Saturday, July 27, 2019


There has been much ado lately especially with the pasting of Pride month, about including all. This could also include dating. Lately while out to dinner with friends with the clan, and at other places I have heard gay men not quite bashing, but putting down any group that doesn't fit their taste. Oh sure,we all have a type that will be a good guarantee if you send our way, we will be attracted, and get turned on for sure. Hell, that is a given with me when it comes to the whole of the South American Mens!!!!! They sure do it for me and no question could they even get me in bed. But, I don't shut myself off with one type and could never understand why someone just does not look at the person, and not what category they fit in? I have a acquaintance who once told me, " You know, your cute and have a nice body, but we could never date, your just a tad to fem and to pretty." I was like ok. Once he later heard from one of his friends I dated briefly , he wanted to go out on a date. Funny how after they hear what your packing in the jeans and your role in the sheets, they change their mind. But Im here to tell you, I've have always been a equal opportunity man lover baby!!!!!

I like big boys
itty bitty boys
Fems boys....
I like the pretty boys with bow ties
I like beards...
I like a clean face, I like my hipsters..
I like my daddies.... my fetish boys!
to my twinky gayboys
Well if your Mistress ever wrote a song, I think the fabulous, no holds bar Lizzo took the words right out of my god damned mouth, and I have the same sunglasses! Great minds do think alike!!!

Now if you like a good funky ditty, big girls and your men,,,shake that ass !!!!


  1. Alright! Point taken. Probably why you have more sex than any of us. Love that song too

  2. Are there any you don’t like?

    1. Let me think, I'll get back to you tootes.

  3. And that's why I love you. I constantly get joke about like little thin guys. Screw em. Ok and, can we talk about how wholesome this song is?!? Talking about body positivity for men and allowing them to express femininity too. Love Lizzo

  4. It's always good to like everything on the menu πŸ˜‰

  5. I just love her confidence she has.The fact that she is so comfortable with her body is inspirational to girls all over the world including my fat ass. I let it all hang out.

    And yes, I know you like all men!!!! I've seen you in action. See you soon poolside baby!

  6. I like the fem boys myself! I too have no idea why a guy would limit himself to one type. Wouldn't that cut your chances down even further?

    Lizzo….queen of empowering both sexes.

  7. I, too, have all kinds of favorite mens; variety is the spice of life!

  8. I've never heard of Lizzo, but I like her! Proof that confidence is indeed sexy. This certainly had my front butt bouncing!

    1. 🎢I like front butts and I can not lie🎡🎢

    2. *Snicker*, as Anne Marie would say, SMOOCHES!

  9. The fetish boy is working for me!!!! Woof. I like all men too, Im right there with you. I have never heard of Lizzo...but I loved her. You go girl!

  10. CapChasen7/27/2019

    She is honestly beautiful! I love her vibe. As I do your as well.

  11. I consider myself lucky that I like different types of guys, each group has a certain erotic allure to them, with me I also include ftm trans men, it's something that I only recently discovered about my sexuality.

    1. person : so what’s your type ?

      me : it’s complicated. I hear you Steven. A trans man comes to the pool and he is hot as hell. I'd have no problem dating him or otherwise.

  12. I'd never heard of Lizzo before, so I'm glad ou featured her because she's fabulous!
    And did she write that song with you in mind, I wonder...?

  13. She certainly went down a storm at Glastonbury, and all the trendy music papers are hailing her as "the new big thing". That song, however, reminds me very much of Dragonette's take on (retort to?) a mega-hit by Calvin Harris - as I featured back in 2012. Jx

  14. "come and get a taste". don't you have that on a tee shirt?

    1. I thought it was on a flashing neon sign outside the Casa Borghese? Jx

    2. I know it's also on the calling cards too.

    3. it's on the back of all her undies, gurls!

  15. I was beating myself up for gaining 10 lbs, now im dancing in my underwear to this song. And I'll gladly take the scraps you don't want here Mistress. I think it's very attractive your well rounded.

  16. We needed this artist!!!! I am so glad she has arrived with fully aware of herself...The confidence is mind-blowing! Juice has now got me addicted to her. I also agree with your view of men. Why limit ourselves.

  17. I do indeed like the good funky ditty!!
    I don't think I ever had a type either.

  18. I like all kinds too. Kind of depends on the situation, and, truthfully, how horny I am at the time.

  19. Hellooooo Hipster guy! Was that guy blind….has he seen how adorable you are???

    Damn I've been sleeping on Lizzo. I'm just now hearing this song and it's officially my new theme song; love me some boys

  20. Okay... so I never got past the first picture,,, did I miss anything?

  21. the hipster guy has me attention!

  22. Damn you got some excellent taste in guys. You have a good outlook, nice you don't box yourself in. As for this song...I was dancing all over. Didn’t even know this was Lizzo’s song!? Whyyyyyyy is everything this woman does a B A N G E R?!?!? Literal queen.

  23. This gay boy loves ya right back...and this song 😜😜😜

  24. Lizzo is the ish! Baby I don’t need you.... I just wanna freak you... πŸ‘πŸ½
    And Maddie, you basically read my mind. That’s why I like you so much!
    I have nothing to add to this fantastic post.


  25. What a GREAT video! And I'm with you. I may find some types hotter AT TIMES, but I have never had a specific type. Young. Old. Big. Small. Slim. Heavy. Butch. Fem. Anyone can be appealing. I've had friends who never varied from one specific type. I never understood that. (Oh, and I now love Lizzo.)

  26. I second this post and love the video!

    What I have long found creepy and off putting is when a couple looks so close and much alike. Wouldn't you want some variety? It's like dating your brother or yourself. Creepy.

  27. I’ll have one from column a, a couple from column b, and all of the rest. Not greedy though.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!