Sunday, June 16, 2019


This post is for Christina who said she couldn't wait to see the foxes. Since last time we visited the usual suspects around the Casa du Borghese, there has been much excitement. Over the last few weeks, I have gotten some beautiful pictures. I  knew the foxes were still here, for their screaming at night gives them away. It wasn't till my afternoon outing to see Anne Marie and Fearsome that I caught my first glimpse of her new kits. Oh my goodness are they adorable and have been very active in the ivy bed at night. I often sit outside very late, and it's amazing how close they get. But I dare not move. Surprisingly, they have been sighted in the day time when it's quiet here with everyone out.

The mother vixen by the refuse area. Look at that beauty!!!!!!
Two of the four baby kits this year. She has got quite the active bunch this year. The father has also been present. Red foxes pair for life. They remain together from mid winter through summer. In the autumn they become solitary, but then reunite to mate in January and February. New kits come along in early April usually.  On two separate occasion I got some fun video  on my phone one afternoon with my friend Pixie.
Brace yourself for cuteness.....

Meanwhile Ozzie and Harriett had quite the flock!!!!
I noticed one day there number went up. I wondered if they adopted some poor goslings that got left behind from another couple. Canadian Geese have a strong urge to be parental and have been know to even raise ducklings. To my knowledge they hold there own from the foxes. Just wait till my geese lay feet deep of goose droppings in DC!

Beautiful Red!!
 His female right now is molting and wouldn't have it to be photographed. A chirping sparrow sits behind him.
The Blue Jays are all grown now and currently have quite the noisy flock. Blue Jays and their young return each year to their location. I may have to count them in on my world domination to rid  DC of the evilness. Their not to fond of whats been going on. And as we know Jays are not to be trifled with.
Fun fact...the pigment in Blue Jay feathers is melanin, which is brown. The blue color is caused by scattering light through modified cells on the surface of the feather barbs. My neighbors must love the noise.
This fellow showed up in the woods. I believe it's a warbler of some sort.
What are you looking at?
My peckers have tripled!!!! I still have the Red Bellied couple. One can hear their drain pipe ditty every morning.
The cute little Downy perched on a rock
And I was very excited to see my first ever Pileated Woodpecker!!!! My god are they huge!!!! I have only spotted him twice, but I now know they are here.
One of the first and last birds to serenade is the lovely catbird. One of my favorite birds. They are actually quite intelligent and can emulate the sound of up to 12 other birds. But their own song is quite pretty. They often sing till the darkness hits.
A lovely mourning dove....
Nocturne flew in to repot about the great numbers of ravens, crows and blackbird numbers I have in my army now.  We are going to make the Birds film look like a walk in the park.
Last but certainly not least is my dear Bouvier, who tells me the squirrels are also part of my world domination on DC, by the tens of thousands. He says they have quite the diabolical  plan ready and in place. It will be total mayhem. Bouvier greets me in the morning to collect the peanut I take out, and drops me a few more tidbits of the plan. 

We all intend to smash the wheel.
Don't be fooled by our cuteness.


  1. That's a regular nature reserve you've got there.

    1. and that's not even taking in all those houseboys.

  2. Foxy mama certainly has long legs! Beautiful little critters. In my backyard, I've seen one or two blue jays. The kind with the little Mohawk on their heads. I think they're called Stellars Jays.
    These pictures are wonderful (I'm running out of superlatives for your work) and colorful. By the by, for world domination you are going to need some gulls. They did most of the damage in that movie.
    I wanna put Bouvier in my pocket and carry him around with me. He is so very cute. I am never fooled by cuteness! I had babies!
    The purple flowers, are they irises? Very pretty.

    1. I have seen pictures of Stellars but we don't get those around here. Bouvier has been here now for close to 8 years. I have a video of him to post soon. And yes, those were my mini irises, and have long bloomed. There are several batches of them, one of my favorites.

      I worry as I get older I may end up like Little Edie in a run down Casa du Borghese talking to racoons and cats!

    2. "...talking to raccoons and cats", the down side being? Well, cats can be a little patronizing. Stick with dogs :) As long as you have houseboys the Casa will never get run down.

