Friday, March 20, 2020


Little O Dear-Eugene Field

With spring now here, 
Buster reminds us all to stop and smell the flowers.
To kick off the spring season how about some excellent music from Barbara Hannigan with the Gotenburg Symphony, me thinks, with a Three Mozart Arias.


  1. Fab pansies!

    And we are...


  2. It is pretty out, I went for a nice walk alone yesterday afternoon (the private gym at the condo is closed.) Take care, stay safe.

  3. Can't describe how happy I am Spring is finally here! ^.^

  4. Gorgeous.
    Things are blooming on the grounds of Casa Bob y Carlos, so being home bound at least has a pretty view!

  5. Speaking as a singer, I think that it is quite logical for her to conduct as well, if she can. She knows when she needs to breath, speed up, slow down, etc. Brava! She does it well and nothing falls apart. Barbara is one of the best talents abound.

    A great post to welcome spring.

  6. WHRE THE HELL did this genius musician spring from? I am absolutely STUNNED by this performance!...Sigh..ANOTHER great musician to follow! And did you take the pictures???? Are they your pansies? Buster is a wise dog.

    1. Dear, I am the pansy!

      I planted those for my mother this weekend when I was home.

  7. What beautiful, cheery flowers! None here yet, but maybe in about 6 weeks?

  8. This post just made my whole day, I think I'm in love with you for sure now.

    Those pictures are so pretty and I never tire of Buster.

    I truly think this is the first time I have see a soprano conduct and sing at the same time! WOW. Who better to know what the singer needs in accompaniment.And quite honestly tho' I already admireD the down to earth and estimable Hannigan in her contemporary repertoire, she does both wonderfully well with great talent and savoir-faire! And coming from a symphony I can tell you that orchestra sounded simply amazing.


    1. She is quite a musically genus isn't she?

    2. I agree Agnes. Also the winds are amazing! I rarely hear such a nice clarinet tone and in general such a fantastic harmony among all the players. Nice to see comments from people regarding classical music.

    3. I too Josh am happy that many enjoy the music. When posting I had wondered if you ight have heard of her.

  9. Beautiful & outstanding. Such a pleasure to, read, watch & listen to...heavenly.

  10. Wow the colors! I like those flowers, I sometimes plant them. No spring here yet but the winter is not that bad as far as winters go.

    1. It was in the 70's here today. Me thinks Buster will have a longer walk tonight.

  11. Oh my Mistress! What a great post for this time. You blog will sure to be a stop to keep minds off the ever inbound of the news. Those pansies are so pretty and are such resilient little things. I see Buster loves them and good advice he gives.

    The poem and clip.I adore Barbara Hannigan...she has exquisite and splendid ability, Her voice magnifies my emotion 1000 times. All the and backwards and in heels yet! magnam opus! A truly beautiful clip. I will listen again mostly likely.

    1. I'm very tickled by your comment Mrs Agnes!!!!

  12. Such lovely bounty. I can’t wait for the weather to break and the local greenhouse to open at the end of the month.

    1. I just saw where your governor is declared a shelter in place act to go into effect tomorrow. Yikes. I will be thinking of you and Sixpense. I left him a comment. Feel Free to communicate to if you want.

    2. I was already working from home. Fortunate to have that ability. We will still be able to shop for groceries and what not. Restaurants will still be able to do carry out and delivery. Unfortunately our dog walker will not be needed but I told her that I’ll try to continue to send her some money while I’m able. It won’t be the full amount due to some other financial obligations, but I hope it will help.

  13. Cap Chasen3/20/2020

    Every time I listen to one of Barbara Hannigan's performances life appears more rich and enjoyable. Plus, what an orchestra! And the pansies bring much needed color to life, even Buster agrees.

    1. She is truly a modern day marvel isn't she?

  14. Buster! He is one smart doggy.
    Loverly pictures. xoxo :-)

  15. Spring is struggling here... Barely buds on anything. It's been cloudy and rainy and dreary for more than two weeks now, so when things do turn around it will roar to life!

    Watched "The Dead Files" last night. Yes, I'm a sucker for their brand of paranormal. The investigation had them in Newtown in Bucks County. Beautiful countryside.

    1. Newtown is up the road from New Hope. I just love Bucks County. It truly is beautiful country side reminiscent of being in the English country side.

  16. I love pansies! They are one of the few flowers that I didn't kill when I was able to get down on my knees and plant. So pretty. Buster is always a joy. Watch out for bees! Spring fever is a lousy thing to have when a person is on lockdown. My backyard trees are blooming quite nicely.

