Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I have to say it was great and did my psyche a world of good when I went to the ancestral home to visit my mother, get outdoors,  and potter around in her garden and get the beds in order. She has a crew of two guys who do the brunt work of mowing, trimming,  and doing the bushes, so this was all fun for me. In addition to getting her bird feeders and bird baths situated, all her annuals were delivered from Ashcombe's Nursey. I also set up a potted herb garden for her to keep her from running out to get fresh herbs all the time. I took care of the roses too. Her lavender ice looks spectacular already.
Other flowers....
She said the herbs have grown already.

Meanwhile back at the Casa, Monday I went up the road to get more eggs. My neighbor,Elaina, always tells me she will bring eggs to me, but I assure her,  it's good for me to get out,  and I love seeing her place and the horses anyhow. It's a nice walk and good for me is to get out and exercise.  I asked her if I could take some pictures,  and she was tickled. So I took her two loaves of bread I made, since she won't charge me a fair price for two dozen eggs. It is always a good, happy feeling being there, and the fresh eggs are SO GOOD!
Her shaggy haired Highlands are always pretty friendly. Aren't they so cute? The girls in the coop always crack me up.
I have no idea what kind of chickens they all are, but they can be quite comical to watch.
To be honest, another reason I like going is to see,  and sneak apple slices to her two horses, Autumn and Fiona. She tells me, when they hear my voice now,  they come out to see where I'm at. They know every time I come, I bring apples or carrots. I'm slick like that.

The pretty loveliness of the girls and one I really appreciate.
Today found me at the ASPCA for my first volunteer day to walk dogs and help with cleaning kitty crates, and a tour of the faculty. What fun that was. Once back, I completed and filled out my absentee ballot, and off to mail tomorrow. Get those ballots and vote!!!
For not working, I've had a nice full week so far.
 At least this week. Feels good too. 

Now I'm off to make a homemade pizza with all the fixins.


  1. Loves the pictures! We don't have a primary
    until Aug. 4th. Got about 40 running for
    Gov. Crazy.
    xoxo :-)

  2. This was a wonderful post! I was a volunteer dog walker at a no kill animal shelter in NC. It was very rewarding. What a good person you are.

  3. I love this post too. The garden looks great, and I just like reading these posts. You are quite a talent. Good with fashion, visual display, interior design, firce drag, dance, cook garden, bake. You wanna marry?!? Good on you getting that ballot in too! Loved the horses!!!

    1. Take him up on it! Someone needs to make an honest man of him!

    2. You two are making me hot.

  4. I get out to walk around, but my time out is not as pretty and interesting as yours. Your neighbors farm is very pretty. I love your flowers you did for your mother too. Very pretty.

  5. What a great post. I love the flowers, and we always do an herb garden on the back deck so we can have fresh stuff for cooking.

    And that visit to the farm. So peaceful. Even with all those cackling hens!

    1. It's what I assume a lunch with Anne Marie , Duchess Deedles, and myself would like I think.

    2. you bitch! you KNOW what a lunch with me is like; adding the duchess would clear out the restaurant! we 3 would be so LOUD and OBNOXIOUS!


    4. Your methane explosion say otherwise.

    5. You ain't wrong there, Mads! Sugar free candy and no self-control, a bane to my existence! *TMI ALERT!* It's gotten to the point of wondering if there's going to be an explosion, or a bad sharting incident! After two months of going commando (Anne Marie tribute) I've had to start wearing undies again as a protective barrier just in case. Damn, I used to be so demure, shy and ladylike.

    6. @duchess - we ALL be loud and obnoxious when drunk off our fat asses, gurl!

    7. Carebear, I've been in that condition maybe once or twice in my lifetime. I just got sleepy. I can't even be an exciting drunk!

  6. There is NOTHING like being on a farm. I spent many a summer on my aunt’s farm in southern Minnesota. I learned to drive on a tractor. The quiet, the open spaces, those were the best times.

    And you and your mother did a lovely job with the blooms!

  7. Ummm... actually I can name the breed of every chicken there lol and I'm proud of my chicken nerdness!
    Very nice pictures, I wish I lived closer to people.

    1. Well, for instance what are the two tan ones roosting? And the black and white one in the tree is pretty too. I hear ya. With exception to my neighbor, I go weeks without seeing others.

    2. Okay, the two roosting, the one with the fuzzy face is an Americana or more likely a mix which then makes her called an Easter egger because she probably lays one of those green eggs. The one beside her is a Buff Orpington (or mix of) and would lay a brown egg. The black and white one is most likely a Columbian Rock hen or could be Light Sussex it's hard to tell them apart sometimes.
      Oh boy, miss Moorecock gave me a hard enough time over me going bowling, I will never live it down if she sees this!

    3. Your farming knowledge makes me hot steven!!!!! And don't worry about Miss Moorecock. She can go suck an egg. See what I did there?

    4. Steven, show Ms Moorecock your expertise on the subject of cocks. See if she gives you a "hard" time then.

    5. ROTFLMOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    6. Yes Maddie I saw... Hehehe!

      Deedles I can't school Miss Moorecock on a subject she knows so so well. It would be like the student trying to teach the teacher!