  3. Mistress, remind me to never trifle with you!!!!! It will be like the end of the world!!!! Stunning pictures as always and I know first hand how you adore your fox. Great footage. And I do think that Bouvier is quite adorable.

  4. Abby volunteers to send our squirrels to
    DC to set things right.
    Really loves the pictures! xoxoxoxo

    1. Abby is such a selfless doggy, bless her little giving heart.

  5. You should start giving nature tours in full drag out there! Bound to be a hit. I know I'd sign up for one.

    Greta pictures. I take for granted we just have birds, but love these close ups.

  6. I love the goslings. I have also learned many things with this post. A reason I love your interesting many interests. Those fox are quite amazing. You are lucky.

  7. Snow White meets David Attenborough... Jx

  8. I was very gleeful watching the foxes. They must really trust you. I firmly believe animals can sense a good soul.

    PILEATED WOODPECKER!!!! One of my favorites! We don't get them here though.

  9. You have done it again...melted the heart of this old soul. Beautiful!!!!! I too live Catbirds. And they are quite trusting.

  10. Fox always remind me of a cat and a dog in the same animal..
    I think i found my favorite pet.So freaking cute

  11. Those babies and fox were so darn cute!! LOL. I loved these videos. Thank you for sharing it Mistress. Put a smile on my face.

  12. Thanks, Mistress! You certainly do have special moments for sure. I felt pretty fortunate to see them fox once when visiting you. The birdies are all so pretty.

  13. Anonymous6/16/2019

    Beautiful images of all of your extended family. I am sure they are all a joy to watch.

  14. This is just lovely! You have made me evening. The colors of the birds are so cheery , but the fox...I think they know you are no harm, but watch over them I swear . The last pick got me!

  15. What must Buster think of all this???

    1. Are you kidding. He knows he's the prince!!!!!

  16. Nawwwwwww so cute I can't even!!!!!!!

    But don't you always have at least three peckers handy?

  17. So many birds and wildlife! Beautiful!

  18. What a post, a feast for the eyes. I can't ever get over the foxes with their beautiful dark legs and the paws and tails. Toooooooo cute.

  19. I saw a wolf this morning so that was cool, as I stayed inside my house with binoculars! O.O
    Love your pics Maddie.

    1. When the lad is here....all the chirping kills him in the morning. Drives him nuts.

  20. Oh my goodness!!!!!
    What a privilege to see all these wonderful photos, not just the foxes. But the videos are amazing. They must trust you. To see the babies with both parents is just the most beautiful thing. They remind me of lambs the way they leap and frolic.

    Gosh, you do me a great honour. To think of me. Thank you so much.
    I'm not very tech savvy but could this post be sent to my e-mail address? How do I go about it?

    Thank you. My face is hurting from smiling. Xx

    1. I know you would love it!!! I thought of you when getting it ready. Alas, I'm not tech savy either, but I think if the page is bookmarked as a favorite, you can share the me at We will try.

  21. I've been gadding about again. I've been to the gay pride celebration in Harrogate, North Yorkshire!
    Fabulous darling!😀

    1. Did you go with your son? I'll bet you had a great time.

    2. Haha. No. He won't do stuff like that! He's shy.
      I went with my daughter. We had a fabulous time. The rain poured down all day though.

  22. Moving to DC, or have you announced your candidacy?

    1. We plan to invade it conquer as no clear sun out the filth. Wear high boots dear.

  23. You live in your very own nature preserve! And I’ve never seen baby foxes before. Adorable.

  24. OMG the fox kits are so adorable. And the way they hop around. Reminds me of how I act when I see Sixpence 😜

    You have quite the menagerie and your army for the revolt is swelling. I predict success in your endeavors!

    1. The squirrels alone should be entertaining.

  25. What an incredible post!!!! I just melted at the video of the mother in a private moment with her one kit licking him.

    I just love these post.

  26. Oh! How did I manage to miss these photos?!? The fox cubs are so cute - they're like lambs bounding and gamboling around.
    Great bird photos as always.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!