    1. Some of our crab apple tress are in full bloom already Deedles...its a couple weeks early These pansies looked cool. I planted them for my mother's birthday for her last weekend when I went home. I do a whole bunch of hanging pots and a potted garden for her. It's easier for her to maintain. They are happy flowers aren't they?

    2. "Happy" is the perfect description for these blooms. You are a lovely son :)

    3. I've been checking in with her nightly since she works in a rehab hospital. She's long retired but still likes to work to keep busy and active. She is the head receptionist there.

  17. Thanks for the delightful poem, beautiful music, and fantastic flowers. It's pouring rain here in TN and I'm (unfortunately) immersed in mud...

    1. All our rain Jon was a wash out, and the sun shone today off and on and in the 70's. The last thing you need is more rain down there. I hope there has been no Walfart horror stories?

  18. This post is Gorgeous! In all respects and in all regards.

    Thank you...hope your doing well Maddie

  19. Pansies are such happy flowers and along with the music. My husband and I met at a Mozart opera last century. Loved the music.

    1. Now that is a romantic story I'd like to hear more of. He didn't give you a handi in a private box did he?

  20. I believe this woman is a genius. She reminds me of lines from a Wallace Stevens poem

    "The sea was not a mask. No more was she.
    The song and water were not medleyed sound
    Even if what she sang was what she heard,
    Since what she sang was uttered word by word.
    It may be that in all her phrases stirred
    The grinding water and the gasping wind;
    But it was she and not the sea we heard.

    For she was the maker of the song she sang."

    I loved this...great music to work by...

  21. Now this is what we need! Some color and cheer! Buster seems to like flowers too.

    I am definitely a Barbara Hannigan fan, I just, now, discovered her here and I am amazed! You have a keen ear for music Mistress.

  22. Beautiful and music!!! appropriate and soothing for the spirit!!!

  23. I can’t wait for the flowers to show up. I need some green!
    I’m also going to try and plant some perennials in a little patch in my backyard 😎

    Thanks for the inspo, Maddie!


  24. Barbara Hannigan is an amazing artist. Awesome!

  25. That was a heavenly post...the music filled my apartment Maddie.

    Buster seems to be a very gently dog and has interests like his Mistress.

  26. Shy Mistress Maddie! So highbrow! Impressive singer and conductor. Exceptional.

    Pansies, aka Violas, and the name of our hotel... Although it was named for SG's great-great-grandmother Viola, my mother did needlework with our logo and the flowers.

    1. Oh Mitchell.... I had her music on all day...doing things around the home while the windows are all wide open. I even made an onion pie. It was a beautiful day weather wise here. Your mother did a great art.

  27. spring pansies! loverly!

    RTG's and my office shut down today per the gov. fuck. :(

    1. Carebear, Balder Half still goes to work, however he took a sick leave day yesterday and today is a regular off day for him. He can't do the things he usually does on an off day. He can't sit still and be content. Two frickin' days with two more to go! I'm going to kill him, I swear! Coronavirus would be a relief for me :) Just needed to vent.

    2. Stand back everyone.....the Duchess is gonna blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Deedle I have some calming words for you.
      🎢☘🎡 On the day I was born
      Set me father said he
      I've got an elegent legacy waiting for me
      It's a rhyme for your lips
      It's a song for your heart
      To sing it whenever the world falls apart
      Look, look , look to the rainbow
      Follow it over the hills and stream
      Look, look, look to the rainbow
      Follow the fellow who follows our dream.🎢🎡🎢

    3. blow away, duchess. isn't that song from "finnian's rainbow"?

    4. Lovely song. Finian's Rainbow has so many songs I love. I, however ain't blowin' nuthin'! I've been singing Take This Job and Shove It, D-I-V-O-R-C-E and You're The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly! This too shall pass.


      I may have pee'd alittle

  28. She is very good mozartian singer which help a lot to the modern and contemporany singing. Nice post to start the spring. Im flooding my house right now with that music.

    1. I've been flooding my house all day with her glorious music. The gardeners even seemed to enjoy it. I think.

  29. There's nothing like a snappy little pansy!

  30. So many comments! I too found the photos lovely and cheerful.

  31. A post we all need in this's a gift of your to keep minds off things.

    Have you put any clothes on yet?

  32. I love those flowers. We're still having later winterish weather over here with plenty of rain. I had forgotten what fresh flowers looked like outside of a florist.

  33. What vibrant and colourful pansies! I only wish that could be said about me - I'm going to have to go clothes shopping!


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