Thursday, July 2, 2020


 I have to tell you, that my personal assistant, Buster Bolfig Borghese has been very busy with his time in the pandemic. Between walks, he very busy with pressing down the sofa, building pillow forts, pillow barges, and generally looking over all cute as hell. 

He loves when Pam Demic pops around.
But rest assure, when I get home from the market, his snout is off the sofa and investigating the finds.
I got in between yesterday and this morning from the ASPCA. We had 28 cats come in from a lady who hoards cats. Would you believe 13 are spoken for once they are ready to leave? They even tell people to be very sure of adopting pets when the time is right.  My sure you REALLY want a pet to care and love. During the pandemic adoptions have been up, a lot, but we worry many are coming to get a pet out of boredom, so sadly we expect to see some come back when this is over. Animals are not possessions. They are very unconditional friends and family who love and have feelings.
This one little kitty hadn't had her close up yet. She is a feisty one.

 But in other good news, resident dog Olivia finally delivered her litter after a 7 hour labor!!!! Needless to say she is happily exhausted after bringing 13 beautiful and healthy pups into the world. She's having a nice lay in.


  1. Oh be still my beating heart. Buster AND puppies!!

  2. This is like adorable overload! Laid-back and handsome Buster presiding over all.

    (Crikey! Olivia had 13 pups?!? She's going to be worn out!)

    1. Make sure to pop up, err, I mean pop in Sunday Mr DeVice!!!!

  3. Don't show me kittens!!!! I want one.

  4. Buster is getting more and more like Violet, Countess of Grantham every time I see his photos. Has he got himself a bell to summon you yet? Jx

    1. Ohhhhhhhh, that god DAMNED BELL!!!!!

  5. Don't get me going about animal hoarders! NO.

  6. Buster, of course, is utterly adorable. I love watching dogs get their nests in order; Ozzo does the same thing.
    And whenever I see a pet rescue I have to stop myself from going in lest we end up like the hoarder lady! Still, maybe one, or two .... or ten?

  7. Ohh animal hoarders are unforgivable! How dare they??
    It's so cool you are volunteering there. I love it.
    And Buster Bolfig Borghese is sooooo cute! Him looking in your bags is a highlight.


  8. Oh man, I love Buster!!!!! I'M such a sucker for dogs. I too think it's smart and admirable to be volunteering while you home. Keeps you busy, doing something you enjoy, while also limiting the number of people around you.

    THAT LITTER!?!?!

  9. that first pix of innocent looking. and kitties and puppies! :)

  10. Oh, the pictures of Buster are enough to do a happy dance (bad health notwithstanding), but the extra fuzzitude put me in an emotional tailspin! As much as I love my dogs, I would very much like to get a kitten (Bella would try to tooth a full grown cat to death. Since she only has one tooth left, it would get quite messy very quickly.), unfortunately, Balder Half is allergic to cats. He also hates them, but we won't go there. I can't go into animal shelters anymore. I want to adopt them all and I can't, so BH has to deal with the crying all the way home.
    I love that upright ear of Buster's. He is so very cute!

    1. That one ear is always sticking up. When he listens they are both in normal position, I can't explain it. And Buster loves cats. My neighbors cat wanders right in, and he sees his friend the cat on some walks. She does the whole rub on up on him. He is like to all I guess.

  11. Buster steals my heart with just once picture or several!!!! That picture of him peering in the bags is pretty funny.

    Yes, Olivia does look exhausted. Rest well dear.

  12. Abby is a couch hoarder too. She has *her*
    pillow. When any of the girls are here she
    will allow them to share her couch as long
    as there is petting and skritching going
    take care, xoxo :-)

  13. I disagree. A let's love is conditional and you need to earn it everyday! You invite a pet into your home you are taking a vow... To care for them, not just when it is convenient, but for their whole life. It is a crime the way some treat their pets. They are not disposable. Great pics, hon. You have a lovely pup there.

    1. Thank you Upton! He too is a rescue from the beaches on New Jersey.

  14. He is just too sweet looking. that one of him looking up with his toy. But the investigating of the bags made me laugh too.

  15. OMG poor Olivia!!!!! I'm exhausted just looking at that!!!!!

  16. What these pictures say to me is, that Buster is saying this quarantine is cramping his social life 🍾🀴

    1. Makes you wonder who's cramping whos style???

  17. Good Afternoon Mr Buster! ❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

    I'm home too and not working, I should see if my local shelter could use help.

  18. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…..BUSTER! That first shot is great.

  19. My dogs use cushions and pillows as... cushions and pillows.

  20. Buster seems to have you well trained. 13 pups, exhausted thinking about it.

  21. Seems Buster and I have a lot in common...were both part sloth.

  22. Buster must be part beagle. My beagle mixes are always building nests. Like you I’ve got a cover in the couch. One of the boys loves to get behind it and curl up. And they also like to be book ends on the couch so I have to squeeze into the middle.

    I’ve also got 2 cats who were here before these two dogs. Classic cats and dogs. The dogs always chase them out of the family room. I keep hoping for a truce.

    1. He is Huntley! He part be able part dachshund. The ex and I share custody of the little hound.

  23. Buster is adorably handsome! I miss my four-legged, furry family members. Well, we'll think about a new addition when the election is over....


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