Wednesday, July 22, 2020


It's has been 1.5 hours since I had my last treat and dinner. I feel that may be my Mistress's attempt at torture. I have communicated  that I will not break so easily and to also bring me another treat as soon as possible to avoid complete annihilation of their kind. On another note, I won't have to go right away I can hold that over the Mistress's head too. Treat, or I lift the leg and the gin gets it.


  1. maddie, HOW can you ignore that sweet boy? give him 2 treats!

    1. at least buster eats. i get three meals a week and if lucky extra meat handouts of the weekends.

    2. The houseboys don't count Anitia.

  2. He doesn't appear to be fat. Give him a cookie (good doggy).

  3. Looks like Buster is picking up on his mistress's recent moods! What's a doggy to do?
    Is that rain? I've heard tell of this before, water coming from the sky! Oh to experience that here and now! I'd go singing and dancing in it nekkid! I'd probably get struck by lightning and the cops would wonder where the body of Jahoobie the Hutt (Jabba's sister) came from. It would be worth it for a summer storm.

    1. Gurl the only place Ive danced nekkid in a rain storm is at the Woods. I contemplated it once here but thought the neighbors ladies might not find if alluring.

      Jahoobie the Hut bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I will always be grateful to Anne Marie for that word! It has more panache than boobs.

    3. And I bet your neighbors think your jahoobies have more panache then boobs!

    4. Actually, I don't think mine qualify as jahoobies. More like jahoobies adjacent, or jahoobie wannabes. Jahoobettes, if you will. My neighbors can mind their own damn business. One's name is Karen and her husband is a retired cop of some kind.

  4. buster, was our boss drinking when she filmed that end of the video, or did a houseboy pull her in for an embrace? i didn't hear any moaning.

  5. Buster!
    Come on over and I'll give you treats. How dares she not spoil you?
    You know what? If you confiscate the gin, you'll get ALL OF THE TREATS.


    1. I now see where the loyalties lie....

  6. Now that’s a low blow, Buster. But I applaud your ingenuity.

    And that was quite the gully washer of a storm.

  7. Honestly, Buster. You have it pretty good even without extra treats. Don't you read Maddie's blog? Nobody abandoned you and left you covered in ticks. You weren't born in Yulin to be raised for the Lychee and Dog Meat festival. I'll bet Maddie hardly ever takes the strap to you.

    You have not just one but two loving homes, there are plenty of interesting birds on the windowsill to look at, you get walks around the lake and pretty costumes to dress up in, and your Maddie has left his job for months solely to spend more time with you. It is very sad that you are not getting more treats but please take a minute to reflect on what you have got.

    1. Lurkster! Jealous are we? I am!

    2. Lurker...have you considered being a dog psychologist? But I must say the good costumes stay looked up. Maybe you can come and have a talk with him.

  8. LMAO!!!! Looks like a stand off from a classic western movie!!!!!!!

  9. He looks fit and well, if a little hungry?đŸ˜‚
    How old is he?

    I'm sick of the rain here. We've had one dry day this month. One!

    1. Would you believe he is 13 already!!!!!!! Our water levels aren't too bad, but it's always nice to get some rain and enjoy a nice storm. But we get no where near the rainy days you get.

  10. I would have given him a treat real fast and laid across the bed to enjoy that storm you had. I love a good storm like that in the summer.

  11. And he appears to be what looks like right by the fridge??? Is he a frig dog? Whatever, but no denying he is a cutie!

    1. Are you kidding? He can be in a dead snooze, hears the frig door open, and porky comes running!!!!!!

  12. He looks like a waggy doggie, so throw him a treat!
    I do like your kitchen floor - I feel envy.
    Meanwhile, you seem to have some Devon rain going on there!

    1. And not one Cormorant in sight!!!!

      Can't take credit for the's is Buster's other house. Tis rather nice thought isn't it? He's a country and city mouse.

  13. Who has who trained? The afternoon rainstorms here this week, remind me of life in the subtropics.

  14. Maybe Buster can get that Sarah McLachlan to collaborate on an infomercial for his cause... Won't you please end this poor dog's suffering... just 85 cents a day can shore up his nutritional needs - needs that will go unfulfilled because the lady of house spent all her money on Boodles, sequins, and scratch-off tickets.

  15. We had a storm like that roll through here on Monday.

    As for treats, you should see Consuelo sit outside the door as Carlos practices his trumpet because she knows treats come AFTER rehearsal!

  16. Look at that adorable face. So innocent and kind and loyal. The threats...well, I know the one that got you to succumb was the Gin!

    We had a very brief thunderstorm like that on Monday morning. Same sounds, too: Thunder, rain, and sirens. Why is it that the minute the roads get a bit wet people suddenly forget how to drive? Sheesh....

    1. We needed the rain. When these storms hit I like laying across the bed nude...just taking it all in.

  17. Abby sez lots and lots of treats!
    Always. :-) xoxo

  18. Oh....i know for fact the dog is spoiled.... Ain't buying it Buster!!!!

  19. GIVE that dog the whole bag of treats!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that face!!!!!!!

  20. Poor Buster is probably famished. With being in self isolation he's probably thinking how many walks is this bitch giving me a day?

  21. Don't tell the Mistress Buster, but I've mailed you a stash or two.

  22. i live weather like that... except when I hear sirens. Buster is so misused. What the hell else do you have to do but cater to him?!?

    1. Someone around here has to distill the gin......

  23. I get the same look from mine... and I've learned to live with the guilt, I am not a biscuit Pez despenser.

    1. What's even more appalling is when he is fed at dinner...1 never eats it all, and 2- it takes him forever to eat it. He's a one kibble at a time eater. He's dainty.

  24. Boy, does Buster know how to threaten people or what? I hope he got a bunch of treats afterward.

  25. Mads, we have the same Floors! He has that pitiful, yet demanding look Down, doesn't he? *LOL*

    1. He does...that why I always give in, and he tips the scales!!!!

      He at the home there of the ex boy toy. It's his city house.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!