt like molasses and sometimes it was just... weird? This past year has been quite the ride.
    And now I want pie..


  14. I had hoped that this year we'd do something different, but my reaction is VASTLY different from everyone else! There will be turkey and damn near everything will be the same as always, just fewer people. We shall see how the day goes. Enjoy your day, sweetpea, whatever you, and however, y'all do! xoxo

    1. Same here....nice dinner... But my mother's one sister and many of the cousins won't be here this here. Nice quiet gathering...with four of us.

  15. Whole Foods had fresh pheasant in the case the other day, I was tempted, I have never cooked one.

    1. Oh, pheasant is delicious - but, true to the ethos of the Casa Borghese, it needs to be well hung... Jx

    2. Everything around here is well hung...including the art work.

  16. Anything Ann Miller does it for me...especially that great image. One of my favorite films is the 1953 version of Kiss Me Kate...Ann is spectacular as Lois Lane / "Bianca" say nothing of Bob Fosse as "Hortensio" (and I didn’t think I was into watching dancing)! Great Monday images!!!

    1. Kiss me get the wine....Ill set up the sofa....

  17. I'm so glad you post any pics of those skanky turnkeys Ivanka Danka and Melanoma.

  18. Ohhh the cakes and pies look delicious. I’ll have one of each. Not a piece, the whole damn thing! I deserve it after this year!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, Maddie, dear.

    1. πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸπŸπŸ 🌾🌾🌾

  19. I am glad you will have a Thanksgiving not being Alone and with those types of significant Memories that Thanksgiving holds so dear to you my Friend. It is a time of Gathering and scaling that down will be a challenge for those of us who do usually Gather for this significant Holiday of Gratefulness and of Sharing a Meal. There is nothing quite like breaking Bread together is there? And ah, those Secret Family Recipes... I do Hope you've asked for that one to be passed down to you so it won't be Lost when the Old ones go? Happy Thanksgiving, we do indeed have much to be Grateful and Thankful for... even during Pandemic, perhaps even because of that.

    1. I agree Dawn. We have had to not take anything for granted with the virus going on. And yes...i make my aunt give me her recipes now and not later. Her cranberry relish is another favorite.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!