    7. I was talking about male chickens, Steven. Where did your mind go?

    8. Who are you trying to fool Deedles lol! When my mind "went there" it accidentally bumped into yours!!!

  8. Your world looks magnificent.
    I'm glad you're enjoying beautiful things and beings. I could practically smell the flowers from here.

    Stay well, MM.

  9. another happy post. your mom's flowers, your friend's farm. I am mailing our ballots tomorrow. your ballot is 1/2 the size of montco's ballot.

  10. I really loved this post especially seeing the flowers. Good job. I sometimes, I said sometimes miss gardening and landscape. The highlands and the horses are so dang pretty. Would you believe horses intimidate me?

  11. This post made me too happy and tingly. I can tell your in a better place this week. It's little farm like this that are wonderful to have. I would love to get my hands on farm fresh eggs, nothing like them. I too love your floral work at your mothers. A good son you are. I never heard of a lavender ice rose. They are spectacular.

  12. I love this post, it ticks all my boxes. I used to have 4 hens. The last one died earlier this year, aged 9. That's quite old for a chicken. They are such funny little beings. All different characters.

    I used to have a horse too, until my children came along..... Happy days.

    You have done a great job at your mom's house. The flowers are stunning. I love roses. There's a rose breeder in the Midlands here called David Austin. They ship worldwide and their roses are wonderful. I have 5 and sadly no room for anymore.

    Glad you've had a busy week. Busy is good as far as I'm concerned.

    Hope buster isn't jealous of you walking other dogs๐Ÿ˜€

    Take care. X

    1. Every time I do one of these post, you always seem to be in the back of my mind. I know your garden is probably stunning from what I have seen. My bother used to have two horses and run his own stable for boarding them. Those were the days. I miss horses, on a daily basis.

  13. Those flowers are givin' me LIFE, baby! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค v

    Also, the animals are EVERYTHING! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ✔

  14. Your Mom's Garden and your Friend's Farm are both places that would definitely Feed the Soul and Delight the Senses! Those Eggs... I'm having Fresh Egg Envy now! And you're baking Bread... you over-achiever you!

  15. Love that rose! If ever we had a garden big enough (and no bloody foxes!), I think I'd keep chickens. Apart from the fresh eggs, they do a fantastic job of eating slugs and snails and all manner of grubs and nasties as well. Jx

    1. Really? I thought you two would go more for a couple of pretty cock-rels?

    2. Chicken-lickin'? Cock? Choices, choices. Jx

  16. So wonderful to have that to walk to! We’re sitting outdoors at a quiet cafe right now having cafe. What a treat! You are so neighborly. A man of many facets. Your mother’s flowers are a sight to see. And Our housekeeper is back t9 work today. Oh joy.

    1. Sens a wet kiss to San Geraldo for me

    2. I haven't seen him this turned in ages!

  17. Your mom's flowers look fantastic! Nothing like a garden, right? I think this quarantine has made us reconsider trying our green thumbs. The little herb garden looks awesome too. And it's practical!
    And the cute little hens! And the super-duper fresh eggs! Love it all.


    1. It if you a garden your can always research flowers and plants that are not high maintence. There is something for everyone out there. Just make sure to check what kind of sun or shade it requires.

  18. Your Mom has two guys doing the bushes? Wow. I would have thought that was a job you were born to do, hon. Me? Oh, yeah... the bushes, the woods, the prairie, the bike trails... I know how to keep my spirits up!

    1. The apple didn't fall far from the tree dear.

  19. How did we ever find time to go to the office? I can see you keeping back yard chickens. I read a book a couple of years ago, that advocated chickens in cages as house pets.

  20. What a beautiful farm! Chickens and horses, yay!

  21. Nice job with the flowers and herbs. Yeah, ours keep dying. :-(
    The Highlanders are cute. OMG! But, I'd be spending all my time with the horses.

  22. I love all of this! The flowers, the horses (I'm fine with horses as long as I never have to ride another one as long as I live), the shaggy beef on the hoof. I did come to a screeching halt over one picture though. The picture with the white supremist chickens on parade. The CCC if you will (Cluck Cluck Clan), marching through a disgusted array of poultry of color (POC). Sorry, it gave me such a giggle seeing that.

    1. The chickens always crack me up. They just make me laugh and giggle when they strut, run or scurry around. It's funny as hell. It in some way reminds me of backstage at a drag show. And those highlands are actually very friendly and docile.

  23. Delightful post...definitely brings a smile!!! are so beautiful and scenes from the egg gathering are so being there....great shots of the chickens...really liked the image of the dozen eggs (well seen)!!!

  24. Just think how your mother will love those fresh herbs. That's a good idea too in pots. Now I want to try that.

  25. I can't blame you for walking up the road to get the eggs! I would love to wonder that lovely farm too! Those eggs are pretty. But what I'm really loving in the lavender ice rose. Almost looks like a peony.

  26. Yes switching things up in these times is a good idea for sure. This was a very pretty post. I hope you'll be inclined to share a bit from the ASPCA OR NOT. Seeing the poor cuties waiting to be adopted may break my heart. BUT, the post did make my day. That farm house looks huge.

  27. I'M going to start calling you Lisa Douglas! Great pictures!!! The perfect place to be self isolated you ask me.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!